This will be the greatest amulet of all time! Success!! almost.

Having been trying to roll new amulet to replace mine for couple months, and not being able to know exactly how many thousand Alteration orbs I had gone through, I decided to simply fill up stash tab before attempting to roll it again.
Amulet hoping to replace

Got this after 1420 alts... will use for some time, until the holy grail 20q/24r then stack rarity on regal.
This won't end anytime soon

2783 alt rolls this pops up pirates of ammassment, 18iiq / 18iir , dropped regal and stacked that iir, so stoked. still not perfect, or end result I'm after but is sick, and definitely rockin this for a while till i stock up more orbs to work with..
couple exalt and divine later

Also 'Armageddon name' matches the plate vest. maybe should roll whole set of gg MF with armageddon in theres.
after divines

exalted twice

Looking to roll 20q and 15%+ rarity before hittin with Regal.
Shouldn't be that hard right :) ? lol
Who knows, I got 5 Ilvl 77+ Gold amulets to work with, and a full tab of Alteration ready to go.

2880 Alteration in all. These were collected over course of a week. Farming hard with 177/201 mf and 148/278 mf. Also traded for many of them.
I'll likely run out of augments long before i go through even 1/4 of these alts, but w/e prob need some breaks anyway.

Have been augmenting every single mod roll in order for results below to be accurate representation of chances for each mod to appear. In hindsigh I should have been keeping track of all the augments used as well, but what can you do. Roughly 1 augment for every 2-3 alt rolls if I had to say number, or ~1000 by this point.

R.I.P Shadowtigers/ATC , you'll be missed bro, maybe someday you return to Wraeclast. Until then I dedicate crafting the perfect MF amulet to you. o/



2783 rolls

IIR Prefix

Magpies - 34
Pirates -30
Dragons - 34

Plunder - 18
Raiding - 22
Archaeology -24
Excavation -21

Collecting - 18
Gathering - 17
Hoarding - 34
Ammassment - 28

Current gear setup for 179q/219r

swapping out the sadimas touch and ring changes value to 165q/257r
or andvarius instead 150q/296r

Rejects born from this project below. Err , I mean notable rolls that I've kept throughout these sessions till now...

24% spell / 17% quantity
24% spell/ 17% fire
24% spell/ 14% light
36% elem / 32 all attribute
4-68 lightning / 68% crit multi
36 % elem / 65% crit multi

Dual MF ROLLS dual mf rolls
PIRATES of ammassment. 18iiq/18iir , stacked on regal to 18iiq /33 iir
16 iir/16 iiq
dragons of raiding, 31 iir
20 spell, 54 mana regen
The Greatest Plate Vest Of All Time!
So store. so item.
Last edited by enshin#5051 on Jul 8, 2013, 9:18:29 PM
Good luck and please post your results.
What stats are you hoping for besides iir/iiq?
"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
None, anything else will just be bonus. Not important.
I will be keeping running count of each Q/R affix as I go, Not lookin good so far, lol
The Greatest Plate Vest Of All Time!
So store. so item.
Last edited by enshin#5051 on May 20, 2013, 6:02:05 PM
Is that a 6L plate vest you're wearing...?
i too fas fo youuuuuuu
Sure is, check link in my signature there :)
Is this thing

That was my last project.

Back to the amulet rolls. Gonna be taking break on every 500 alts and posting results;

500 alts result


Pirates : 3
Magpies : 5
Dragons : 10


Plunder : 2
Collecting : 4
Raiding : 4
Archaeology: 3
Excavation : 4
Hoarding : 8
Gathering : 4
Ammassment : 4

Only one notable roll which I will keep until I require the use of this amulet to continue this project
The Greatest Plate Vest Of All Time!
So store. so item.

I know how long it takes me to farm up 3 full rows of alt stacks when my orbs have taken a beating.

I commend your dedication sir.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
This made my day! :D i applaud the op
I was told this is the place to go for a moose ride yes?
1-800-BETS OFF

call them you gambling degenerate you
Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon

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