0.10.8c Patch Notes

I would love to see a fix where I can tweak my graphic effects, if its not 5fps in group, then my eyes are getting bloody red after 3 hours of playing because of all the unnecessary flashing and stuff, I cant really see good whole day after playing...
Hovergame wrote:
If you die on some bosses, go play SC and upgrade your stuff. If you can't stay alive with your melee, go play SC and reroll. Stop asking to GGG to nerf the game so ANY player, really good or really bad, can reach level 90 in HC without even thinking about how to play.

And if you are too bored, don't seek challenges in electronic games, get out you basement and see how sun shines... ;)

I don't think that artificially increasing difficulty is good think, if GGG thinks that curses are too good, should rather balance their overall usage, not only against bosses.

And it should be no artificial difficulty increase before desync problems will be fixed.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Brigs wrote:
Everything in this patch was included because it was ready to deploy before the rest of the changes coming in 0.11.0.

I'm sorry, curses were overpowered in boss-fights. Get over it!

If you think that there are only a few select builds that work in HC, you are wrong. There are new builds being brought to level 80+ every day. Myself and the people I play with in the 1-month are proof of that. There are so many working mechanics in this game that you would be hard-pressed to try them all. By that logic, none of you have attempted every possible build, and you cannot honestly say that only this or that build works.

This. Save your complaints until after 0.11 if anything.
IGN : Jovial
Last edited by yhateful#2635 on May 21, 2013, 4:38:38 AM
Since evidently many of you dont seem to know this i will share this with you:

QQ-ing against QQ-ing has the opposite effect if you want less QQ-ing

Could those of you that want less QQ-ing please stop QQ-ing against the QQ-ing?

No im not QQ-ing against QQ-ing against QQ-ing (although if i where you could theoretically QQ about it) but im simply nicely asking to stop the vicious circle.
IGN: Artimunor
Darkrox01 wrote:
Instead of fixing the insane performance problems you update stuff that nobody asked for (except for the last maybe).

I really like this game, but i'm starting to get mad at you.

Cannot agree more

(lol @ curse nerf - some bosses one-shot you WITH enfeeble - a 50% enfeeble is just ridiculous... would have been better if bosses only are limited to 1 curse)

But I already stopped playing this game - doesnt make sense without any endgame content...
i am a very part-time-casual-player and the curse-nerf will hurt my recently started bow-witch-project a lot. i hate it - please make at least the whispers of doom or hex-master keystone

a) easier to reach - eg: by removing the 3x6% faster cursing-nodes.


b) worth more - eg: curses on bosses stay at full strength.

i have to invest a lot of points to get there and have not the currency to obtain a +1-curse-unique item.
Qarl wrote:
This patch should be deployed tomorrow.

Version 0.10.8c
  • Act and map bosses now have reduced effect of curses on them.
  • Block reduction is now a multiplicative rather than subtractive stat.

Curse nerf, I don't oppose - making game harder is generally a good thing, but the reality is that it will make bosses harder only for solo players mostly, who weren't having an easy time to begin with. Party play is still face roll mode, so what does this accomplish really?

Block reduction. Lolwut? Almost no one takes these nodes to begin with, but now you make them from "very situational and inconveniently placed, there are lots more better nodes to spend your precious points on" to "complete and utter shit, if you took them UR A NOOB HAHAHA AND NO SKILL REFUND FOR YOU" (as I assume there will be no free resets for players that actually have invested in these nodes?).
Last edited by jazzy_poe#3368 on May 21, 2013, 8:13:18 AM
Gohei27 wrote:
the qq in this thread is strong. if you haven't finished merciless by now you never were, go back to crying on the battle.net forums please.

The idiocy in this post is strong.
No offense...but what is with these items where you can use them with some benefits but can't use another item or have some other huge drawback? Create uniques that are useful without drawbacks...these items are terrible creations IMO. I can't think of another game I played where there was 1 item like this let alone a few now...
Sycotekk wrote:
I love how there are people who say that this is a useless update, just because it maybe doesn't affect them. Loving the curse nerf on bosses and I'm glad there is something redone regarding audio reverb.

I'm just casual, but was browsing the forum the other week and saw threads were players were highlighting that spawn issue and the reverb and dialoue issues.

So yea, I don't see how these updates are useless or not what players wanted.
Seems like the developers are being very proactive to me.

But hey, this is the internet and this is its age. These pissy kids have grown up being whiny, wanting and demanding everything immediately, and not giving anything.

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