why dont more people race
I'm really enjoying the races despite not being very good at them. With the newly adjusted point values, I can generally grab 4 points from a race due to the level I achieve. I didn't race or really play at all in season one, due to common DCs and being too busy to game very much. Nowadays I have no DC issues, just the occasional desync, so I've been having fun with the races although I've had no characters progress to Act 3 in the game (racing or otherwise). I will say that for me, personally, the race rewards are not motivating.
I've barely played outside of the Season 2 races, so I've found almost no uniques myself and have very little in terms of currency items. The rewards that would encourage me to race more would be items that are twink-worthy, or currency rewards. For season 2, the first reward is definitely twink-worthy, and I was happy to earn one of those. Unfortunately, the next 4 rewards are either unique weapons (far less twinkable than armor/jewelry in general) or a white ammy with alt art. These rewards aren't helpful, although I'll admit some desire to get the ammy with the alt art and Death's Harp does look pretty interesting. I know I'd be better off progressing a non-race character into later difficulties and farming some decent items than I am racing and trying to earn some rewards. I still race anyway, because I enjoy seeing how far I can get. Other people have played quite a bit and found most of the common uniques, so I've heard from some friends that the races offer nothing new and they're not really interested. They know they won't earn the better rewards since they're not that great at racing, and they already have the lower rewards and aren't motivated enough by the alt art. I'm not sure you can come up with a system to reward everyone, but having more choice in the rewards might help with that. For example, having a pool of items that each cost different amounts of points, and getting to choose how to spend your points would make a difference to me. I definitely would have bought the Karui Ward for twinking, but I'd probably be saving up points for a Carnage Heart or Tabula Rasa rather than getting the next 4 rewards. And if I could save my points from the previous 4 rewards, even at my pace I'd have a chance of getting enough points to earn those cooler items. I also like the random awards that were implemented as well, although my odds are pretty low in getting any of those due to the small number of points I earn. Maybe I'll get lucky. =) |
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