1 month Race streaming/ RIP 69 died to monkey 2 shot
" Ha, thanks, didn't think anyone was watching ^_^ So I haven't put a update in for two days. Over the last 2 days I have made it to docks in merci. I was scared to go there at level 64 because I did not have max fire res. So I picked up a angelic shield alched it and didn't get any more resist on it. Running around in docks with someone else named amanleaps, guy has near 3.0 as and lighting strikes like a boss. He then walked into a triple LMP dog rare pack and face tanked all of them. Seeing that gave me.. courage! ( im like a lion now! ) So I saw another lmp dog pack pulled one of the dogs away from the group so I could test out his damage on myself, after about .5 seconds enough time for me to go, oh my ... move! I got away with about 200 hps. So lesson learned, he was a truly a man that leaps and me well... I am no lion that's for sure, more like a daddy long leg spider whose fangs are just long enough to puncture you and run away. Last night I also picked up some upgrades that I am super excited about:
Tonight goal is to grind out some levels and maybe find a few maps while staying alive, staying alive is the most important goal of all. I will also link my skill build so far in case people are interested.
Lastly, if anyone wants to group up or needs help let me know. Also if you want better loot filters I put up a post in suggestions. Main points are, be able to filter loot out by sockets, and change map drop colors so you don't lose them in the chaos of all the other white items. Ill be online streaming in about 40 minutes from now, send me a message in game @twitchxtvxnithryok or leave a post hear or head over to my stream and chat it up. It gets lonely seeing people come to watch but never talk : ( ** online now ** Twitch.tv/Nithryok Last edited by Nithryok#2577 on May 7, 2013, 10:32:24 PM
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well RIP died to being 2 shot by a monkey in market place really my own damn fault I was being stupid and running through shit fast since I did battle from for the spool and was destroying everything. Decided to go to market place to go to the sewers and do the blocked passage.
Monkey had deals extra substantial damage aura and hits accuratly, found of rather fought a hasted lmp dog pack... Finally got all my new gear on as well... had 2200 life and 2500 es was doing 360 spark damage. Guess I still haven't learned, over confendence is deadly. Twitch.tv/Nithryok Last edited by Nithryok#2577 on May 8, 2013, 1:08:58 AM
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Would anyone want to start up a fresh group for this tonight and power through stuff gangum style?
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So.. with 1.08 I had to play.. So I made a new character, his name is omega reactor, his main skills are, tempest shield, molten shield, and discharge.
It was super slow leveling still I just got discharge and enough dex to use frenzy with it to build up stacks. I am just a color full walking nuke reactor ready to explode! I have been thinking about picking up a vols for power charges but I'm not sure if I want to yet. So far this build take ALOT of micro management making each skill is up and you are building all your charges. Solo play with this build molten shield almost kill everything and whats not dead discharge finishes off. Currently level 37 and progressing slowly. I think it would of been better and faster to level with a different skill set but it's just so much fun exploding everything! This is my work in progress build, I planned a different one out before I started, but didn't take into account INT/DEX requirements and the amount of mana I would need and how to sustain it. I'm fairly sure ill be able to drop the + dex/int nodes late on down the path some where around level 60. I also thought about going blood magic with this build, and that is what I may end up doing if mana consumption gets much worse.
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1. Update, So I have been doing races and playing this guy as much, kinda disappointed with this build. In theory craft if seemed amazing, but lower level discharge damage is underwhelming.
2. 5 end/3 frenzy charges, discharged linked with conc effect and it only does 1k dmg. This is not even close enough to being able to 1 shot packs. Hell it does maybe 3/4 dmg with all those stacks. This makes it very frustrating to level this character, I have been debating on deleting it. Last thing I am going to try is get iron will and link that with discharge. If this does not work... 3. I also thought about placing discharge with remote mine for extra damage but not sure how this would work. Does it take the current damage with all the charges and place the mine or, does it just place the mine and when it explodes it uses the current charges you have? I know no one is going to answer this since don't think anyone has really tried it yet? 4. I'll be setting this guy aside and I want to make a cold-snap, arctic breath build. 5. I also want to make some build with range attack totems, but I don't think it would work well. Might well make a ranger at that point. Twitch.tv/Nithryok
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So I decided the other night to drop my discharge character, in favor of AB build I am currently running. Power leveled up to lvl 38 so far, plan on getting mid 40's tonight before the immolation race.
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