/popcorn - the daily deals and microtransaction thread

Curring wrote:
I'm fed up of seeing those on offer, seems to be the same items now, can we have some other items that haven't been put on for some time. >-<

Could you provide some examples of things you'd like to see go on sale?
Well theres not many I want, I have most of the stuff lol. It would just nice to see some items that aren't as popular get some love, theres plenty of pets/armour effects that rarely see the light of sale.

I don't think tribal storm call or arctic skull have been on offer at all though, maybe the medusa head also (Granted they're fairly new. I could be wrong but I do check the deals more or less every day, it's like my morning paper.... :/
Curring wrote:
I'm fed up of seeing those on offer, seems to be the same items now, can we have some other items that haven't been put on for some time. >-<
Agreee. I want to see Antlers, Victorious Wings, and other effects we can ADD to skin xfers.. Also skin xfer pack 33% off!!?
Dragon Fireball effect 38% off - 55 points.

Okey dokey!
I'm looking for 10 pack skin transfer, turquoise weapon effect, ferret pet, and maybe silver wings.
Fire Ferrets
Dreggon wrote:
Dragon Fireball effect 38% off - 55 points.

Okey dokey!

Bought it for my CoC build. Funny thing is that it goes so fast I can't even make out the dragons!

At least the trailing effect is noticeable.
Been 6 months since summon skeletons MTX went on sale.

I was actually expecting them to make a sale after they buffed the nodes for summoners recently, but that hasn't happened.
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
Tiki Totem skin 38% off - 55 points.

These would sell way waaay better if you could apply them to totems that aren't Spell Totems. I want an Olmec Totem that has a Searing Bond coming out of its mouth.
Ethereal Stars effect 42% off - 20 points.

Good with Cast on Crit builds, like that one Cyclone one. Big stars!
Ice Crown helmet effect 47% off - 50 points.

This one looks really good! Definitely grab it if you don't have it.

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