/popcorn - the daily deals and microtransaction thread

Infernal Fox pet 36% off - 160 points.

I can barely read that 160. Also yeah character slots would be a good sale.
need stash tab it's been over 1 month since last stash tab discount
* Forum Avatar - $500USD
... -- Bex_GGG
Dreggon wrote:
Curring wrote:
I can rest well now there has been a daily deal.

Does anyone know if the current supporter packs will be changed? If so I wonder if they would make armour skins to accompany them?

Though I do wonder how much the seraph set will cost, I'll guess at 750.

I'll throw my hat into the ring for around 600 for all the pieces separately, and 500 for the set as a whole.

Well, I was close-ish!
I didn't expect it to be that cheap, I was expecting like 200 per piece but I'm not complaining, needless to say I bought the set...
Infernal Weapon effect 41% off - 165 points.

Fire, blood and other things to do with the Vaal, probably!
I like how well these go together. I have the champs back piece but it seems to big and clunky to fit well. :/

Curring wrote:
I like how well these go together. I have the champs back piece but it seems to big and clunky to fit well. :/


Really digging the skin set... Does anyone know if there's been word from GGG regarding the potential of future sales for the Seraph set? I'm somewhat apprehensive to "pull the trigger" on the set in case it gets added to this thread in the near future..

Does anyone agree they'd like a confirmation that the set will never be a daily deal, only that the pieces would be discounted (perhaps bringing them down individually to the discounted set price, or close).. or am I just a weirdo for caring enough to wait/ask?
Curring wrote:
I like how well these go together. I have the champs back piece but it seems to big and clunky to fit well. :/


Really digging the skin set... Does anyone know if there's been word from GGG regarding the potential of future sales for the Seraph set? I'm somewhat apprehensive to "pull the trigger" on the set in case it gets added to this thread in the near future..

Does anyone agree they'd like a confirmation that the set will never be a daily deal, only that the pieces would be discounted (perhaps bringing them down individually to the discounted set price, or close).. or am I just a weirdo for caring enough to wait/ask?

If you want a sale on the set, wait a few months!
Dreggon wrote:

If you want a sale on the set, wait a few months!

Nonono, I'm happy to pay full price for the set.

However, I would like some confirmation that the set will not be going on sale, at all.. I would hate to put the $40 down to see it discounted by even just $5 any time soon..

I think in the future they should be discounted individually, or perhaps a sale of "buy 2 pieces get 15% off the third" ... w/e is decided will work.. but it seems logical to keep the set price at a fixed $40, so people who want to purchase the entire set but are apprehensive (like myself) will feel more confident putting the $40 down.

When it comes to selling pixels (cosmetic MTX's), best to negate buyer's remorse by every means..
Lightning Skull Wrath 38% off - 55 points.

Reckon it'd be smarter to sell microtransactions for builds people are using.

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