/popcorn - the daily deals and microtransaction thread
Arrowneous wrote:
Dreggon wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
Given that post-league Remove Only tabs (NOT race rewards) automatically transfer to any new stash tabs purchased, randomly, I think I'm gonna have to take a pass. ='[.]'=
Aw, hell, what? It never did that before and I liked that it didn't. My tabs are a disorganised mess, I don't need that to become worse.
Join the Path of Disillusion group. You'll need to get in line behind me though.
I first realized the huge "ocean sized" problem (yes GGG, for one of your techs using the analogy of a problem being compared to "crossing a ditch" or "crossing an ocean" in difficulty to solve I will forever use that metaphor) on July 5th (eastern standard time, USA) to see what quantity of RO (remove-only) tabs I now have in Standard League. Then after a short time the light bulb went on over my head and the ramifications of this:
Chris stated:
"We recently made a change where the contents of a remove-only tab are automatically moved into a new stash tab as one is purchased. This was primarily to fix a technical problem, but happens to also help users who purchase a lot of stash tabs when challenge leagues end and don't want to have to move the items across one at a time."
hit me in the forehead (sadly it was not a V8 moment). What GGG has done to solve some kind of race stash tab problem:
Christ stated in an email reply: "Thanks for the mail!
The core problem here is how our stash code works. There's no way to choose which tab is upgraded, which causes a problem in some circumstances where users can receive an unlimited number of stash tabs (without having to do any races). The change to how the stash tab purchases work (where it increases your entitlement of real tabs, rather than forcibly generating a real one each time) was to fix that. We're not really concerned with people using remove-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing.
I'm not completely happy with the solution and want to find a better one.
Kind regards,
has forever (as the PoE forum grape vine is hinting that GGG will not change it back, probably because of the other technical problem that GGG can't code a solution to) destroyed the ability to buy a stash tab bundle when on sale (as it is today) and have 6 new and empty stash tabs added to your stash.
I'm working through a particularly messy bought of consolidation and downsizing of my Standard League stash (I hate anyone who calls that league scrubcore). It would be nice if I could buy another 6 premium tabs today and get my total which is currently 30 normal + 68 RO tabs (had 78 RO but eliminated 10 last night) expanded to 36 normal tabs. But no, oh no, GGG has to go and screw it all up because their programmers can't code themselves out of the technical problem that Chris talks about but doesn't explain very well (how can players receive an unlimited number of stash tabs without having to do any races? WTF?) and thus we are totally screwed in the purchasing of additional storage space.
I have to laugh at this tragedy (I'll rage quit if I don't) over this mess. But wait, it gets worse. Look at what Chris said in the email reply to another player about this change:
We're not really concerned with people using remove-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing.
WOW... double WOW... even triple WOW!!!!
Let that sink in for a moment. GGG does not have a problem with me keeping my four month league stash as long term storage. Great so far, but then by the very nature of the change in the way newly purchased stash tabs are activated 6 of my "long-term storage" remove-only tabs are going to be converted to normal tabs. So 6 tabs will no longer be "long-term" storage tabs anymore after I buy a bundle of them. Hold on one more time PoE loyalists, here's another big "WTF GGG!" moment:
"There's no way to choose which tab is upgraded"
GGG, true to their RNG loving ways, is going to randomly pick a block of 6 RO tabs and make them normal tabs. That's another WTF are you doing to us GGG rage thought! Some of my Ambush League stash tabs were 100% full and now are Standard League RO tabs. So you, GGG, in your infinite "all things RNG" way are going to pick which 6 RO tabs become normal tabs. So I could get some of my 90% to 100% full RO tabs (that GGG is on record as ok to keep as long term storage) made into normal storage tabs when I buy any.
Wow, Chris is being 2 faced here, has been caught in the middle of this mess, and as per the GGG norm will probably stay completely mute over this fiasco and we won't get an official response or any fix that would take us back to the way it was when buying a stash tab meant getting a new additional tab added to our stash.
What a total FU mess you have created GGG!!! You sure have ruined stash tab purchasing. I have to take a huge pass on today's sale because of this mess.
NOTE: We all should either Feedback post or email technical support over this to protest just how big a problem this is and that a swift resolution going back to the way it was is needed.
I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't hijack other Threads for your own agenda. Thank you.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Jul 10, 2014, 8:50:23 AM
I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't hijack other Threads for your own agenda. Thank you.
Sorry, but GGG has directly and very negatively affected Stash Tab Bundle sales and we are faced with a major problem that we can't buy the Premium Stash Tab Bundle on sale today. I am so infuriated (PoE is just a game and I'll not loose sleep over this but still...) with what GGG has done that I needed to make it painfully clear to GGG (and anyone else not aware) that we really can't buy any more stash tabs (on sale or not) because the devs didn't think through completely what the full ramifications are in changing the way new stash tabs are activated. You've at least got to acknowledge that GGG screwed up here and as such the Daily Deals Premium Stash Tab Bundle is un-purchasable for anyone wanting to keep their read-only tabs as read-only long term storage and add new storage space.
Note: This is not just my wild and crazy agenda. This affects all of us who want to continue to play a build in Standard or Hardcore and want to increase our storage space.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.
The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Jul 10, 2014, 10:08:31 AM
I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't hijack other Threads for your own agenda. Thank you.
You've at least got to acknowledge that GGG screwed up here and as such the Daily Deals Premium Stash Tab Bundle is un-purchasable for anyone wanting to keep their read-only tabs as read-only long term storage and add new storage space.
I don't believe the tabs were intended for long term storage, seeing as the leagues all have time durations.
Anyways, really happy about the timing of this premium stash tab bundle coming before the start of the new leagues. Already made my purchases. Thanks GGG.
I'm sorry, but that is 100% bullshit and false. I will repeat what Chris stated in an email reply:
"We're not really concerned with people using remove-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing."
With what Chris said my desire to keep remove-only tabs from Ambush League (or any other) has been validated by GGG and your thinking that remove-only tabs were intended as short term storage only is not correct.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.
The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Aw, hell, what? It never did that before and I liked that it didn't. My tabs are a disorganised mess, I don't need that to become worse.
Join the Path of Disillusion group. You'll need to get in line behind me though.
I first realized the huge "ocean sized" problem (yes GGG, for one of your techs using the analogy of a problem being compared to "crossing a ditch" or "crossing an ocean" in difficulty to solve I will forever use that metaphor) on July 5th (eastern standard time, USA) to see what quantity of RO (remove-only) tabs I now have in Standard League. Then after a short time the light bulb went on over my head and the ramifications of this:
Chris stated:
"We recently made a change where the contents of a remove-only tab are automatically moved into a new stash tab as one is purchased. This was primarily to fix a technical problem, but happens to also help users who purchase a lot of stash tabs when challenge leagues end and don't want to have to move the items across one at a time."
hit me in the forehead (sadly it was not a V8 moment). What GGG has done to solve some kind of race stash tab problem:
Christ stated in an email reply: "Thanks for the mail!
The core problem here is how our stash code works. There's no way to choose which tab is upgraded, which causes a problem in some circumstances where users can receive an unlimited number of stash tabs (without having to do any races). The change to how the stash tab purchases work (where it increases your entitlement of real tabs, rather than forcibly generating a real one each time) was to fix that. We're not really concerned with people using remove-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing.
I'm not completely happy with the solution and want to find a better one.
Kind regards,
has forever (as the PoE forum grape vine is hinting that GGG will not change it back, probably because of the other technical problem that GGG can't code a solution to) destroyed the ability to buy a stash tab bundle when on sale (as it is today) and have 6 new and empty stash tabs added to your stash.
I'm working through a particularly messy bought of consolidation and downsizing of my Standard League stash (I hate anyone who calls that league scrubcore). It would be nice if I could buy another 6 premium tabs today and get my total which is currently 30 normal + 68 RO tabs (had 78 RO but eliminated 10 last night) expanded to 36 normal tabs. But no, oh no, GGG has to go and screw it all up because their programmers can't code themselves out of the technical problem that Chris talks about but doesn't explain very well (how can players receive an unlimited number of stash tabs without having to do any races? WTF?) and thus we are totally screwed in the purchasing of additional storage space.
I have to laugh at this tragedy (I'll rage quit if I don't) over this mess. But wait, it gets worse. Look at what Chris said in the email reply to another player about this change:
We're not really concerned with people using remove-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing.
WOW... double WOW... even triple WOW!!!!
Let that sink in for a moment. GGG does not have a problem with me keeping my four month league stash as long term storage. Great so far, but then by the very nature of the change in the way newly purchased stash tabs are activated 6 of my "long-term storage" remove-only tabs are going to be converted to normal tabs. So 6 tabs will no longer be "long-term" storage tabs anymore after I buy a bundle of them. Hold on one more time PoE loyalists, here's another big "WTF GGG!" moment:
"There's no way to choose which tab is upgraded"
GGG, true to their RNG loving ways, is going to randomly pick a block of 6 RO tabs and make them normal tabs. That's another WTF are you doing to us GGG rage thought! Some of my Ambush League stash tabs were 100% full and now are Standard League RO tabs. So you, GGG, in your infinite "all things RNG" way are going to pick which 6 RO tabs become normal tabs. So I could get some of my 90% to 100% full RO tabs (that GGG is on record as ok to keep as long term storage) made into normal storage tabs when I buy any.
Wow, Chris is being 2 faced here, has been caught in the middle of this mess, and as per the GGG norm will probably stay completely mute over this fiasco and we won't get an official response or any fix that would take us back to the way it was when buying a stash tab meant getting a new additional tab added to our stash.
What a total FU mess you have created GGG!!! You sure have ruined stash tab purchasing. I have to take a huge pass on today's sale because of this mess.
NOTE: We all should either Feedback post or email technical support over this to protest just how big a problem this is and that a swift resolution going back to the way it was is needed.
I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't hijack other Threads for your own agenda. Thank you.
Arrowneous was simply expanding on what I had already stated regarding this current "Daily Deal," and I am grateful for the additional information, which is otherwise not generally available. Not a hijacking. ='[.]'=
Arrowneous was simply expanding on what I had already stated regarding this current "Daily Deal," and I am grateful for the additional information, which is otherwise not generally available. Not a hijacking. ='[.]'=
How about the Thread-Links he posted? Is the information not available there either?
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Jul 10, 2014, 12:49:47 PM
Arrowneous was simply expanding on what I had already stated regarding this current "Daily Deal," and I am grateful for the additional information, which is otherwise not generally available. Not a hijacking. ='[.]'=
How about the Thread-Links he posted? Is the information not available there either?
Now, now... This is not a thread about thread hijacking. Dun hijack the thread. =^[.]~=