/popcorn - the daily deals and microtransaction thread

Uisdean_Mor wrote:
Vulpix0r wrote:
Wait a second, you can put 2 microtransactions on 1 item?
Yes and no.

Many of the cosmetics replace the actual armor piece (so far as appearance goes)
Like a re-skin.
Then of course you can place an effect on top of it.

(in the case above, Medusa Snakes is the re-skin, and Halo is the effect)
*I am pretty sure I could also use one more specifically being; 'no head' but that's a bit different.. you end up with floating effects. (yay)

I think my favorite is Still 'Demon Kings Horns' and the 'Divine Sign'.

(you can see a bunch of combos in the thread that is in my sig.) *shameless plug

Nice stuff you got in there. Can you suggest an imbuing effect to match the Guardian Mask? I was thinking of the Aurate Halo! It's going to be on a Templar.
Uisdean_Mor wrote:
As mentioned; Halo is one of my least favorite effects to use..
(it looks rather silly from behind, as if you have a disc strapped to your head, bulky items that over lap the disc and make it more-so a halo work nicely).

All I could say is; if it works for you, do it. Much like the rest of PoE.

I haven't bought the Halo but I will take your word for it. That said, I have the Victorious Wings effect, and I'm looking for a helmet skin to replace my godawful Praetor Crown. Got any suggestions for any specific helmets that will go well?
Ebony Weapon effect 37% off - 75 points.
No offer today? :(
Pay To Win Fireworks - 15 points each.

Necrotic Footprints effect 35% off - 45 points.
Ferret pet?
Fire Ferrets
Sigh, it's the Orange portal. :(
Orange Portal effect 33% off - 50 points.

I like the new Seraph Footprints that are coming out. Weapon effect looks a lot like another one that I can't recall at the moment.

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