Orb of Chance Community Log

5 magic, will add more as I continue my quest for Kaom's Heart.
7 chance

7 magic >.<
Professionally Noob!
IGN: MangKanor_
I swear, chances dont even give me rares O~O>

More gold rings....for dat andvarius...

11 magic, 1 rare.
IGN: Flickerdart
attempt craft Lioneye`s Glare

Base imperial bow


ItemLevel 75.

100 Orb of Chance/100 Orb of Scouring


Magic - 81
Rare - 19

Lioneye`s Glare - 0

to be cont...

P.S. What do you think about the impact IR and locations?
ign VenJkE
VenJkE wrote:

P.S. What do you think about the impact IR and locations?

Impact IR/locations? What do you mean by this?
50 more trys

Item ilvl Magic Rare
Karui Maul 60 1 1
Karui Maul 61 1
Karui Maul 62 13 5
Karui Maul 63 7 4
Karui Maul 64 15 1
Karui Maul 65
Karui Maul 66 2

Magic: 39
Rare: 11
Unique: 0
30 orbs so far not one uniq summoner neck :/
People will hate me but i used the hilarious amount of 1 orb of chance on a gold ring and got the Andvarius...
MonopolyLegend wrote:

Impact IR/locations? What do you mean by this?

IR increases the chance to be the subject of drop rare or unique. Can this option indirectly influence the outcome orb of chance? While I do not have the gear on IR but in the future we would like to test with least 100 orbs of chance and IR 300%. Locations - i do my craft on Quanity Map +20% )
ign VenJkE
Last edited by VenJkE#2088 on Feb 27, 2013, 12:55:40 PM
20 Sapphire rings (with 30% cold res)
20 orbs of chance:

5 rare
15 magic

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