Demone3 wrote:
interesting build, definetly has poptential.
however - with great power comes no surviveabilty.. :(
running a T16 map, and getting hit by a mob is an instakill, even in the 700d variant of the build.

Famously dubious survival, but super fun to play.
Thx for build

Starting league with r build Power siphon and now try this build. So much fun and fast (150d build)
Last edited by NintendiQQ#6886 on Sep 9, 2024, 7:11:13 AM
So for those of You who have "only" the 30 div and hardly make any currency and dont have a "good" build to farm currency this may be a hard build for You.
The 30DIV version as the guide says LITERALLY its just to test the "core" out. Its not like it dies sometimes, it dies alot, even managed to use out portal or lost items cause no portals left. Also the 30div can be 20div if You wait few days / scan the trade or it can be 50 div (like i paid) to make it in "few hours".
The main problem are the spells / projectiles of the mobs, they dont let me to get to them, ofc i also die in the "packs".

I ofc run 8 mod juiced maps (the current state of the league well almost all run it) so the mods can be hard, using the Regex posted here.

From the "core" build idea its fun, similar to COC i have on my occultist but a bit slower (movement), sadly "same" survival or lower (30div build, and the coc was like 150 so probably should not compare).

Not sure what to do with it now, i would love to test the 150div but im not sure it will be faster (movement/kill) and overall better (survival) or still a cheap "fake" of the 700div build (that i cant afford atm, and probably will not this league).

For All of You who want to try something new this league or have to much currency / time try it. But dont think its the "video" effect and take the guide information 1:1 if it says its just to test the build idea (30div) that is true :)

Trying this build and it's very fun but also very weak in term of defenses even at the 150div budget. Key is to keep a close look to hp and spam hp flask as soon its start going down (don't worry it will refill very quickly). Very fast clear of maps and bossing, very cool!

What I don't understand is where tf do the DPS from the Elemental Mastery is coming from. I have roughly the same build as that 150d budget but with low tier stats and my pob isn't showing that DPS.
increasd critical damage gem in the cyclone setup switch for? pulverise? eartwake?

this is my try on 700div setup but i miss something like 100m dps


Last edited by Beskaius#7186 on Sep 20, 2024, 3:32:58 AM
poderia me explicar quais as camadas defencivas da build de 150D
eu fiz sua build e tem muito dps e é bem divertida porem to sentindo que as vezes morro de hit kill e acho que tem como melhorar isso

Me fala se vai colocar o PoB do início da build e a progressão durante os atos e nos primeiros mapas, para farmar os divs e conseguir transicionar para as versões de divines!?
Unsure how much I spent, but able to run un-id'd t17's most of the time.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
SexonFive wrote:
Necro Settelrs Event (Build Starter)

[League Starter Experimental Build]

Hey everyone!

I've decided to refine this build and adapt it as a viable league starter, aiming to overcome the various challenges that come with the start of a new league. Please keep in mind that this version is still experimental and will undergo several updates as I continue to test and improve it.

For those interested in trying it out, here is a PoB I used to reach level 72. It's just an initial reference, and many adjustments are yet to come.

If you want to follow the build's progress in real time and get more details, you can catch me live on YouTube or Twitch. Feel free to join and share your thoughts!

Thanks for the support and feedback, and happy farming!

: https://pobb.in/nHCTUEfNVDXd

3.25 Setters of Kalguur

Hello everyone, this is Afana! I'm very happy to share my latest creation: "GIGA CYCLONE BOMBER." In this post, you'll find three versions of the build, along with recommendations and tips for each one. I'll also explain how the build works so you can fully understand and enjoy this setup.


1. 30 Divine Version:

This is the most affordable version of the build, perfect for testing to see if you enjoy the playstyle.
Note: Survivability is limited in this version, so your gameplay skills will be crucial.

2. 150 Divine Version:

In this version, we add the Headhunter, which makes the gameplay much more fun.
Survivability is slightly better than the 30 divine version, but you still need to play cautiously.

3. 700 Divine Version:

Here, we unlock the full potential of the build. This version is still being optimized, but it’s already extremely powerful.
Below, you’ll find gameplay videos and a complete guide for this version.


Uber Boss Showcase: https://youtu.be/62aKWbkBadI?si=a2Xybpyk5w9nHJP-
Bomber Showcase: https://youtu.be/g_GhHcyj0rk?si=2YnlTBADLcygh1xI
Complete Guide: https://youtu.be/zkDY3NnScm4

Note: If the language of the video is an issue, focus on the details I present. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions, and I'll respond as quickly as possible.


Damage Sources:


Cyclone is a channeling melee attack skill that rapidly hits all enemies in a circular area around the player.
It's great for focusing damage on single targets and also for clearing maps.

Vaal Earthquake:

Vaal Earthquake creates cracks in the ground that erupt after a short duration. Moving creates new cracks until a total of 9 are formed.
While this skill is active, small shockwaves are also generated around the character with each step, triggering the "BOMBER" aspect of the build.

Shockwave Support:

Shockwave is the second largest damage source of the build, triggering shockwaves whenever "Vaal Earthquake" or "Cyclone" hits, causing a chain reaction of explosions.

General's Cry:

General's Cry summons mirage warriors that perform a linked attack skill using nearby corpses, amplifying our damage.
We use the "Ground Slam of Earthshaking" skill to maximize the damage dealt by these mirage warriors.

Explaining the CDR (Cooldown Reduction):

-General's Cry has a cooldown, so it's crucial to optimize this downtime.
I recommend using "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller" on "+10 STR" nodes in all versions of the build.
-To determine how many tattoos your build needs:
-Check your STR requirement.
-With all "Frenzy Charges" and "Onslaught" active, unequip the General's Cry gem.
-This will allow you to manually use "Ground Slam of Earthshaking" and see the "Attack Time" of this skill.
-The attack time should be at least 0.2 seconds shorter than General's Cry cooldown. This way, you can add more tattoos to improve efficiency.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! You can contact me on Discord or leave a comment on one of my videos.

Discord: @carlosteodoro

I hope you enjoy the build!
what are the pantheons you are running?

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