DOMINATRIX – ultimate melee warior (GUIDE v1.11 and videos)
Wow, the immortality conferred by Aegis Aurora and 75% block chance really caught my attention. I was running a Dominating Blow marauder for a bit until he hit a brick wall at level 63 and would die too easily -- tons of health, but no where near enough armor/resists or DPS. So I got to theorycrafting a Marauder version of your build:
Domination Marauder, Level 100 (for the lolz) 1. Passive Skill Tree (Priority: Block chance, armor, health) 2. Spreadsheet Stat Summary 525 Strength 159 Dexterity 159 Intelligence 1,374 Energy Shield 5,581 Health 298 HP Regen 280 HP Reserved 20,940 Armor 837 ES heal on block 70% Attack Block Chance 61% Spell Block Chance 86% Cold Resist 81% Fire Resist 81% Lightning Resist 719 Mana 13 MP Regen ~10,000 DPS 2.33 Attacks per second 28% movement speed Keystones/Notables of note 1. Iron Reflexes (evasion converted to armor) 2. Unwavering Stance (stun immunity) 3. Resolute Technique (never miss attacks) 4. Master of the Arena (+2 unarmed range) 5. Leather and Steel (full movement speed) 6. Elemental Adaptation (+2% max resists) 7. 282% increased armor 8. 36% increased block chance Gear (all Uniques) Weapon: None (unarmed) Shield: Aegis Aurora (ES heal on block) Gloves: Facebreaker (DPS) Helmet: Abyssus (DPS) Belt: Meginord's Girdle (DPS) Boots: Rainbowstride (Spell block) Amulet: Stone of Lazhwar (Spell block) Chest: Kaom's Heart (HP) Ring 1: Le Heup of All (stats/DPS) Ring 2: Le Heup of All (stats/DPS) Cost: ~43.6 exalted Supplementary Gear (more Uniques) Swap II Weapon: Brightbeak (Leap Slam mobility) Swap II Offhand: Brightbeak (Leap Slam mobility) Helmet: Alpha Howl (swap in to reduce aura cost) Chest: The Covenant (swap in to add flat auras to HP) Cost: ~4.4 exalted Gems 4L Head: Dominating Blow, Melee Damage, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic 4L Gloves/Boots: Purity, Haste, Hatred, Reduced Mana 4L Gloves/Boots: Determination, Discipline, Grace, Reduced Mana 3L Shield: Conversion Trap, Vulnerability, Blood Magic Second weapon set 3L Weapon: Leap Slam, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic 3L Weapon: Enfeeble, Increased Duration, Blood Magic Auras 1. Purity 2. Determination 3. Haste 4. Hatred 5. Grace 6. Discipline 98% mana reserved 280 HP reserved Mana is unused. All non-aura skills are linked to Blood Magic. Use the Alpha Howl trick to reduce mana reservation. Otherwise, you can spend 3 points in the Duelist area to get the Reduced Mana Reservation passives. Purity increases max resists. Determination multiplies armor. Grace is converted to armor by Iron Reflexes and is further increased by Determination. Discipline is doubled from your passives and intelligence. Hatred adds DPS. Haste also adds DPS, but also helps boost your otherwise slow-moving minions and Leap Slam travel speed (keep your minions teleporting to you). Build usage Leap Slam around the map like a bunny on crack. Find some victims. Swap back to your shield and Conversion Trap anything juicy. Curse at those mofos. Punch them in the face until they join you. Amass a horde of pillagers and raid the countryside. Profit. Most attacks and spells directed at you will be blocked, instantly healing your ES buffer to full. Blood magic and high life regen means you will never hear "Not enough mana." Any damage that gets through will be dramatically reduced by your high armor and resists. Your only true weakness is chaos damage at -60%. Your high life means you can take direct hits, and your high regen means chaos degen is outpaced. Converted minions will be key in distracting chaos monsters like Alchemists. Kill them fast or use Conversion Trap. If you prefer pure AOE DPS, you can at any time swap out Dominating Blow and Faster Attacks for Cyclone and Added Fire Damage. Performance Unfortunately, I'm not rich enough to afford all this gear. I do have a Kaom's Heart, which I found in the new level 67 Catacombs, so that cuts the price tag by more than half for me, but otherwise I'm not yet wealthy enough to try this out. In due time, I suppose... |
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So I finally got my character up to lvl 73. Having a blast and is definitely my favorite character to play out of all the builds I've tried. Only a few problems exist and those are mostly related to mana. But using multistrike helped a lot with that. I also use melee splash with infernal blow and since the mana cost is next to nothing I can throw on determination for the more difficult maps. Went up against map Piety and switched out my shield to Saffels Frame and was able to face tank her.
Does anyone think it's a good idea to go for the reduced cost of skills passives inbetween the templar and the marauder? This allows for better mana management and also gives the possibility of using 4 auras with dominating blow. IGN: Titania_
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" Hi, I was also theory crafting about the facebreaker marauder. We agree in like 90% of the build :). I was never thinking about Kaom’s because I cannot afford it. With this armor and Aegis Aurora you can be truly immortal. The only problem will be dps. Without 5-6L and with blood magic gem you have only 2 offensive sockets available. Probably in hybrid armor/ES chest this build will work better. The survivability is really not a problem for DB/Aegis builds so even 3k life + more ES will be sufficient and clearing speed will be much better. Here is my passive tree: Slightly less life and armor, no US but with that amount of life stun is not a problem. I add very important +45% skill duration increase. It make your minions stay longer. ing: Storm_Gaze
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" Wow, gratz for Piety :) Good idea with the shield switch. About the mana reservation - it can work I think :) ing: Storm_Gaze
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how about use Bringer of Rain with this life builds?
a lot less life than kahoms.. but... it is like 7l for dps, and on block u get endurance charges .. which is GREAT for defance, + 15% block from helm, so u will need less nodes of blocking and will be easy to get to 75%, and have high EV + armor, so it can stack armor like an 1500+= armor chest... (and u look so cool like that ). any thought? my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: - the Flash: - the oro's bridle build: |
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and anouther thing about your skill trees..... they all refer to lvl 90+, which isnt really worth mantion anyway, try to leave 20 respec point out and than doing nice build around that
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: - the Flash: - the oro's bridle build: |
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Yes, the Bringer of Rain is really cool here. With it you can remove some block nodes and have like 80level spec
I have to think more about it and probably to try it :) ing: Storm_Gaze
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" take notice of more nodes of endurance (look exactly what endurance do) , and think about use immortal call (i think that will end the problem of chaos dmg when needed) my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: - the Flash: - the oro's bridle build: |
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So, if we use bringer of rain- where do we get the bulk of our Base ES from?
(╯ಠ益ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ǝ︵ o︵ d I'm out. | |
" BoR was suggested for the life build I posted. ES wasn't coming from chest or helm. You can check out the spreadsheet to see where ES would come from (in short: shield, boots, aura, and amplified by passives). @LeMing: " Hehe, cool! " Assuming I didn't screw up what increases what, the build can reach a potential 10k DPS. I actually didn't factor in Dominating Blow's increased damage, and I'm unsure if the More Damage component applies to you as well or just your minions. Despite the support gem handicap, my build is able to catch up to yours because of the insanely high strength (105%), attack speed passives (27%), Haste aura (13%), and Le Heup rings (40%). However, I'm sure your build will achieve even more DPS with perfect gear and 20% quality level 20 gems like my imaginary build has the luxury of pretending it has. =o) The question, though, is really whether the DPS is sufficient enough to kill a mob quickly and build up a minion army. As far as my experiences go on my DB marauder I mentioned earlier, once I had a sufficient army they started doing all the work for me, and it became more a race to find the next pack to slaughter before my army timed out. This is where the 28% movement speed and Leap Slam come in. " I reasoned I only needed enough ES to act as a buffer, and focused on armor to not only increase effective HP/ES, but also to restore most of that buffer from a single block. This would be more valuable against fewer, harder-hitting monsters than having a larger ES buffer with smaller heals on block. " Yeah, once you get an army going, your threat level drops significantly. However, beyond tanking those initial hits, because you're melee, you also need to be able to survive any unexpected aggro in the mass of enemy and minion. It's easy enough, though time-consuming, when your defenses are not up to par, to split off a few monsters from a larger group by kiting, converting them in some back-alley, and start up an "army-momentum"; but if you can't take hits, like my poor marauder, you will suddenly die when a mob who hits harder than you think notices you. Those memories, those horrible, horrible memories, motivated me to take this build to its utmost defensive capabilities. =o) Oh, and I don't wanna die to Vaal smashes. " Hm, you know, on my marauder I keep mentioning, I greedily eyed that Increased Skill Duration cluster, and was making my way toward it before I hit that metaphorical wall known as XP Death Penalty. When you're leveling Dominating Blow, its duration is so very short (14 seconds!). An Increased Duration gem dramatically improves minion duration, which is what drove me to seek out that cluster. With those and 20% quality on both gems, I'd have 96 seconds! Yet, as I played more and leveled up DB, I began to wonder how useful that would ultimately be. Sure, it would mean my minion counter could reach a much higher number, but there comes a point where you have so many minions that you cannot target more than a few enemies because you cannot even see them amid the chaos, and for a melee character that's bad. If I'm not replacing my minions, my old glut will all expire at the same time, reducing me to only the few I could get at the time. Then there's time-eaters like gathering loot and just finding new mob packs to replenish your numbers that I soon found all my duration was for naught. In any case, in your build you sacrificed quite a lot of points to go through the middle. The result is 60 less Strength for 90 more Dexterity, 15% less attack speed, 42% less armor, 45% less shield defenses, 12% less resistances, 10% more damage taken from enemy crits, and are vulnerable to stuns, all for 45% increased duration on DB minions (= +17 seconds with max level/quality DB). As much as I'd love more duration, I'm not sure if it's worth all that. Health and block were also less, but I spent 5 more points so I'm not going to count those. @The_x_ile: " I can't speak for LeMing's builds, but if you're referring to mine at all: " I am well-aware of the "Don't post level 100 builds!", which is what I'm poking fun at because this is just a theorycraft funfest. In any case, it's fairly simple to scale my build back here and there to fit level 80, since it's mostly health, block, and armor, rather than 'necessary' keystones spread across the entire grid. " Now here I know you're talking to me, since I'm the only one who posted a Kaom's build. =o) I did look at Bringer of Rain, but it's half the DPS. Facebreaker gets everything from +physical damage mods. Bringer of Rain offers 20-30, while Abyssus is 40-60. Ignoring other modifiers for the moment, Facebreaker basically multiplies this by ten. 200-300 vs 400-600. Does 47% more melee damage and 42% faster attacks make up for this? Now, in my build, both of those gems are already used, which can be level 20 and have 20% quality (= 3% more melee damage, 10% increased melee damage, and 12% increased attack speed), so what would you fill those two empty sockets with instead on Bringer of Rain? a) Added Fire Damage = damage multiplier. b) Multistrike = attack speed multiplier. c) Increased Duration = potentially more minions over time, just don't stare at loot too long. d) Culling Strike = easier conversion. e) Added Chaos Damage = increased minion damage, regardless of type; on you it will only be multiplied by attack speed and Le Heup of All rings. f) Item Quantity / Rarity = farming, because... lewt. Since we're losing so much base DPS with the helm change, I'm looking at A and B to make up the difference. On the defensive front, holy hell does Bringer of Rain bring it! Where Abyssus increases the damage we take (not so bad with high armor, since it is multiplied after mitigation), BoR gives free Endurance Charges and a massive amount of block! The block alone is worth ~7-8 passive points, not including any travel points. The neat thing about the Blind mod is that it will transfer to your minions. However, you cannot take Unwavering Stance if you want to benefit. The evasion/armor it adds is more than Abyssus and Kaom's Heart combined, but it's fairly close. 564 armor vs. Kaom's 553. 812 evasion vs Abyssus' 662 armor. Because it's evasion, Dexterity will boost it by another 31%. I like the helm, I really do. I'll have to plug the numbers into my spreadsheet and calculate the differences. Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Jun 10, 2013, 12:01:02 PM
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