DOMINATRIX – ultimate melee warior (GUIDE v1.11 and videos)
" yes, the great problem is im playing hc. i believe that this build can be insane at lvl 70+ finally, with max block etc. but leveling..i think that without any doubt the weakest build in whole 1st and 2nd difficulty Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
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HC is a problem. Maybe in a party...
ing: Storm_Gaze
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I just discovered your build and Im really loving what I see. I played around a bit with a Dominating Splash Marauder myself (u can still see the old thread in my signature) and Im lvl 60 now in merciless act 2. It is not easy but doable. The biggest problem so far is mana. DB needs so much! I use it with melee splash, added fire and phys damage, it costs ~140 mana! Insane :) but once I converted 10+ minions, or a few bosses, it is pretty easy, even with my very shitty gear.
But I think your build is way more fun. I always wanted to make a CI character, so I will try to go for this build as soon as I got some more currency (Im currently down to 1ex, because I spend most on my LA Bowplar gear). I have a few questions tho: " 1. How do you obtain enouth mana to keep using DB? 2. Have you tried using Molten Shell on top? Gives u another ~1200 armor at lvl 18, so also a lot more ES when you get hit, it absorbs damage, adds fire damage when exploding and its pretty cheap in terms of mana. Just an idea. If you got the mana regeneration (maybe by using Clarity? dunno) u could also try Arctic Armor. I use it with my 9 aura Bowplar and together with Molten Shell and all the auras Im pretty tanky, even as a ranged character with just 3.4k life and 6k armor. 3. You added the prices of the gear that you need for the endgame build. Imo thats an amazing service I have always missed in most builds I have seen so far! But the question is: how much currency should I save up for the whole "project", because I might also need to buy leveling gear. 4. Also concerning leveling: Could you tell us a bit more about your leveling process? How did you get through cruel and merciless? Which weapons and skills did you use? And most important: How did your passive tree look around lvl 20, 40, 60, and so on. Because it is to wide spread, I do not know what to get first. Im really interested this whole leveling process and how you did it, as leveling my DB splash marauder was quiete hard. I had to use Ground Slam because DB was too expensive in mana or otherwise not strong enouth to kill stuff. 5. Do you think this build might also be viable by using a 1H weapon? Ideas? Alright, thats all so far. As you can see Im really interested and would appreciate an answers bigtime :) Cheers SRP PS: just a little tip for you to make your auras and minions even stronger. when casting the auras, go to your second weapon slot - if possible - and equip a Matua Tupuna shield (really cheap, 2 chaos).. check out what it does :) after u casted the auras u can switch back to your normal weapon slot. Last edited by DJSRP#5494 on May 4, 2013, 7:25:28 PM
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Hi, thanks for the post :)
I will try to answer all questions. 1. Mana problems are not so big. You need 2% mana leech from passive and 2% from ring. This is sufficient when your DPS is big (with abyssus). You need also increase mana regeneration rate (from dream fragment is enough) because with frenzy charges you hit faster than mana is regenerated. 2. Molten Shell sounds really good. Thanks for tip. I was trying it before I had Aegis Aurora and I was annoyed recasting it but now it has much more sense. 3. Leveling gear is always very chip in comparison to endgame. I had some CI items collected and when I was dying to much I was trying to purchase some items for 1-2 chaos. I spent that way maybe 10 chaos. No more. 4.Leveling: This was the most difficult part of this build. I was playing alone and this was my first CI build so I was inexperienced. The good part is that I did it without single point spent in life node! I'm really bad player so this is really doable :) The most difficult part was 3 act of normal and all cruel. Merciless was really easy because I had good ES gear. First I was playing as an archer and after 16 level I started using facebreaker to the end :) You dont need to focus on 5L so you can use 4L in arm/es helm and have no linked good pure ES chest and shield. It helps a lot. Some good leveling gear:
For first levels:
mid game: Passives
20 40 60 80 end: As you can see I respec many points so you can go different way. 5. Do you think this build might also be viable by using a 1H weapon? Ideas? Beauty of the facebreakers is that you don't use any passives to have nice DPS. I think that 1h weapon could be good but you have to sacrifice some defensive nodes. My survivability is huge so it is possible to do but I was thinking on that and decided not to do it. And thanks for a tip with Matua Tupuna shield. I will try it :) Cheers ingame: LeMing ing: Storm_Gaze Last edited by LeMing#5256 on May 5, 2013, 7:01:33 AM
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Thanks a lot for the detailed reply!
What do you think how high you can play with this character? Do you think once he will be able to do lvl 75 maps and higher? Im collecting wealth now (as you said, around 7-10 ex) so I can get this build running. My current problem is that I dont find a lot of good loot that sells good. I dont have a lot of IIR/IIQ and currently play lvl ~68-70 maps. Any ideas on how I can achieve my goal faster? |
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Hiya all. I have a build that is Shadow that is a DB/CI build too. I dont use facebraker I use Claws and Shield though.
Here I will post were I'm at right now on my second go around with this build. Then I will post were I am heading and then post were I would like to be some year at level 100 and 120 points. Were I am right now at 79 points. Were I think right now I would like to be at 100 points Were I think I would like to be by 120. Currntly the only unique I'm using is Bones of ullr. Uniques I would like to get is one Doede's Damning. After that I just dont know. I know I dont what to use facebraker though. I like the ideal of the shield blocking thing you got going on too but I just dont get hit that much. I am currently using Enfeeble/DB/Lighting Strike/Flicker Strike/Zombies/Skellies/Spec's and Conversion trap for totems. I will drop coonversion for a second cures when I get the Doede's. I currently run two aura's Wrath and Disipline. I do plain on running 5 aura's though Wrath/Hatered/Vita/Purity/and Anger. I do have a CI summoner so I know it will take some time to get the right gears but I also know that with the Witch starting mana nodes and Deep Thoughts mana nodes 5-6 Aura's and high mana reg works well though with this build I will only be trying to get 5 going.
Links Head will be L-3 Zombie/M-dmg/M-health and Wrath. Already set up.
Foot L-3 Spell totem/skellie/M-health and Enfeeble thats already set up. Gloves L-3 Spec/M-dmg/Fork/Anger working on. Shield L-3 rainbow Lighting strike/Chain/elemental proliferation already set up. Claw Flicker strike/Disipline/Elemental Weakness working on. Chest L-6 DB/Increased duration/Reduced mana/Vita/Purity/Hatered working on. So far I'm having a blast playing it. The things I dont like about your build is. 1.) No flicker strike. 2.) No MI and your 3 points away from alot of dps and all minion nodes work with DB minions. 3.) No Zealot's Oath. Personal flavor I know same as flicker strike is personal favor. 4.) I personly just dont like the facebraker builds but that's becouse of the gear needed to pull it off and I love the Life Leach on claws. Cheaper easyer is all. Elder Wand Power! Last edited by Balthizar1903#0523 on May 6, 2013, 3:51:57 AM
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" Max map level I found was 70. I was playing 70 level 3 times without any problems. I really don’t know how it would be in level 75. And also I have no idea how to find 7 exalted faster than by normal playing/selling :( ing: Storm_Gaze
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" Hi, thanks for post Your build looks similar but I’m afraid it could not work good on maps. 1) DPS. Linking L-6 DB/Increased duration/Reduced mana/Vita/Purity/Hatered is interesting but there is nothing to increase damage. I have BD+add phys dmg+melee dmg on full life+melee splash and I have to hit 1-2 times in white mob and 3-4 in blue with 7-10k dps. Also 1h weapon have rather low dps and your accuary will be not very high . Maybe I’m not correct but anyway what is your dps now? 2)ES. You have really low number of ES nodes. In other side you can have good ES shield, helm and glows. I have almost 6k ES and this is enough. If you can reach 5k it will be more than sufficient with your LL. But going with almost no armor and low block chance is dengerous. 3) Minions. Your minions will be much stronger than mine. I think that they will be dealing more dps than you and killing mobs instead of you. In this case there will be low number of new minions. About the: The things I dont like about your build is. 1.) No flicker strike – this is the prize for Facebreaker 2.) No MI and your 3 points away from alot of dps and all minion nodes work with DB minions. I was thinking about MI but I decided not to take it because 2 things. Minions explode when on low life so they have like 30% HP less. I prefer to make dps by myself rather than minions to make more minions. 3.) No Zealot's Oath. Personal flavor I know same as flicker strike is personal favor – I don’t need this because of very low health regeneration. 4.) I personly just dont like the facebraker builds but that's becouse of the gear needed to pull it off and I love the Life Leach on claws. Cheaper easyer is all. Facebreaker gear is really chip and this is the only option for high dps without 2h weapon or spending many points for offensive nodes. ing: Storm_Gaze Last edited by LeMing#5256 on May 6, 2013, 7:28:39 AM
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" Thx you for responding. 1.) Ya flicker strike is awsome for targeting the monsters you want to DB first. :) 2.) MI explodes your minions for 33% of what ever there total max health is. i.e. Zombies with 17k health explode for 5610 fire aoe. It turns your skellie totem into a cluster nad. And yes I think are builds are a prefer for you makeing dps by yourself and I like to make dps with minions. 3.) Alot of people over look Zealot's Oath becouse they forget are Life potions are Life reg potions. And life reg potions are strong and it lets you pot for E-shields. It also works with life reg nodes on the tree should you pick any up and it works with the Vita aura that I will be running and it bases the %of life off are ES. And yes it will add a few reg form the little bit that mite end up on your gear. But mostly it is a way to reg shields as your taking dmg. You probly realy dont need this do to your shield and high blocking :) 4.) It could be higher dmg then I was thinking and it totaly plays to your playstyle. My claw attacks dont lack killing power but my targets normaly have Enfeeble and 3 stacks of shock on them as I Enfeeble everything and then Lighting Strike shock stack stuff realy fast. This ups my dmg and my minions dmg by alot. I use DB as a finishing move in a combo of moves. And I realy like Claw's built in life leach. i.e. Run up to mob pack 3xlighting strike as I'm doing this I'm scaning the mobs to select my first Flicker/DB target. Then flicker in and DB and I just flow from there depending on what is there. Some times mobs fall so fast to my minions that I only get 1-2 DB minions per pack right now. 3 Spec are still hot dps. As to whats needed to not get killed in maps my only map exp so far is my Witch summoner. So if needed I will totaly rework my build for better blocking and anything else. But as you probly noticed sofar aoe dmg is what we normaly get hit with. Monsters like to att are minions alot more then they do us. :) And even my Summoner deals with the aoe dmg. As to hit rating. I don't miss to much. I flux between 85-90+% with the dex I have and some +hit on gear. But I also have my eye on the eagle eye node group for hit rating if I need it and if that don't get the job done I will rework build to get down to resolute. But ya that's why I posted Were I think right now I would like to be at 100 and 120. That will change depending on my gear/def/hit rating needs. Need to live and need to land blows :) My dps is do's not look that great as I'm still only at level 59 but mobs are dieing fast and DP I only spam 1-2 to kill with also. But I use Lighting strike to stack Shock so there halve dead or mostly dead by the time I get to them and I'm just mostly 1-2 shoting them with DB as finshing move. The thing I realy love about your DB is the melee splash you have on it sounds awsome. I just have not fig out how to fit everything I want on my gear lack of sockets lol. I'm loving this build so much I'm thinking of doing a Templer build with a hard hiting DB like your's and high block like your's next. Only using a mace. What can I say I just realy like having a weapon in me hand lol. :) Elder Wand Power! Last edited by Balthizar1903#0523 on May 6, 2013, 1:31:34 PM
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I am just wondering how tempest shield really works. Does it add direct lightning damage to your attacks? like wrath does? or does it just proc the lightning damage on block?
because if it just procs on block, I would totally drop it for Determination. in my opinion the 4% additional block chance does not equal the almost 50% armor Determination adds at lvl 16, not for ~20% reserved mana. what do you think? oh and by the way: how have u gotten so "wealthy"? it looked so easy lol, because u got this Aegis shield so quickly after someone postet it. and you spend 7 ex on that armor (which is indeed great, no doubt!). but I farm and farm lvl 68-70 maps and never drop something more valuable than maybe 1 ex. in a week! with 4-5 hours playing every day. best thing I ever found was a Alphas howl a few days ago :S what am I doing wrong? and btw²: where u from? germany? Last edited by DJSRP#5494 on May 6, 2013, 2:18:25 PM
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