Little problem with Sum Rag Spirit from Kalguur
I crafted Ragin Spirit on kill on my septre. And they were showing up. But recently i noticed that they stop.
Is there some interaction that i miss? Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 5:33:57 AM
Do you need mana for that? Otherwise not registering the kill or maybe something to do with DOT? I think it won't count if your fire trap gets the kill? What did you change around the time when it stopped working?
Only added some exarch and world eater things from orbs. I dont recall proper term for it. I think that spreads Ignite might have something to do with it but dunno really.
I know that they were popping up - i even set MTX Raven on them - but at one point they stopped. Gotta try the mana thing, maby it is that. THX for the interest and help. |
" Could be maybe. " Pretty sure when I've used some of these triggered spells they needed mana, but I don't know a lot about them, could be incorrect. Lvl 10 SRS says it costs 10 mana. If your mana is tight maybe turn off one of your auras and see if they start spawning. Also try take all other gems out of your weapon and see if they spawn again. Idk exactly but if they spawned before it clearly works, something must of changed to prevent it triggering. Traps can not trigger on kill effects as far as I know, becasue the trap gets the kill and not you. Doesn't explain why it would no longer be triggering. Someone here will know the answer, these triggered weapons get used a fair bit. Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Aug 20, 2024, 8:00:53 PM
It was the mana thing. I just switched off one of my auras and they poped up right away.
THX for help and interest. |
Nice one. What do you think this enchant is used for? I guess it's good for minion or srs builds?
Ive noticed that Pohx Kappa on his build had one. I figured out that in current situation that craft is most usable.
Right now i recrafted it of inc ignite but honestly dunno if that mod is not local. Was aiming for Frenzy on Kill but no Time Runs. Albo BloodRage so dont need that craft either. Kalguur crafts are for mele. |
Yep gotcha. Can you test it on import item to POB? My current enchant gets applied if I copy the item in.
I see what you mean, lots of good 2H mods but not 1H. Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Aug 23, 2024, 3:57:18 AM
Dunno how to do. I used PoD in past but after some update it stopped working so im not using it. But my chars are public (i think) so pls enjoy yourself.
At that time i had that skill note with min dmd to character (cant recall name). Ignite looks good but tkinhing about inc area effect or ele dmg but that would be like 5% and 10%. Dunno if woth it. Most crafts are on hit. Uselles for build i run. |
I can see on your pob the ignite chance is applying to your fire trap, so it is better than nothing. Probably the best enchant will be harvest ele damage or aoe, or potentially a heist one. Guessing he is not using those because it's expensive for the return. Lvl 10 srs on your pob says its doing 25dps. Can't imagine that would be helping him much unless there is something else that it does as well.
Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Aug 24, 2024, 8:26:07 AM