[3.25] Community-crafted Pure Retal Gladiator | Sous-Vide the Atlas

Darfel wrote:
Been reading thru your thread here and its got some interesting take aways.

Making me wonder if i should get away from sword storm.

So far i have been running Swordstorm 6L with Crushing fist as a secondary on 4L.

I have been able to run t16 just fine. Done feared and few other misc things. But its lackluster when it comes to some bosses.

I can do Simus till about wave 12 and the dmg just isnt there to power thru kosis' shield sometimes with mods he gets.

I am still trying to figure things out but i am all for debating some ways to do these retaliate skills.

Here is my current pob: https://pobb.in/vCoYlJ4BSIMK

i will return for some impale later too because i am fiddling too much with optimizations
feels like GGG designed swordstorm to pair with criticals
using pulverise makes too slow, i think you might be losing a bit of the damage you could put, i would test with volatility first since you have ryslatha's

Dragoon_Diver wrote:
Darfel wrote:
Been reading thru your thread here and its got some interesting take aways.

Making me wonder if i should get away from sword storm.

So far i have been running Swordstorm 6L with Crushing fist as a secondary on 4L.

I have been able to run t16 just fine. Done feared and few other misc things. But its lackluster when it comes to some bosses.

I can do Simus till about wave 12 and the dmg just isnt there to power thru kosis' shield sometimes with mods he gets.

I am still trying to figure things out but i am all for debating some ways to do these retaliate skills.

Here is my current pob: https://pobb.in/vCoYlJ4BSIMK

i will return for some impale later too because i am fiddling too much with optimizations
feels like GGG designed swordstorm to pair with criticals
using pulverise makes too slow, i think you might be losing a bit of the damage you could put, i would test with volatility first since you have ryslatha's

Yea i might have to test that. Think i need to abuse up some more crit multi and such and take advantage of every fourth being a always crit.
Made a few tweaks to it, seems to be a little better.

Still needs something just can't quite put my finger on it.

there's a physical mastery you can get on the tree that gives 6% to dot multiplier for bleeding per impale on enemies.
Can you mix bleed and impale together with this? or is it not worth it, also a rather dumb question, but would corrupted blood be considered bleed for the purposes of this node? corrupting fever is easy enough to just cast for a little extra damage i guess.
IANF1 wrote:
there's a physical mastery you can get on the tree that gives 6% to dot multiplier for bleeding per impale on enemies.
Can you mix bleed and impale together with this? or is it not worth it, also a rather dumb question, but would corrupted blood be considered bleed for the purposes of this node? corrupting fever is easy enough to just cast for a little extra damage i guess.

Didn't try it personally but PoB doesn't like the bleed with impale mastery that much (6% x 5 impales is 30%, which is meh, unless you stack a lot more). Personally I have 2 physical masteries, the 40% extra damage with skills that use life (this applies to all skills because of Life mastery that turns some manacost into lifecost), and 10% More maximum attack damage mastery. (disclaimer: my version is mainly hit-damage with bleed and impale as complementary, not bleed primarily, with eviscerate)

Oh, and Corrupted Blood isn't bleed, neither for players or for monsters
Last edited by Sarusyan#2459 on Aug 6, 2024, 3:38:59 AM
I've been experimenting for a while, but I am not really satisfied with the resoults. Can anyone tell me how to improve/what I am doing wrong?


Thanks in advance!
PPGamerPL wrote:
I've been experimenting for a while, but I am not really satisfied with the resoults. Can anyone tell me how to improve/what I am doing wrong?


Thanks in advance!

i believe you're complaining about damage right?
the most glaring problem with your char is that you have to do the last lab
if you are going bleeding, Gratuitious violence makes a huge difference in clearspeed, there are other options on gear/jewels but are expensive
also you are doing glacial shield retal, where your build doesn't have anything to pump the cold damage from it so the damage gonna be really low
if you want to really go suppress it is 100% chance or nothing, just dipping on it is not worthy imo
finally, for crimson dance you should invest some attack speed or flat physical damage
Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Aug 7, 2024, 8:54:32 AM
Yo..everyone..I just found something that blows my mind and I have to mention it.

Second Wind Support Gem

Works on retaliation skills.

I have currently inserted it in my 6L Crushing Fist (gave up bleeding) and in my 4L Eviscerate.

The uptime is insane. The spam of retal skills is insane. Another charge means more chances to trigger the retal reuse lucks. I shall use it forever from now on. You don't have to level it past lvl 1 because cooldowns get reset anyway on retal reuse triggers.. so no INT issues

(disclaimer: im not bleed built)
Last edited by Sarusyan#2459 on Aug 7, 2024, 2:51:39 PM
Sarusyan wrote:
Yo..everyone..I just found something that blows my mind and I have to mention it.

Second Wind Support Gem

Works on retaliation skills.

I have currently inserted it in my 6L Crushing Fist (gave up bleeding) and in my 4L Eviscerate.

The uptime is insane. The spam of retal skills is insane. Another charge means more chances to trigger the retal reuse lucks. I shall use it forever from now on. You don't have to level it past lvl 1 because cooldowns get reset anyway on retal reuse triggers.. so no INT issues

(disclaimer: im not bleed built)

you are late to the party :D

i also tried SW on league launch, but i felt it was too costly
but after some consideration, it works well and better than expert retal as long you have decent mana leech

right now i am testing doing pinnacle encounters with rare mods, i can cook some of them even with tons of lag

i feel that using olroth's boots by looping adrenaline caps bleeding stack faster
after that i will try some T17
Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Aug 7, 2024, 3:54:44 PM
i have good news and bad news

the good news is that my build can do T17 and pinnacles (not tested ubers)
the bad news is that it takes a while to kill the bosses, the entire ziggurat boss (catarina + liches) took me around 4 minutes
i still beat a certain youtuber :D

the mapping inside t17 is easier than i predicted with so much tankiness
Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Aug 8, 2024, 11:47:28 AM

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