The game crashes constantly.

Greetings, warriors.

Throughout the entire Necropolis league, since day one, I have experienced issues with the game where it simply quits displaying an error box containing the message:
vk::Device::waitForFences: ErrorDeviceLost

This error was happening once or twice a day, so it never really bothered me. But since Saturday this problem has started to happen with absurd frequency. A good run is when I can spend more than 10 minutes in the game. I had to create a new character to continue playing, because I was just throwing my maps away, but now that I've finished the acts I'm throwing maps away again. And don't even ask me how many times I had to start the labyrinth to get to the end before the game closed.

I spent the week trying to find some pattern, but I didn't have much success. Sometimes I'm walking around the map and sometimes I'm standing in the Hideout, sometimes I'm in the middle of combat and sometimes I've just logged into the game. It doesn't matter if I'm playing with Righteous Fire, Arc or Power Siphon.

I've searched every corner of the internet (if something is beyond page 4 of Google, then it doesn't exist) but I couldn't find any solution. Inside the game I already tried changing all the settings, I tried with Vulkan, DirectX 11 and DirectX 12, I set all the graphics settings to the minimum possible, but there was absolutely no improvement. Outside of the game I tried:
- Check video card driver updates;
- Reinstall the video card driver;
- Check the integrity of the system;
- Check Windows updates;
- Check DirecX updates;
- Reinstall Path of Exile;
- Update Intel drivers;
- Test the RAM memory;
- Check the integrity of game files;
- Clear the client cache;
- Clean the client configuration files;
- Check if Path of Exile is excluded from my antivirus's real-time scanning list.

I believe the only thing I haven't tried yet is taking it to a technician to check the hardware, but that's because it's the middle of the week and I need the computer to work.

I also tried playing other games, and I had no problems with any of them, even setting the graphics to maximum. This only happens with Path of Exile. That's why I decided to turn to the forum. Honestly, my hopes are pretty low, considering I've been seeing threads and YouTube videos of other players having the same problem for over two years now, with no solution. But who knows? A mirror is extremely difficult to drop, but it is not impossible. I heard...

I will make some files available here that might help.
Event Viewer:
Print of the game screen during the error:

If there is anything else I can provide, please let me know.
And thank you for your time.
Last bumped on Jul 27, 2024, 2:50:49 PM
New league, same problem.

I still can't play PoE and I can't find a possible solution anywhere.
Today I spent the day in standard cleaning out the stashes (God... I've accumulated a lot of junk in standard over the years). Despite staying in the same place, in two hours the game closed seven times.

I refuse to believe there is no solution to this error. I want to return to the addiction!
I even tried playing Last Epoch, but compared to PoE, that's a casual game made for kids.
I am in the EXACT same situation as Kormor. Incredibly frustrated.
exactly the same problem
Same problem for me as well. I tried to play since the league started and in almost 1h30 - 2h I barely played 10 minutes or so
For me the biggest problem is going back to town or any public zone for that matter. I almost expect the crash when that has to happen. Playing myself and changing zones in the campaign appear to be ok, it only crashed maybe one time. However, loading the game up and zoning into a town it's probably going to crash. Earlier it crashed a total of 18 times back to back before I could successfully zone into the game.

I really think it has to do with people's MTX. It's mostly fine by myself, but once other people come into my screen it's likely going to crash.
Same issue here, other zones than campaign and Kings march are completely fine, but once I try to enter those I crash, and then I have to relog 5-10 times to get out of town... If I just had to get through campaign and then it was done I'd be fine with it, but it happening in Kingsmarch is so annoying...
Crash at almost every load screen. Can occasionally get in, better when not loading into a hub but still randomly locks and won't load.

Having less crashes using DX12 (from DX11)
Last edited by baby_huey on Jul 27, 2024, 8:35:18 AM
Same issue. M1 + steam
At Leaguestart was everything fine for me. But irght now after some hours of sleep i couldn't play anymore because of "Driver Timeout" and the following Error message: "vk::Queue::submit: ErrorDiveLost". The game keeps crashing in about 5-10 mins.

My specs are:

AMD 5800X3D
Radeon RX 7900XT
32GB 3600 Mhz Ram

Using the Steam version of PoE

I played on Vulkan - 162 fps cap - No Triple Buffering - Antialising High - No Upsalce - Textures High

For now i switched from AMD 24.7.1 to an older graphics driver AMD 24.4.1 but still keeps crashing.

After that i switched from Vulcan to Dx12 and for now (30 min) i had no crash. (fingers crossed)

Edit: I jumped back on the newes graphics driver but still with Dx12 - still no crashes after about 1.5h
Last edited by Flohky on Jul 27, 2024, 9:47:52 AM

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