There could be a good few thousands of players crafted, sold and bought privately these bugged items since league launch. It's gonna take huuuuge ball to ban all of them as it definitely will hurt the already shrinking revenue, and balls shrink as human age too lol. So, my bet is nobody will be ban permanently, maybe some will be banned for 3mths or so. Let's see
Posted bynickwchi#7277on May 5, 2024, 8:58:01 AM
nickwchi wrote:
There could be a good few thousands of players crafted, sold and bought privately these bugged items since league launch. It's gonna take huuuuge ball to ban all of them as it definitely will hurt the already shrinking revenue, and balls shrink as human age too lol. So, my bet is nobody will be ban permanently, maybe some will be banned for 3mths or so. Let's see
No one will ban thousands of players, even hundreds. This was originally a developer error, that someone discovered and did not write about it in a bug report.
Posted byMurmuüre#0276on May 5, 2024, 10:33:25 AM
Murmuüre wrote:
nickwchi wrote:
There could be a good few thousands of players crafted, sold and bought privately these bugged items since league launch. It's gonna take huuuuge ball to ban all of them as it definitely will hurt the already shrinking revenue, and balls shrink as human age too lol. So, my bet is nobody will be ban permanently, maybe some will be banned for 3mths or so. Let's see
No one will ban thousands of players, even hundreds. This was originally a developer error, that someone discovered and did not write about it in a bug report.
Literally who cares if a bunch of cheaters get banned?
It’s not thousands of players. it’s thousands of cheaters. they weren’t playing, they were cheating. And the ones acting like they was any ambiguity to this whatsoever are even more pathetic.
Posted byArtfulDabber#6057on May 5, 2024, 11:02:11 AM
Items are prolly reverted to 3 sockets by tomorrow and no one will be banned for this, unless there is someone who has been taking a serious advantage since early league.
Posted byStephanLogan#6314on May 5, 2024, 11:10:28 AM
Great job GGG posting this topic saying your item might get fixed and your gems may or may not get deleted
and then FOUR days with no update, no item fixing, no apology , no clarification
ArtfulDabber wrote:
Murmuüre wrote:
nickwchi wrote:
There could be a good few thousands of players crafted, sold and bought privately these bugged items since league launch. It's gonna take huuuuge ball to ban all of them as it definitely will hurt the already shrinking revenue, and balls shrink as human age too lol. So, my bet is nobody will be ban permanently, maybe some will be banned for 3mths or so. Let's see
No one will ban thousands of players, even hundreds. This was originally a developer error, that someone discovered and did not write about it in a bug report.
Literally who cares if a bunch of cheaters get banned?
It’s not thousands of players. it’s thousands of cheaters. they weren’t playing, they were cheating. And the ones acting like they was any ambiguity to this whatsoever are even more pathetic.
It may not be that simple. See, these players (cheaters) are mostly very quick, no-life and race the game every league. They are your dudes who always have 200-500 divines by 1st week. They find the exploit, group mf like there is no tomorrow, and sell currency/MB/mirror on rmt sites. They literally live a life on this since 2020 when POE become the biggest name in ARPG, so high chance they always buy some supporter packs and mtx too. Thus, wide spread banning is like lifting a rock and throw on the own foot, that's why it's a very tough decision on where to draw the line.
Posted bynickwchi#7277on May 5, 2024, 12:44:25 PM
nickwchi wrote:
It may not be that simple. See, these players (cheaters) are mostly very quick, no-life and race the game every league. They are your dudes who always have 200-500 divines by 1st week. They find the exploit, group mf like there is no tomorrow, and sell currency/MB/mirror on rmt sites. They literally live a life on this since 2020 when POE become the biggest name in ARPG, so high chance they always buy some supporter packs and mtx too. Thus, wide spread banning is like lifting a rock and throw on the own foot, that's why it's a very tough decision on where to draw the line.
Yeah, and while they may cry and lay on the ground, kicking their feet & banging their fists- Very few of them will actually stop playing. Some might, oh well. The vast majority will cry for a while and then come right back to a game that they are obsessed with. They have to buy all of their MTX and hideout building stuff again, which nets more money for GGG.
Meanwhile, enforcing their own TOS would show that they still have integrity as a company and that the game is intended for those who play and not those who cheat.
Last edited by ArtfulDabber#6057 on May 5, 2024, 12:57:33 PM
Posted byArtfulDabber#6057on May 5, 2024, 12:56:55 PM
Reinhart wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
"For try, for see, for know."
Remember that one, years ago? =^[.]^=
Yeah the early days. Some RMTer seeing no issues in his cheating behaviour. :)
Cheating behaviour has been normalized in this game.
It is like any kind of competition where half the attendants cheat but it is all okay I guess. In the end people stop caring about such competitions. This actually was the near death of some other old online rpg. People were just fed up with the rampant botting and rmting and there was a mass exodus.
While you grind your ass off to get a single div drop a day, someone else pays some poor schmuck a bowl of rice to get 1000 in one go.
Maybe devs should enable godmode in this game or a command to generate 5000 divs in a single click.
Then there are those who come in and say "why does it matter to you?" Well the game was designed as an online game where fair competition should be part of its dna. Path of Exile is not some offline singleplayer game although some people treat it as such.
Usually the ones who play the most "Righteous" and "Entitled" to blame others here on this forum are the ones selling these 1 mirror squires in Standard under alt profiles. So pls, leave us alone, ReinhardGod. At least rename your alts a bit differently, so ppl would not understand who is.
Last edited by Deformingo#2392 on May 5, 2024, 1:44:49 PM
Posted byDeformingo#2392on May 5, 2024, 1:43:30 PM
JOKΣR wrote:
GGG caused it by accident, and the employees would feel like shit if their actions directly caused players to be banned for their error.
Did GGG cause you to use the exploit? Was the exploit in the patch notes? A lot of leaps and stretches on what is morally right....
MagikStiix wrote:
LaserVonRekyu wrote:
Except they used a craft specifically called "sets the item to maximum possible number of sockets"
it was no more an exploit than using mirrors and recombinators on the 510x max power mod to move that to an armor stacker chest.
It didnt take anything special. The craft just set the item to more sockets than it was supposed to have because GGG had a coding error that made the craft put it to max number of available item socket space, rather than limited by unique/enchant/normal socket limits. the only safeguard was the craft wouldnt work on items that dont normally have sockets and that worked. its exactly the same level of error as the mob that dropped 20k fire resist only this could be applied to about 1/6 of the items in the game. Only reason it took so long to find is nobody in the right mind would try to use that craft on a 3 socket item in the first month. now that we are mid league and the craft is less than 10c, people were lazy and used it instead of jewelers orbs and got better result than expected.
Due to the previous 20k armor chest and abyss items, everybody that learned of this bug and wanted to be competitive was forced to use this craft on the off chance these would not be deleted.
This is why nobody was banned. GGG caused it by accident, and the employees would feel like shit if their actions directly caused players to be banned for their error.
GGG announced that they would be fixing all the items and that any gems in them are at risk of deletion. They didnt directly say not to use them if you have use at your own risk until corrected I guess.
GGG banned for the "Remove split tag" exploit, when everything the players did was use an imprint on the item after splitting. Is it fair ? Yes, cause they were using an oversight to gain an advantage over others.
IMO, everyone who abuse an oversight / bug / unintended "mechanic" should be punished.
Here, it is exactly the same as the split tag bug. Some print 6L one handed weapon, and sell it for profit. Others use it to get a 16+L and reach huge damage without investment. They should be banned. There is nothing to argue over.
EDIT : And yes, I think the bugged fire res item should be removed and the ones selling it / mirror servicing it should be punished in some sort.
Explain this. Where in the game does it actually say that 1 handed items are hard limited to 3?
We have a beast crafting recipe that sets an item to maximum possible number of sockets.
Its only a Norm that we assume the max number is 3 if you use that perspective. reality is there is only a limit hidden in code.
I have seen items with OFFSET sockets positioned outside the item card. this exploit could have given items HUNDREDS of sockets. This could cause all kinds of server instabilities which is a serious reason to correct the items.
In the case of the fire resist chest, the mods give a clear roll range that was hilariously exceeded. The extra sockets however could possibly exist but rarer than mirror drop to get. there are also item level limitations for max sockets that are exceeded by crafts already.
It is normal so see now, but several leagues ago I saw a 6whitelink chest that was uncorrupted. I had NO idea how this was even possible. did I assume bugged? no. I assumed some special craft combination or drop occurred because its more reasonable to assume I didnt know how it worked than it was glitched. The same logic applies to extra sockets while a 20k fire resist line is blatently irregular. I would also assume the extra abyss sockets were a result of the abyss league itself that changed and cannot be done the same way because I didnt play the game then.
I asked a help discord the other day how to get a ilvl2 item legion boots that cannot drop until lvl 48. They told me it was impossible. They were wrong. using div cards to get a unique item on a level 2 character I can get ilvl2 high level unique item. i can then corrupt these. I can then do that until I get 5 bricks and 5 to 1 them, or I can use knowledge of the vender recipe to 5 to 1 the first brick and the result will be a clean ilvl2 rare legion boot. Then I can split that item and 5 to 1 to remove the split to repeat this infinitely. I can then chance orb the item to get the unique at ilvl 2 so I can have significantly improved odds of better double corrupts. This is not an exploit.
Its unbelievably hard to know what things are actually exploits when the legitimate item manipulation is so complex. Some players never read patch notes, forums, or chat. Those players could easily see a 6link shield and assume a new legit crafting method has been discovered due to the flood of them.
Where is this morally wrong talk coming from? there is no way it is more or less morally wrong to add sockets than to limit corruption outcomes. Players have no way to know which of these insane things is "wrong" to exploit because the base game is so complex and encourages the exact behavior. 99%+ of PoE builds use features that other games would call exploits.
To be clear, I do not want to exploit in PoE. The definition is so fuzzy at this point that I have no way to know when a thing is an exploit or expected/unintended behavior. I just want to play and enjoy the amazingly complex game that GGG has created.
Just ban them if they continue to use them I bet nobody will abuse the items if there is a risk getting banned for using them kappachungus deluxe edition
Posted byGeorgiZgurev#0837on May 5, 2024, 1:56:26 PM