3.24.2 Hotfix 5

Spadesghost wrote:
NO. If there is any punishment, it should be GGG because they literally MADE this bug.

I can't believe people are so ignorant. This company caused the problem, and here you are saying to ban people who used the obvious lack of testing that continues to occur.

Maybe they should ban YOU. How does that sound? Completely without reason and baseless, right?

Exactly the same as calling for people who did this to be banned.
These are the people who didn't get in on time or didn't have the morrigan to take advantage of it, and at the same time it really shines a light on just how shortsighted fans of this game who post in these forums really are.

If there is a loaded gun in a room, would it be the manufacturer's fault if someone gets shot with it?

Anyone who exploited with intent to profit and actually profited from this should be suspended until the end of the league and permanently band if multiple offender.
Here's the preliminary evidence https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/9zZ4PlzCK
Last edited by vacii#5098 on May 4, 2024, 1:32:50 AM
LaserVonRekyu wrote:
Feel bad for the GGG team that allowed this to happen. They are now are going through every single character, stash, and item to ensure that there are no 1 handed items with more than 3 sockets, no belts with more than 1 socket, no synth jewelry that should not have a socket with a socket, no items with cannot have sockets with sockets, no heist enchant reducing sockets with 6 sockets. All while not harming legitimate unset corruption rings with extra implicit from vender corrupt.

This is a massive undertaking and will cost features in the next league.

If you know anything about coding, it is just some sql statements through an item database and you are done. GGG doesn't need to do that manually lol.

Now back on topic, those who clearly made multiple of bugged items and put them for sale, should get perm ban. And while you are at it, you should also ban all those cheaters that buy mirrors for hundreds/thousands of dollars. You know shitty watchers or legion jewels that get "traded for mirrors". And then post a list of all those banned.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Reinhart wrote:
LaserVonRekyu wrote:
Feel bad for the GGG team that allowed this to happen. They are now are going through every single character, stash, and item to ensure that there are no 1 handed items with more than 3 sockets, no belts with more than 1 socket, no synth jewelry that should not have a socket with a socket, no items with cannot have sockets with sockets, no heist enchant reducing sockets with 6 sockets. All while not harming legitimate unset corruption rings with extra implicit from vender corrupt.

This is a massive undertaking and will cost features in the next league.

If you know anything about coding, it is just some sql statements through an item database and you are done. GGG doesn't need to do that manually lol.

Now back on topic, those who clearly made multiple of bugged items and put them for sale, should get perm ban. And while you are at it, you should also ban all those cheaters that buy mirrors for hundreds/thousands of dollars. You know shitty watchers or legion jewels that get "traded for mirrors". And then post a list of all those banned.

There's the preliminary evidence - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/9zZ4PlzCK
no bans? thats a joke right?
Moderate the forum please.

Ban the players who not only abused the bug but also are attacking others on the forums.
Are you allowed to just get away from cheating/exploiting these days?

Feels like it if nothing's gonna be done about the players that abused a CLEARLY UNINTENTIONAL AND OBVIOUS EXPLOIT.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
LaserVonRekyu wrote:
iParadoxG wrote:

hope you guys ban the exploiters while you're at it.

You too should be banned.

Would make exactly as much sense.

As a person with autism, I do not comprehend the difference of available ingame options and exploits. They are all options to me. Your social construct of what is an inexcusable exploit is your own subjective perspective that I am incapable of comprehending.

Should I be banned just because of I have this disability?

Why should I have to play in fear that a normal action could ban me.

Until GGG provides clear and universal guidelines for situations like this, all players that learn of such actions are going to be forced to perform them, or fall behind when GGG chooses not to remove the "exploit"

20 Users Banned for Exploit Abuse
Earlier today, we learned of a bug in Ultimatum that allows players to generate excessive rewards. Shortly after its discovery, we deployed a hotfix that capped the amount of experience and items that Ultimatums could yield.

We have banned 20 accounts that abused this exploit multiple times. These bans will last until Ultimatum ends in July. We will also void the characters they made in Ultimatum so that they (and their items) will not be transferred to their parent leagues.

If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.
Posted by Chris
on Apr 20, 2021, 5:43:37 AMGrinding Gear Games

While I felt the same way you did, once this ^^^ happened a few years ago, I learned not to bother with any exploits at all. Wasn't a hard lesson thankfully. Let's cut to the chase; EVERYONE who used that today's 6L exploit did it full well knowingly. They outright deserve to be banned. Just a matter of if they'll also ban those that bought and sold the same items too for even touching game illegal items.

Until GGG provides clear and universal guidelines for situations like this, all players that learn of such actions are going to be forced to perform them, or fall behind when GGG chooses not to remove the "exploit

This however I do agree with. GGG should be more clear about MANY things not just instances like this. I've posted about the lack of explanations on here a few times in the past. It's a weird feeling to play a game and then be caught with your pants down breaking a rule that you didn't know about.

The way they handled that ultimatum ban was the single most scary thing I have seen GGG do. That action made me fear for my account without me doing anything wrong just because I can never know if an action is an exploit, temporarily acceptable, or perma acceptable.

What I knew of it: Empy team discovered it, reported it, performed 3 extreme tests with it. their report was deleted by GGG. they did not do it again. they and their entire team including trader were banned. For something that every player could do through normal expected gameplay of being forced outside the circle while it tells you to go back in. I am pretty sure I did this too, after the fix and not knowing there was a related exploit. I learned of the ban later and was terrified for my own work.

I still believe GGG's decision to ban that group then was wrong because it put unnecessary stress into my own gameplay experience due to the unknown nature of bannable exploits. Had the group abused that mechanic repeatedly as the allflame anarchy ghosts were for over a week before they were banned, then I would not need to feel this fear. But no, they were banned because they did it at all.

This has given the playerbase mixed messages that sometimes a seemingly nothing exploit that can be performed by accident can result in a league long ban from association. and lootsposion of +proj abyss spire wisps and anarchy ghosting T17 dropping magebloods per map are completely acceptable. The resulting loot for players is equal, or higher in the case of T17 ghost anarchy. As such I have no idea how to determine by player gains what is an exploit.

Because of this, I can only play scared and exploit fast, often, and hope I dont get banned.

If we had consistent rules or guidelines then we could play without fear that our actions could become labelled as exploits. I believe this is the reason GGG has not banned anybody for this recent exploit as they themselves lured the players into this trap by accident.

WoT_Seanchan wrote:

Everyone here who is FOR the bugged items to be kept or people who even touched the bugged stuff to not have their accounts banned are clearly those that participated in the fuckery. No need to sugarcoat it. They were wrong and knew it. If those people ignored the warnings of others in global and trade chat and continued to play dumb about this; they deserve to be banned 100% no grey area about that.

I dont agree with this. The avg joe with a special impossible to craft 6link shield is not malicious or harmful in the slightest. It would be better if all these items were on such accounts because they could feel special. Unfortunately the mirror crafters would gain far too much advantage with these so the items shouldnt be allowed to continue to exist. Honestly, I would prefer to see the 20k fire resist chests deleted. 6link shield and 2link belt has negligible game impact vs a 510x mod on a stat stacking build.

It was not wrong for anybody to try to make these items on the off chance that GGG chose to keep them. Now that GGG has taken a stance on these items, they can never be used, and those players lost their gamble. It would be unfair to ban players retroactively due to unclear status and GGG's previous actions.

Im here just for the drama....damn,im enjoying this shit by a lot,what a meme^^
Yet some get to keep their bugged items. Interesting.

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