[3.23 HC] Volcanic Fissure of Snaking Totems powered by Hollow Palm-Feared Down

This was a very fun video!
I see him as a starter for 2.5 leagues. He will be 5-link but I think he will do well when combined with Earthbreaker stat changes, skill gem improvements and Calandra Ring. Let me know what you think of this build at this point.
Alas, this build is dead forever. No more Earthbreaker. No more Melee totems at all.



Edit--totally false. Hadnt noticed the new Dawnstrider boots that will make this build 100% viable!

Last edited by Orion72 on Jul 19, 2024, 4:57:19 PM
The new Dawnstrider gives you Earthbreaker, but still not enough damage? :'(
Holy Hell! I missed that in reviewing the patch notes.

OK, I take it back. Actually Build will be dramatically STRONGER! Only a 5 link now, but the lvl 25 support and built in Ancestral Bond plus the 71% damage buff to the base skill this patch more than make up for that. FANTASTIC!!

Thank You!!!


Edit--Definitely soft-core viable. Trading Garukhan boots for Dawnstriders will make it somewhat squishier, so may consider reworking the gear a little and trading some of the offense for defense if HC.

Last edited by Orion72 on Jul 19, 2024, 5:38:33 AM
Good! It's easy to miss, but in the support gem changes, Earthbreaker's less was changed to more, so I still have hope.A unique with an effect similar to perundas pact was also shown, so I would like to make good use of it.
Thank you too!
OK, here are my recommended experimental changes to gear

Boots: Dawnstrider (obvious)

Chest: Newly buffed Kaoms (More than makes up for loss of Garukhans defensively, loss of the pure offense chest is survivable).

Gems for hat: Determination-eternal blessing, Flame dash, Vaal molten shell.

Gems for boots: Volcanic fissure of snaking, Multistrike, Fire Pen, Melee Phys (all awakened when possible).

Curse will want to be on a ring, if at all.

Depending on the numbers can consider other options, including ditching MOM altogether and going blood magic, which is supportable with Kaom's.

Looking forward to testing this out, though clearly not as a league starter, since it needs the Exarch boot drop.

You really have made my evening by pointing this out!

Last edited by Orion72 on Jul 19, 2024, 6:43:39 AM
Wow! That's very helpful!
I hadn't thought about changing my chest, so this has given me a very good option. I was a bit worried about the defense, but it's appealing that it significantly improves it.
As you said, I'm going to switch to this build after the second day and put it together. The core unique is cheap, so I'd be happy if I could replace it early.
I till hope for Earthbreaker Support.
With the change of the boots its maybe an idea to switch the Asendancy and use Boots + Multi Totems. is a 60% more with 2 Base Totem
On Hiero with (+1 Totem) isnt good but maybe more power from other classes (Inqui, Chief (war cry power), Slayer, Warden (Scorch)
Absolutely possible to do other classes have different advantages. Can also do a half step off by going Scion--Hiero + anything else. Hiero-Pathfinder can work very well, particularly with a Balbala Timeless jewel. Other combinations can also be powerful. If you go non hiero and non-scion and use multiple totem support, you are going to be giving up about 25% of the damage, (not counting the extra damage provided by the hiero ascendancy), so you will want to be sure that the change justifies it.

Last edited by Orion72 on Jul 19, 2024, 5:02:53 PM

U need to use Beta! or it wont work

mainly changed Custom Modifers

Gem Buff --> 72% more --> taken from Reddit Calcs

Earthbreaker --> 25% more --> lvl 20 = 19 --> Lvl 25 = 24-25

Pre Patch 4,817 Mio (3x Totem)

After 4,837 Mio (3x Totem)

So we get a +-0 but can use the Totem we want?

But dont forget we should be able to use tinktures without the drawback --> endless tinkures
Last edited by Dardroth on Jul 19, 2024, 7:51:18 PM

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