🌬️⛵☁️[3.25] The dirty Scorpion-tail|CI Trickster CI|150M Herald of Agony Minion|Arachnophobia Allstars

Hello Chromino, would you be able to take a look at my character to see what I should be upgrading? I think I got most of the items, but I feel like I'm always forgetting something and lots of confusion.

My progression this league has been quite slow, still only sitting on 2 watchstones. I followed your guide because I wanted to have a true boss killer so I can complete those watchstones.

My questions right now are:
- Did I buy the wrong Skin of the Lords (Iron Reflex)? Should I buy a different one instead?
- Sometimes there is something that eats my ES really quickly and I cannot pinpoint what damage it is? I already have ignite immunity from pantheon and corrupted blood immunity.
- Which anoint am I supposed to get for Trickster? Is it Whispers of Doom?

I can probably throw about 100 divine more to this build as I am enjoying the power

Last edited by RxJames on Sep 15, 2024, 12:35:10 AM
RxJames wrote:
Hello Chromino, would you be able to take a look at my character to see what I should be upgrading? I think I got most of the items, but I feel like I'm always forgetting something and lots of confusion.

My progression this league has been quite slow, still only sitting on 2 watchstones. I followed your guide because I wanted to have a true boss killer so I can complete those watchstones.

My questions right now are:
- Did I buy the wrong Skin of the Lords (Iron Reflex)? Should I buy a different one instead?
- Sometimes there is something that eats my ES really quickly and I cannot pinpoint what damage it is? I already have ignite immunity from pantheon and corrupted blood immunity.
- Which anoint am I supposed to get for Trickster? Is it Whispers of Doom?

I can probably throw about 100 divine more to this build as I am enjoying the power


Hi RxJames! Arachnophilia!

As far as I can overview you have no bleeding-immunities? They are probably the reason when you are dying in maps. Get bleeding-immunities on a flask-suffix and because cylone tripples bleeding-damage better also on abyss-jewels as suffix or implicit:


Trickster is immune to chills and freezes with one step ahead. Only bleedings, ignites and stuns are dangerous in your set-up, get awakened cwc lvl 4 against stuns. Take a look at "details of the ascendancies".

Iron reflexes is great against sirus and shaper and singletargets, but in other content and maps take magebane or divine shield as keystone with evasion and ghost dance. Iron reflexes is a bit squishy in high density.

Your damage is still a bit low for pinnacles. Switch the gloves to triad grips or vixens against them, and pierce to another HoA -support. Switch phantasms to awakened unbound ailments.
Get more poison on hit tattoos to stack faster and more virulences:


Anoint your ashes-amulet with charisma, regret 4 passives charisma. When you have a good mana-manamangement (with good small clusters and/ or megalamaniacs) anoint whispers of doom. With your lvl 95 whispers of doom should be probably the better choice.
Switch unnatural calm to written in blood for 3 free passives. Get the small clusters with 3 passives, not 2. When possible with 35% increased effect, individualize the tradefilters:


Best with all-resis and str/all attr:

Get when needed 12% efficiencies in the mana-mastery-mystic bulwark. get mana-reg better on abyss-jewels with minion chance to poison and bleeding-avoidances. Then you can regret 3 passives presage. With the next large cluster get one more small cluster, then you can already regret sovereignity too and balance into more medium clusters.

With 100 div you can go in most slots b.i.s. I would go for better large and small clusters (1-5 div each), a skin of the lords magebane/divine shield probably to use when you stacked ignite and bleeding avoidances on abyss-jewels to path across lethe shade. This league often cheap are ashes of stars with implicit additional curse. Better voices are always interesting.
Taste of hate is almost as good as mageblood, mageblood is probably only interesting against when you focus on farming the ubers.

Thank you!
Last edited by Chromino on Sep 15, 2024, 7:31:19 AM
Betta-Ah, Insaener, crawls with the dirty scorpion on twitch and shows a lot about the building and optimization:


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