Hi, I finished building my character with Grace, the survivability improved a lot, but it still feels like something is missing that would allow me to comfortably farm, for example, T16 maps Glacier with 8 mods under Exiles. Each time, either the character dies, or I have to try really hard to complete the map.
Here is my character's PoB: https://pobb.in/QsbylPtif7kG
Is it even possible to make the character strong enough to "AFK" everything?
yo thanks for the build, was wondering how the interaction between Arns Anguish and Ralakesh works, do I still get the stats from enduring charges or are they gone?
yo thanks for the build, was wondering how the interaction between Arns Anguish and Ralakesh works, do I still get the stats from enduring charges or are they gone?
Yes you do, the chance from annoint goes to brutal charges and you have max endurance charges
Last edited by PyromanPL#5171 on Sep 21, 2024, 6:04:02 AM
Hi, it might be a stupid question but how do you generate power charges?I am thinking it might be related to frost bomb but even if I cast it often I still don't generate any.Ralakesh boots only counts as having max power charges but you still have to get them.
Tala Moana Exiles!
Welcome to the guide of the best build I ever made and played, completely unhinged S-Tier that will demolish all content, Molten Strike God Slayer.
Before you jump in I'd like to say that this is high-end build requiring solid chunk of currency to complete. But not to worry, it gets off the ground very quickly with low investment thanks to it's defenses and amazing damage scaling ability.
I will do my best to help you out along the way.
Would also like to give my big appreciation to
Yalpe wrote:
Vennto wrote:
for testing, insights and crafting advices as always.
__FEL__ wrote:
Big thanks to FEL who updated the whole build for 3.25 and made it better!
CHANGE LOG 27.7.2024.
updated PoB
Build Summary
+extra high damage +extra defensive, can withstand a lot of abuse +all map mods viable alch, vaal and go! +off the charts sustain +all content annihilator build erases everything you can throw at it. Just be careful vs Uber Exarc and Eater. They can still slap you. Don't facetank them. +immune to almost everything that matters +easy to play +Herald of Ice pops +great league starter
-expensive, on average be prepared to invest 200 Divines or even more depending on how far you want to push the build. Price also depends on your crafting skills. -complex to put together, there are lot of small things that go into account but that's the fun of the journey. One thing that should be mentioned here is that build scales in big jumps with levels as you go past lvl90.
You will on first look have "almost done char" but damage won't be close to the original PoB. I just have to remind you that there is a lot of small steps which contribute to the end result. Everything matters. Just be patient, follow the guide and it will all fall into place. All 3 of us had the same impression that end dps in PoB is off but it's not. I assure you. It just requires all the small upgrades and levels. -Lot's of active buffs and flask dependency
End charges are now our defenses. We lose berserk but with the Rage rework its bait, since you cant sustain it if you aren't near Rage clusters.
Compared to last league the early numbers are much higher (dmg and defense max hits) and later on are only slightly better. Progression should be much smoother now.
expensive endgame pob lvl 100: https://pobb.in/Xkbdqb3k2Jtc
end charge sustain with Ralakesh's like everyone lol
edit: changed anoint in the expensive endgame to "smashing strikes" instead of additional frenzy, since we need a way to generate brutal charges[/span]
Molten Strike and how to calculate your damage
Skill by default converts 60% of Physical damage to Fire. This build is Claw Crit based, triple element stacker with focus on Cold to enable freezing, corpse removal via shatters and Herald of Ice to enhance the clear speed.
Strike consists of 2 parts, melee and balls. Scaling ball number hits is the major multiplier of the build.
Calculating your Damage
In the Skills section of the PoB copy and paste Molten Strike gems, check "Include in Full Dps" and one part use for melee and other one for balls. In the balls part in the count window put numbers of total balls from the formula below.
At the Calcs section of the PoB you will find this window
"Projectile Count" is your base number of projectiles from basic MS attack. Sniper's Mark @lvl20 produces 2 additional balls and @lvl213 additional balls that return to you and hit.
Formula for damage calculation that you will use to check your char (ball base number x 0.6) + (ball base number + Sniper's mark)
So in case of the finished build it will go like this (9x0.6) + (9+3) = 19.4 =17 balls
In Config window assuming you have all the pieces of the build, things that should be checked:
-Time spent stationary = 1
-Are you always on Full Life
-Are you Fortified
-Are you Elusive
-Rage = 30
-# of Nearby Enemies = 1
-Have you been Hit recently
-Projectile Travel distance = 18
-Is the Enemy Ignited + Chilled + Shocked
Damage is one part of the equation why this build is amazing, defenses are another!
-Arctic Armour 21 LESS Physical and Fire damage while stationary
-45% Physical damage taken as Fire/Cold/Lightning
-Endurance charge generation, flat 12% Phys reduction
-Immortal Call, 35% LESS Elemental and up to 80% LESS Phys damage taken
-Eternal Damnation amulet, further reduces elemental damage taken by 35%
-Triple Elemental flasks
-Fortify 20% LESS damage taken
-Berserk 19% LESS damage taken
-Slayer Overleech, makes degens a lot easier to handle
-Life and Mana Gain On Hit, Use of Claws and high number of hits/s give back super high life and mana sustain
-10% reduced Damage taken while Leeching, Slayer's Brutal Fervor ascendancy notable
-Immunities: Curse, Elemental Ailments, Bleeding and Corrupted Blood, Reflect
*Be mindful that there are a lot of active defensive aspects in this build. Just standing still and doing nothing won't make you tanky by default.
Unique Mechanics
Nimis makes all your projectiles produced either from main strike or Sniper's Mark return to you and hit. Major damage multiplier and also lgoh.
Chain's of Emancipation is the go to for almost every non-Evasion melee build.
When monster hits you it inflicts Temporal Chains on you. Removing the Temp Chains by either killing the monster or waiting for curse 4 seconds to expire gives you full Rage and Berserk enable, also curse immunity. Superb item.
While at lower end of the damage belt will be annoying vs Invitations but that will become non-issue when your damage gets higher and you can burst down first Guardian and such.
General tips in char progression
Instead of looking at your gear piece by piece, suffix by suffix, let's look at the global picture first. There are some requirements the build imposes on the suffixes to function:
*You need 100% ailment avoidance (boots and Ancestral Vision jewel)
*You need to cap chaos resistance @ +70%, important for Eternal Damnation amulet
*You need to cap elemental resistance
*You will need one good Int mod 50+
*You need to cap spell suppression
Accuracy can be on any of these helmet/gloves/ring and you'll need one suffix for Accuracy. You don't have to have exact affix placement as in PoB or me.
Suppression cannot roll on rings.
Focus on building defenses first. It will be easier to progress.
Fixing Immunities:
Curse, Chains of Emancipation
Elemental Ailments, Boots and Jewel
Bleeding and Corrupted Blood, Magic Flask
Reflect, Awakened Elemental Damage support gem
Before you get Unique flasks use Magic Ruby and Sapphire flasks.
Before you get Nimis, use Returning Projectiles support gem instead of Elemental Penetration support.
General advice IF you're going to craft armour items, go for the pure Evasion bases as they have 2x better odds for desired prefixes. Bases don't have to be good just adequate ilvl . Evasion doesn't play defensive part in this build. Dex bases are used just because they can roll Spell Suppression and because of the Evasion mastery that gives 15% SS.
Harvest will be most useful to fit and cap resistances properly. Use it to switch one elemental resistance to another. (Fire>Cold etc.)
Prioritize investing into defenses first before damage. Char will feel better and damage is very easy to scale later.
Yalpe wrote:
Hey folks. I will lay out some crafting tips and guides for a couple crafts I attempted during the league. Hopefully it can help some of you get into crafting or cut on cost. To keep things tidy I won't list crafting steps here in absolute details. If you are unsure about your crafts, seek help, ask here, reach out in game, or better yet, use the emulator.
1. Learn to use https://www.craftofexile.com/
This is the most important part unless you want to waste currency. I have not looked but there has to be a couple tutorials on youtube. Learn how to use the calculator and try to replicate your craft in the emulator beforehand.
2. Unlock the following bench craft
- Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers (Putrid cloister)
- Prefixes cannot be changed (The Coward's Trial)
- Suffixes cannot be changed (Oba's Cursed Trove)
- Cannot roll attack mods (Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den)
- Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate % Elemental Resistances (veiled 1hand weapon)
- % chance to deal Double Damage (veiled dagger/wand/weapon)
3. Learn how to use the horticrafting station
Again, on youtube.
4. Make sure you can afford the craft before you start
Don't start until you really know what you are doing and what the implications are. Be responsible.
Rare map to end game (multi mod claw)
This is a very good entry level to the end game claw. The damage is very decent for the cost and it is easy to make.
Overall: under 10 div, can be as low as 3 with some luck.
General steps
1. Buy the base
2. Get 24% quality with perfect fossils
3. Spam essences of hatred until you get fire or lightning T3 (you need one on both claws, they can't be the same, remember)
4. You need one empty prefix and no suffixes except the fractured attack speed here. Figure out how to get it done, there are several examples in the emulator pastebins below. Or gamble annul. I won't detail everything because it will be confusing.
5. Bench craft can have up to 3 modifiers
6. Bench craft attacks have % elemental penetration
7. Bench craft global crit multiplier
8. Add harvest attack speed enchant
On average this will take you less than 25 essences to get either lightning or fire T3. If you have more currency to throw at it to get T1 then more power to you! Its not that big of a damage increase however. Check in POB before you throw all your currency at it. A T3 mod gives only 1% less damage than the utility claw on my current setup.
I made 4 or 5 of these for under 30 divs each. They are not very hard to make. I like this version because it will fix the build nicely until you can craft really good gear, get all your levels and iron out every holes like resists, attributes, etc. It is entirely up to you to decide if you want to use this or go pure damage but keep in mind that they both cost a lot more to make than the multi modded version.
General steps
1. Buy the base
2. Get 24% quality with perfect fossils
3. Spam essences of hatred until you get fire or lightning T3 (you need one on both claws, they can't be the same, remember)
4. You need one empty prefix and no suffixes except the fractured attack speed here. Figure out how to get it done, there are several examples in the emulator pastebins below. Or gamble annul. I won't detail everything because it will be confusing.
5. Bench craft prefixes cannot be changed
6. Veiled chaos orb. If you hit a suffix, you will need to retry from step 5. If your suffixes are full or (very unlucky) it added a prefix, annul gamble. If you don't like this, use Aisling for more determinism. If you hit prefix, try to unveil ele pen. If you don't hit ele pen, pick any NON ATTACK mod and use the cannot roll attack mod + annul trick then go again.
7. This is where the magic happens. You want to slam with cannot roll attack modifiers on for any of 6 mods. See craftofexile it is a one in 16 to hit tier 1, or a one in 8 to hit tier 2. Up to you to decide when to stop.
8. Bench craft global crit multiplier
9. Add harvest attack speed enchant
Note that using this method you can accidentally hit T1 crit multi which is a very good outcome.
All damage mods claw
1. Buy the base
2. Get 30% quality with perfect fossils
3. Spam essences of hatred until you get fire or lightning T3 (you need one on both claws, they can't be the same, remember)
4. You need one empty prefix and no suffixes except the fractured attack speed here. Figure out how to get it done, there are several examples in the emulator pastebins below. Or gamble annul. I won't detail everything because it will be confusing.
5. Bench craft prefixes cannot be changed
6. Veiled chaos orb. If you hit a suffix, you will need to retry from step 5. If your suffixes are full or (very unlucky) it added a prefix, annul gamble. If you don't like this, use Aisling for more determinism. If you hit prefix, try to unveil ele pen. If you don't hit ele pen, pick any NON ATTACK mod and use the cannot roll attack mod + annul trick then go again.
7. From there you need to hit T1 multi, or whatever tier you are ok with. There are two main ways. Either you reforge crit, or you augment crit. Obviously, one is more expensive than the other, and reforges can fill your suffixes. Your call here. I went with reforges and never bricked one so far.
8. Add harvest attack speed enchant
9. Bench craft double damage
Body Armour
For every armour part it's important to be either pure Evasion or Evasion + AR/ES base because of the Evasion Mastery that gives 15% Spell Suppression.
This particular base is bought on trade as it's has hybrid Temple Life + Inc Life mod. It's drop only.
If you're going to craft body armour go with base with T1 fractured Life.
1.Craft suffixes (Fossils/Essences), for as much resistances as possible.
2.Bench craft suffixes cannot be changed (requires free prefix).
3.Scour if some leftover prefix is there. If so, after you Scour craft again suffixes cannot be changed
4.Do t4 Aisling Unveil for Increased Maximum life + Increase Maximum Mana hybrid mod.
5.Craft Phys as Fire + Lightning hybrid mod
Putting armour on 30% with Harvest enchant for Intelligence per %q will be required.
Aim for the better Chaos resistance roll.
Anoint Charisma.
For Amulet to do it's job it's important that character is capped at +70% Chaos resistance.
I bought my helmet on trade early league.
If you're going to craft it to buy base with fractured chaos resistance as it's the mod with lowest Weight.
From there you can either:
1) spam Deafening Essence of Spite for any T2+ resistance and get Life with Eldritch crafting. Probably cheaper method. (*should aim preferably for 55 Int)
2) spam Scorched/Frigid/Metallic fossil until you hit T2 resistance and T1 Intelligence. Finish prefix with Eldritch crafting.
Bench craft Phys as Fire (requires free prefix).
Gloves with "added Fire damage against Burning enemies" are drop only gloves from Incursion. Get as much as possible resistances on them.
If you can't find good ones with solid life roll, you can recraft prefixes them with Eldritch currency.
Craft on bench "increased damage while Leeching" prefix.
For the implicits go with Gain 1 Rage on hit and spell suppression, if ss is needed to cap it.
If you have enough SS without the implicit go with cold exposure.
Lethal Pride - Timeless jewel
This jewel has many useful mods.
Mandatory mods that you should have are 2x +20 Strength.
Other useful mods are 5% Chance to deal Double Damage, Phys to Ele, % chance to gain Endurance charge on kill, 20% fire resistance (if you're missing on gear).
5% Chance to deal Double Damage although not mandatory for build to function is highly recommended. Not because of the damage per se, but because that one hit that does double damage will proc higher Fortificaton/apply Shock/Freeze vs very tanky stuff.
Ancestral Vision
This one will cap your elemental ailment avoidance.
Cluster jewels
You want 8 point dagger and claw damage clusters.
One cluster with notables: Feed The Fury, Fan of Blades, Martial Prowess
Second one: Feed The Fury, Fan of Blades and third notable can be either one.
Rare jewels
Increased life + Crit multi with Elemental skills/fire skills/one handed melee weapons/global crit multi
Double crit multi jewels are fine, you don't have to go for triple ones.
Also double multi jewels leave flexibility to fix either resistances or attributes with other suffix.
Watchers Eye
I got one with Penetration + inc Attack Damage, because it was cheaper at the time and had good rolls.
Best one is with flat cold damage while affected by Hatred + inc Attack Damage with Precision.
Other ok mods are inc attack speed/crit multi while affected by Precision although give little less dps gain.
This particular ring is overboard and it's quite hard to craft so going to trade site is prob the best option.
You need:
-Chaos res
-Elemental res
Either going for corrupted or not prioritize Chaos resistance roll.
Alongside of Unique flasks you will use Magic flasks with Alchemist's prefix. Combination of these suffixes with particular flasks is prob the cheapest way to go.
I'd suggest that you don't use autoflasks but link them to one that you will press.
Bandits & Pantheons
Bandits: kill all
Pantheons, both fully upgraded.
-Major: Lunaris
-Minor: Tukohama
Hello, can someone help me understand why in the endgame build in PoB we should take these nodes with projectile mastery, speed etc, vs the primeval force nodes. I've attached a SS with the nodes in question.
The the highend PoB posted by the creater with lvl, it shows that those 4 nodes give aprox 11m dps while weapong elemental damage from above gives 15m.
How does less proecjtile speed affects our damage or what is the synergy I am missing here ? If someone could explain plz.
Hello, can someone help me understand why in the endgame build in PoB we should take these nodes with projectile mastery, speed etc, vs the primeval force nodes. I've attached a SS with the nodes in question.
The the highend PoB posted by the creater with lvl, it shows that those 4 nodes give aprox 11m dps while weapong elemental damage from above gives 15m.
How does less proecjtile speed affects our damage or what is the synergy I am missing here ? If someone could explain plz.
Can someone explain this step in order to craft the claws ?
"7. From there you need to hit T1 multi, or whatever tier you are ok with. There are two main ways. Either you reforge crit, or you augment crit. Obviously, one is more expensive than the other, and reforges can fill your suffixes. Your call here. I went with reforges and never bricked one so far."
Like once you have the prefixex and still need 1 crit and 1 more empty suffix, what, does the author mean by reforging path ? cuz if you use chaos orb at that point on the items is screws up everything. Can someone explain plz, maybe I'm missing something
Edit: Nvm, found out about harvest :)
Last edited by Shatérhand#7907 on Nov 5, 2024, 1:41:25 PM