Lets fix this game and GGG

By simply buying Tencent holdings stock.
Currently they go for 40usd per share.
You guys spend hundreds if not thousands of your parents money on stuff that you don't and will never own in the game, like cosmetics or stash tabs.
Instead spend it on shares.
If most of us get our hands on shares here ggg will have to obey us, as we will literally own them.
Plus buying stocks will increase their price, making you real money, and you will be able to actually get your money back when you sell your shares.

It's that simple.
No amount of forum spam will make them change anything.
Buying them even if you get 2% of overall shares will make them listen to you, as you're part owner of the company now.

Think about it next time you want to waste money on in game items.
Last bumped on Feb 29, 2024, 9:32:52 PM
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You look scared of the idea smh.
9700000000x0.02= 194000000
= 194 000 000

I do not understand the maths or shares, but are you saying I need $194 million dollars to make GGG listen to me? Cuz I dun think I have even $1000.
mina97 wrote:
9700000000x0.02= 194000000
= 194 000 000

I do not understand the maths or shares, but are you saying I need $194 million dollars to make GGG listen to me? Cuz I dun think I have even $1000.

That's why you don't have 1000usd.

It's really simple, as you might buy shares for 100 usd, other player might buy for more or similar.
Over all amount of players that are shareholders aka part owners of tencent keep on going up and up.
With enough amount of users that are 100+usd in shares it's possible to create a union which will then Change from One Player Holding Few Shares.

Do you understand now?
Where few people buying and selling their stocks won't affect much.
Few thousands in a union can actually have a huge impact.
When let's say 1000 people just buy shares for 100 that's 100000 usd.
I can assure you that most companies CAN"T AFFORD SUDDENLY LOSING 100K.
Now let's say this become a trend or a meme famous all over the internet.
That POE players literally unionized to have the game as they want it.
This 1000 people can quickly turn into 2+k reaching even 1 MILLION USD worth of shares.

This would drive price of the stock higher thus generating gains to YOU and everyone owning the stock.
But this would also keep Tencent at bay as sudden sell of 1-2M USD worth of shares could really damage the company.

If they are forced to listen to the player base with all their bat shit "fixes" to the game then you might as well go play diablo immortal.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980#2224 on Sep 2, 2023, 11:56:55 AM
N4mex wrote:

Few thousands in a union can actually have a huge impact.

Many, many, many, MANY people had that idea in all sorts of context, it rarely works and never in the way it was originally envisioned

"Lets all buy some super small amount of the company, even if insignificant by ourselves, we can have an active voice if we band up"

The problem with this is the same for every sort of union-wanna-be: People dont agree with each other

Getting multiple people together and agreeing on all the main points is already uphill even when we are just something like 5-ish people discussing what are the main problems and dont talk about solutions. If we try to rank the problems, its gonna be extremely hard to keep even these 5 people agreeing with the order, and if we open the big floodgates and start discussing solutions having them all staying on the same page borders wishfull thinking

Huge amounts of people banding and speaking in unisson sounds simple and a clear-cut "everybody wins" scenario, but in reality, its literally impossible to do without someone having power to drown the opinion of a portion of those people and just force them to accept or the movement imploding outright. Its why revolutions are hard to start, and once started, its even harder for them to keep goals intact and not just make a full circle that result in a status quo that is "different but the same" from the previous one
So I need to buy a minimum of 1 lot = 100 tencent shares before I am allowed to buy the stock, so it is 40 usd per share or 56 sgd per share, which could be why I was confused by the maths earlier.

So 40 usd x 100 shares = 4000 usd or 5600 sgd.

When let's say 1000 people just buy shares for 100 that's 100000 usd.
I can assure you that most companies CAN"T AFFORD SUDDENLY LOSING 100K.

So total tencent share is 3.11 trillion in hk = 396,504,131,900 in usd = 536,549,391,200 in sgd.
So 100k / 396 504 million usd = (2.52204265e-7)% Bro, I never even learned e in my maths class.
Let's just say e = multiplied -10,
2.522e-7= 0.25e-6= 0.025e-5 = 0.0025e-4=0.00025e-3
=0.000 025e-2 = 0.000 0025e-1 = 0.000 000 25
So by losing 100k usd, tencent loses 0.000 000 25% in stocks?
I have no idea if my maths is correct or not, but if it is this low percentage, why would they be scared?

But this would also keep Tencent at bay as sudden sell of 1-2M USD worth of shares could really damage the company.

If a group sells away their shares, it means the other shareholders have a higher percentage of owning the stocks, so lets see what tencent sell besides POE. Funcom (100%), Leyou (100%), Sharkmob (100%), Supercell (84%), and Grinding Gear Games (80%). Epic Games – the creator of Fortnite – is also 40% owned by Tencent.
I dunno what are those, I guess they are more games. This means the shareholder of tencent that did not sold their shares will have a bigger say in these other games. So this just makes things more complicated, because if you want them to rally them into selling their stocks, their games have to be bad as well.

This would drive price of the stock higher thus generating gains to YOU and everyone owning the stock.

Then why are people still working? We should just call everyone to buy tencent shares at this point.

create a union which will then Change from One Player Holding Few Shares.

The big issue is that will you guys listen to my advice? I am referring to this new group of shareholders.
1. Buy an overpriced internet server to reduce lag for global players.
2. Cut down all leagues and options, and make only one standard server.
3. Stop more designing and selling of skins.
4. 1 free trading inventory tab for all players.
5. Trading hall are held in only auction, unsold items within 7 days are sold to the game server at an estimated price lower than usual.
6. Introduce a new material that reduces the rng of crafting op equips, these are not found in atlas world from those teleport maps, instead it is found super rare in at low level pre-built maps level 1 - 65 that players are supposedly to grind levels and quests, this makes those maps useful and playable again.
7. Subscribing players have access to all skins that are not limited edition. Once they stop subscribing, they cannot access those skins anymore.
8. Place an auto skill level up in the skill tree, useful for new players.
9. New classes from POE2 are microtransactions and required to be paid to unlock each new class.
10. Auto stat balancing, besides the standard pvp, you can open pvp maps, this have random modifiers that debuffs the players, so that they have more similar stats. As again, you can grind for more materials that changes these pvp modifiers to whatever fun you guys are into, overpowered, balanced or underpowered.
N4mex wrote:
mina97 wrote:
9700000000x0.02= 194000000
= 194 000 000

I do not understand the maths or shares, but are you saying I need $194 million dollars to make GGG listen to me? Cuz I dun think I have even $1000.

That's why you don't have 1000usd.

It's really simple, as you might buy shares for 100 usd, other player might buy for more or similar.
Over all amount of players that are shareholders aka part owners of tencent keep on going up and up.
With enough amount of users that are 100+usd in shares it's possible to create a union which will then Change from One Player Holding Few Shares.

Do you understand now?
Where few people buying and selling their stocks won't affect much.
Few thousands in a union can actually have a huge impact.
When let's say 1000 people just buy shares for 100 that's 100000 usd.
I can assure you that most companies CAN"T AFFORD SUDDENLY LOSING 100K.
Now let's say this become a trend or a meme famous all over the internet.
That POE players literally unionized to have the game as they want it.
This 1000 people can quickly turn into 2+k reaching even 1 MILLION USD worth of shares.

This would drive price of the stock higher thus generating gains to YOU and everyone owning the stock.
But this would also keep Tencent at bay as sudden sell of 1-2M USD worth of shares could really damage the company.

This is hilarious, Tencent has a market cap of close to $400 billion USD - just let it sink in how much money that actually is. $2 million worth of shares owned by your fantasy union is nothing.
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Sep 6, 2023, 8:08:21 AM

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