[3.24] Lightning Dancing Dervish Champ, 11 Mil Dps, 100k Ehp

Ok I did some of these things, i feel like the evasion flask is only useful in t17s and I'm not doing that yet. Also the bit problem that I have with dropping my granite flask is that if i do a jade with increased evasion, I'm dropping my ms. Although it might also help when you're doing altars and you pick the overwhelm phys res mod. I'll try it.

The weapon swap is already in place, it's just not visible on poe.ninja

I'm trying to push to lv 100 rn, is there any significative improvements that could be done with 4 points ? Maybe another cluster ?

Also I saw a comment that awakened elemental damage is worse than inc crit on the mapping setup, but when switching the gems in pob, awakened comes on top especially when you upgrade the gems past max lv, has anyone else tried this ?
Last edited by TheBolshe on May 5, 2024, 8:01:12 AM
TheBolshe wrote:
Ok I did some of these things, i feel like the evasion flask is only useful in t17s and I'm not doing that yet. Also the bit problem that I have with dropping my granite flask is that if i do a jade with increased evasion, I'm dropping my ms. Although it might also help when you're doing altars and you pick the overwhelm phys res mod. I'll try it.

The weapon swap is already in place, it's just not visible on poe.ninja

I'm trying to push to lv 100 rn, is there any significative improvements that could be done with 4 points ? Maybe another cluster ?

Also I saw a comment that awakened elemental damage is worse than inc crit on the mapping setup, but when switching the gems in pob, awakened comes on top especially when you upgrade the gems past max lv, has anyone else tried this ?

I've never made it past level 96 so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Awakened elemental damage is in both the clearing and the bossing setup.

Clearing = (Awakened) elemental damage with attacks, pulverize, volatility, (awakened) minion damage, increased critical strikes, increased critical damage.

Bossing = (Awakened) elemental damage with attacks, volatility, (awakened) minion damage, increased critical damage, concentrated effect, fresh meat.

I found taking the Ravenous Horde cluster makes the swords angry and mean and they take out their frustration on everyone around them.
If you lack speed while mapping take the delve points and run a scarab for it.
It's just 2 points.

Or use a flask... but anyway just use jade, you are already capped on phys res granite does nothing while mapping because you never get 1shot, but maybe 2/3 shot yes, and then evasion is better because it gives you time to regenerate (evasion is an internal counter on how many hits you need to take before actualy taking them).

Put the rest of the points in sion life nodes. It's not worth to invest 1 point for like 2% increased dmg... You can get another jewel socket if you really want but the raw hp is just better imo.

The damage potential of the build is capped by the minion coding, it's just how it is. If you really think about it, it's a miracle you can get more then 10mil dps.

On bloodmage setups maybe triad's grip can give you more dmg, just put it in the pob and see for yourself. But it's so little that the life you get otherwise might be better.

If you want to mess around you can try gratuitous violence for some explosions, giving chance to bleed to your minions with jewels and gravebind to make the node appy.

Awakened elemental damage is in both the clearing and the bossing setup.

Sorry I meant Awakened Added Lightning Damage

In page 10 Snolaz says
awakened added lgihtningn is less dmg compared to other options.
I guess squezing some dmg from this build depends on the stuff rn for me.
AoE + AS corrupt on the derviches, +2 lv and less elem dmg corrupt on doryani,
maybe some other cool corrupts on expensive items. A better watcher's eye, better abyss jewels etc. Also now that i'm more capped i see that increased critical strikes is a bit better than Awakened elemental damage.
Also maybe getting a notable on the cluster like Raze and Pillage or Renewal, i'm not sure that they're better than just getting t1 life as a prefix

Rn i'm at 6M DPS on the mapping setup and 11M on the boss setup

However i'm trying something (maybe ?) interesting. With my Thread of hopes and the setup i have, i can easily access MoM and Divine Shield.
MoM gives +1.5k phys max hit when HP/ES are full and gives some more time to react against lighning degens and Divine Shield should synergise with the armour when you're in a big pack.

The only trouble is that having a degen might prevent you from cycloning or flamedashing if you're in a big pack and got a big ignite (or another degen with a big duration because of Lethe Shade) on you and just cast wrath. So you're gotta be more aware of what's happening on the screen (rn i just can blindly walk into almost anything and never die)

So i wonder if it's worth trying this setup or just get lord of the dead and a small hp node somewhere for about 5% overall damage

Here's my current PoB : https://pobb.in/u/TheBolshe/mS1fLOiHxUZE
Last edited by TheBolshe on May 29, 2024, 6:13:42 AM
Hi! No video gameplay?
Aleckzz wrote:
Hi! No video gameplay?


I don't know if it's really representative but you can click around those
Last edited by TheBolshe on May 30, 2024, 5:50:05 AM
TheBolshe wrote:
Aleckzz wrote:
Hi! No video gameplay?


I don't know if it's really representative but you can click around those

Ok actually i want to slap a divination distillate as a 5th unique flask, how do i do so that the effect doesn't disappear ?

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