Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

Ok, nice.
Ctrl + F Ruthless
202 instances

nice 'side project', I'm sure it's not taking devs' time at all
Ruthless is side project (c)
No shake in meta, no skill rebalance, just Ruthless stuff. Guess Ruthless takes no development cost is a lie.

Well, no supporter pack purchases again.
Dear GGG, please stop lumping ruthless changes with everything else, it's confusing the shit out of people who ctrl+f for changes. Post Ruthless changes in a separate post pls, thank you
Soooo, that is a lot of ruthless changes for what was supposed to be a side project.
I am still very excited for the league and there are some very interesting keystones and supports, but man is it deflating to see that wall of text for ruthless and a handful of lines in skill changes.

Still I want to say how much I appreciate the game and what you do.
ruthless > core
the longest league ever into ruthless patchnotes. What a joke.
ah yes so now speaking the truth is "needlessly negative" people waited 5 months for acceptable league and we got this, literally no changes AGAIN it's been a year now? gg ggg

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