[3.22] Righteous Fire (+Incinerate) Chieftain | New Changed Chieftain | Trial of the Ancestors

mage blood yes but 4times the damage with Jugg just saying https://pastebin.com/5iLphueZ totems are to slow in my op traps are nice
Last edited by dragnmith1 on Aug 26, 2023, 9:59:44 AM
All a matter of preference but fire trap >> scorching ray >>>> incinerate
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Thanks for the build. Just hit 2k hours mostly playing HCSSF and this is the one of the few time I've ever had a character survive long enough to consistently clear T16 maps. It's working great for me.
Last edited by gigawhite on Sep 4, 2023, 9:11:51 PM
gigawhite wrote:
Thanks for the build. Just hit 2k hours mostly playing HCSSF and this is the one of the few time I've ever had a character survive long enough to consistently clear T16 maps. It's working great for me.

Im glad you enjoy the build!
I am lvl 51 and tried switching to RF but i still loose HP. Don't know what went wrong.
Cultivator28 wrote:
I am lvl 51 and tried switching to RF but i still loose HP. Don't know what went wrong.

Your profile is set to private so I can't see your characters, can you please provide a PoB?

Make sure you capped your fire resistance.

Make sure you got the fire mastery for recovery based on fire res.

Make sure you have the regen cluster left of the Marauder start point.
Really not vibing too well with this build. I'm level 56 with only 3k RF DPS. I could probably bump that up to 10k if I dropped the shield and used two scepters, but it'd still be miniscule because the build doesn't invest in any % element damage nodes, just life, resistances, armour and mana reservation efficiency.

Why use evasion & armour when we can't evade because we're using unwaving stances, and why use Magebane when we're not investing in dexterity?

Why use skitterbots when we're not using traps or mines?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but in any case this isn't for me.
So how far can this build go compared to Jugg/Inquis?

You can have a look at the guy I made, don't really know how to make the build tighter, I'm currently trying to get that last 1 percent all res node in Soul of Steel. That will give me 87 percent all res with junk gear, res only from the tree.
Last edited by jdp29 on Sep 24, 2023, 8:48:33 PM

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