Diablo 4 is the best DIABLO game but i've now lost interest in the franchise
" Who is laughing? Imagine D4 being David in this scenario selling 10 million copies and making over a billion dollars in two months. Just lol D4 is, and will be, totally fine. Let the devs cook ffs. Or don't. It's definitely won't matter in the end. This summers DLC will sell in the millions (not to mention packaged versions with OG D4) which won't explain people saying D4 is dead. For every 1 PoE diehard, there are at least 5 casuals and dads willing to D4 it up. They both can exist in this space, that much is obvious. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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The emotional yoyo of the D4 community is yet again dizzying itself with that latest campfire chat. To me the game continues to slouch towards satisfactory. All the incoming features Wanderers are going apeshit over are in the "why didn't you do this sooner?" category.
That extra zoom out is nice though, and not standard for ARPGs. Not enough to draw me back from games I know I really enjoy and am not done with, but eh I will probably give s4 a run. I do find the seasonal content interesting enough a backdrop to fill the pass and try new skill changes. As Diabloski has made clear, it's really gonna come down to the expansion, which really needs to be the game's LoD/RoS. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Mar 21, 2024, 12:57:49 AM
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To me, all the changes & updates have been good since launch. I suppose you could ask why not before launch, but retroactive anger or displeasure doesn't really accomplish much, unless you just like being mad.
It was never going to be perfect, a complete game out of the gate. And in truth, there is no money in that. We all knew the model was live service with paid expansions going in. That said, some things are confusing, like the technical limits on stash space for example. I would chalk some of this up to a relatively inexperienced arpg dev team. They are learning. That much is clear. Totally agree that the Expansion will be a big inflection point. I wouldnt say critical because either way the game isn't going anywhere. Again, as I've said previously, D4 is great for me. It does everything I ask, and doesn't try to swallow my life. It respects my time, and has low stakes to achieve modest goals each season. If someone wants to invest 200 hours a month, play PoE, I'll take my 40-70 hours per season in D4 happily. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Mar 21, 2024, 10:32:38 AM
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the new item system looks really good. were gonna have to see what the stats are like in practice but im not sure it matters that much? its safe to say what they showed off is actually a decent item system for the sort of arpg D4 should be. its a little more advanced than D3 which is correct for the scope, D3 is idiotically simple, it should remain the worst item system of any reasonable sized arpg, the example of what not to do, that it lost that spot to D4 was unfortunate.
it all comes down to the gear system, people say D4 has good combat etc... i really dont think it does, its ok at best. people say it has no endgame, again i dont strictly agree i think theres a lot of endgame there its just without an item system theres no point in playing it, theres no exciting loot and the combat is not fun enough to carry it. I think the original D3 held people better than D4 because the original item system had some fun things you could find and really the combat gameplay is significantly more fun in D3 than D4 so it held people despite having nothing to do. all the critics saying D4 has nothing to do i think miss the point, theres nothing you WANT to do because the item system is shit and the combat isnt fun enough to carry having no loot. D3RoS essentially has almost no loot but its gameplay still carries it, people who stuck with D3RoS for 7+ years playing 600+ hours every season abandoned D4 within 6 months, why? I dont think anyone can make a serious argument that D3 had more endgame than D4. Its got nothing to do with sweatlord elitists etc that i see youtube comments levelling at those guys either, D3 has the most casual bare bones systems imaginable but they stuck with it because its fun to play and manages in its own little way to make something feel 'worth' their time. they did what they should have done at the start, instead of just sitting back saying no weve never played poe, never played grim dawn dawn, never played last epoch, barely played any diablo even, were just gonna make the flagship next gen arpg blind of the genre, which is madness, theyve obviously looked at what LE and POE do and said: this is what is fun about these systems, we can steal this idea, adapt that idea and replicate the benefits of this other one with our own system. now their item system is looking really strong? maybe? its a more limited system than poe which it should be. similar to Le maybe in scope? i really, really, really hope they dont roll back the idea of having the tempering system be a bit rng so you can brick your item. it needs that because with only 3 stats its gonna be quite easy to find the 'right' 3 stats on a piece, the system needs a reason to keep finding that item over and over resulting in eventually upgrading your first attempt. theres a danger in aprgs where its almost like the easier you make it to get stuff the easier people want it, we see it in poe the faster the game has got the more people are resisting any sort of reduction in speed. seems like you dont actually satisfy some people by giving them more you just increase the addiction and with it comes even more demand to go further. i hope they just hold strong and dont go back on the few bits of friction theyve designed into the system because if theres no rng and fails in the item system its not exciting when you get a good result and theres no longevity in the thing. out of a million things that could have been done better in d4 this was the essential one, this is the one they really needed to land and it seems like theyve really landed it. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Not sure if you're implying I am emotionally invested there, DS44, but I hope not. :) It's just that what they are doing and have been doing doesn't strike me as innovative or surprising. It's remedial. And that's fine (really, is there a more fitting adjective for D4?) but even I am loath to engage in the ping pong rapidity with which D4 redditors receive every morsel of evolution in Estuar.
Thing is, I am so satisfied by other games AND by how D4's camapign made me feel (and it did make me feel, in the good way) that I can't imagine a change to the game that would pull me back immediately. I like that it's there though, waiting for when that very particular itch becomes more than an itch. That to me is what Diablo should be, in this day and age. Reliable, where so many other games are not. Console wise, this makes it unique as an ongoing ARPG with high production values. Were I a PC gamer I don't think I would have bothered with it at all. Which would have been a shame, but if there's one rabbit hole I try hard to avoid, it's the one where I wonder what I might be missing out on while enjoying myself doing other things. A man can go insane doing that these days. Edit: okay, one change would lift D4 on my list considerably and I think they'd be fools not to address this: fulfil the living world promise and make strongholds dynamic. Have hordes raid them. Keep us constantly aware of how close to ruin Estuar really is. Make them the push and pull familiar to MMO gamers. I would love to sink some serious hours into a post campaign world that feels alive. I suppose opening helltides to all difficulties is a start... Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Mar 21, 2024, 2:43:59 PM
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Sorry if that was unclear. Not the pejorative you, rather the group.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" nah, it really is I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out
PoE1 > PoE2 |
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with my interest in POE1 gone, i actually jumped into S4 to try out their new item reworks.
off the bat, horses are WAY more fun now. you get to use them in town, mounting and cooldown has been sped up so it feels like i can quick mount, clear a pack, then remount and repeat. also they have an option to SKIP CAMPAIGN. holy cow. i only played a little but had to get to work. coming back to d4 from poe1, i really appreciate d4's graphics. part of the many reasons why i quit was actually because i HATED the way gearing relied heavily on aspect hunting. if you got a new gear but you didnt have the correct aspects to slap on, i had to wait till i found the aspects to ensure i do not brick my build as some builds heavily rely on a few aspects working together. its kinda like how in POE1, you cant simply swap out gear because the gear could have sockets/links/colours that you specifically used. the new way they handled aspects is much more lenient than before, you dont need to worry about hunting "higher rolled aspects" anymore as once you get the max top roll, you're dont for that item. oh, also 1 thing significant to note is that mods values on 2handers are doubled. for example if on a 1 hander you could get max 2 mana on kill, the 2hander would get max 4 mana on kill. i kinda forgot about this but one thing that i really hated in poe and many argps is how you could get more benefits from wielding 2 weapons vs a 2hander. for example in poe1 if you rolled max poison chance on a 1 hander, you could get 30%, with 2 of such items that would push your chance to poison up to 60%. but on a 2 hander, you could only get the 30% and thats the end of it. i ll be continuing my d4 journey later after work. in a way it makes me wish that i could play poe2 instead but hey. i already bought d4 and i might as well give it a go. now that the game has had significant changes. [Removed by Support]
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I'm playing Season 4 right now and it does not totally suck.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
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" i concur. definitely NOT D4 Bad. in fact i had fun? [Removed by Support]
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