anyone saw blizzard new season content? LOL

When blizzard said this several months ago how they gonna add new content every season i knew they are lying and they will only add actually new content in expansion right now they are doing the same exact thing what they did in diablo 3 SEASON THEMES wich adds ONE SINGLE THING to the season in this example they added some new monsters who drop some kinda hearts who can upgrade your character yep thats it thats their new content season themes were boring in diablo 3 they didnt add any new content they just reused the same old content compare it to GGG when they releasing bunch of new stuff every season multi milion company can release 100x times more content new every 3 months than a multi bilion company LOL
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Jul 18, 2023, 5:23:31 AM
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2023, 10:42:26 AM
Well, most of us 'knew' that Diablo 4 seasonal additions would be somewhat lackluster compared to PoE. That in itself isn't necessarily a negative thing; more isn't always better.

But I struggle to see how PoE players that repeatedly critique PoE leagues as "shit", "boring" or "lackluster" can defend Diablo's approach. I'm also curious about the MTX approach here in a $70 game, which a lot of people defended because "it's going to be a live service game with tons of addons each season".

Mr. DS is on a probation, I think, so he'll probably be unavailable for this one.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
ppl need to read D4 fanboys comments defending D4 is so funny and sad at the same time
I'm personally a little surprised by it. You would have thought they would have had the first league lined up long in advance and held something back for the league to make the first one special. As Phrazz said, more isn't always better, but it does need to be something of note. It is hard to say what long term trends will be though. It's not completely the same, but early POE leagues were things like Onslaught and Tempest.
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by ThomasK_GGG#0000 on Jul 18, 2023, 6:08:17 AM
hoho good luck with that.
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I agree that it looks pretty bad in comparison to poe.

My Diablo 4 experience was as expected. I played 2 weeks, got bored because lack of interesting endgame. Back to poe.

Will maybe look into seasons if they release something interesting. Season 1 looks pretty boring.

Its just a blizzard thing imo... they make pretty good games but they update them with very minimal effort.
I'm not impressed with season 1 (or the base game) but I get the impression that Blizzard didn't really have any time to put this together (which is their own fault).

However, I will say that they seem to be going the PoE approach of a league mechanic tied to an NPC associated with that mechanic with some sort of endgame encounter. This league looks pretty shallow but the template Blizzard seems to be going off of looks identical to PoE's.

What I don't know is how much time Blizzard assumes they have before people stop paying attention. A slow ramp up to D4 taking shape and becoming a decent game is no good if most people stop playing and move on to other things before it gets to that point--Especially when Activision/Blizzard tend to abandon their games when they don't meet their expectations. I can see the decision being made to cut back on development efforts if the cash shop isn't bringing in the dollars they thought it would.
Nubatron wrote:
I'm personally a little surprised by it. You would have thought they would have had the first league lined up long in advance and held something back for the league to make the first one special. As Phrazz said, more isn't always better, but it does need to be something of note.

The only way you could be surprised by this is if you tried to apply standard release rate logic to Blizzard, their history tells you all you need to know they are glacially slow at producing content, probably the slowest I can think of frankly.

Its one of the things that made me think the whole PoE2 vs D4 thing was irrelevant they are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum so much so that they don't really compete. D4 will get real content so infrequently we can all go play it whenever its relevant enough without it really impacting any other gaming venture. Meanwhile PoE is a full game as a service cycle where it can take 4+ months of your gaming calendar a year like an MMO or persistent shooter (Destiny type).

Whether Blizzard's quality is worth their development pace is a different subject entirely I won't get into that but just felt like pointing out that i'm surprised you were surprised :p
Oh yes, when I red zero new content but just the add of unique gems I told to myself: ok 3 months more of pure boredom, it’s time to uninstall this game and too forever. As I got bored after let’s say 3 weeks both in diablo immortal and in d4, I realized blizzard isn’t for me at all
Last edited by Umbryl#6252 on Jul 18, 2023, 7:46:20 AM
Nubatron wrote:
I'm personally a little surprised by it. You would have thought they would have had the first league lined up long in advance and held something back for the league to make the first one special. As Phrazz said, more isn't always better, but it does need to be something of note.

They have also held off fixing various annoying things like resistances being virtually useless and gems taking up a load of much needed inventory space until season 2 since season 1 was already complete. Given the tiny scope of season 1 you'd think they'd have been able to address these things sooner.

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