Anyone seen latest diablo 4 controversy?

imanubcake wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
feike wrote:

statues of important people are hardly noticed by the average dude as well, its still significant, even so

This is not that, not even remotely. The delusions of grandeur are strong here.

I mean this statue (if there even ends up being one), will be on private property at the HQ. A few employees will see it. Wow. Such significance.

Anyways Charan basically covered everything that needed to be covered in a couple of his posts. I did touch on a few similar points within a thread over in GD. I don't have much else to add other than to express how unfathomably small the number of players this impacts on scale.

We are probably looking at a number in the multi-millions launch week, and upwards of 5 or 6 million by the end of June. Even if there were 1500 - 2000 serious hardcore racers, that would represent a number in the thousandths of 1%. For the other 99.9997 folks this is laughably insignificant.

Granted, maybe the average joe dont give a shit, but then... that would raise the question of why even bother, wouldn't it?

I honestly believe this was a reaction to the announcement there wouldn't be a ladder ready at launch. Which again, almost no one cares about. I believe they came up with this to placate the loudest voices in the creator space, but still they have issues. If I was Blizz I would cancel the whole thing and never think twice about it. These vocal few are totally out of touch imo.

Yet I'm sure if GGG allowed beta testers to compete in events you'd be saying completely different things...

I did have issues with GGG on the sponsonered Streamer only queue in Ultimatum, and this league making Ruthless the main race focus.

I general I dont care about races, like at all, for either game. But calling this a controversy is absurd given the scale.
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- Abraham Lincoln
hoho yes indeed
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DarthSki44 wrote:
This is not that, not even remotely. The delusions of grandeur are strong here.

I disagree, making physical, personalized, rewards by itself is already very rare on gaming. Even if its just silly like the models you get for preordering stuff(strongly indicated it will not be) with your name on it, still nice to have
But again, even if its silly, still retarded to make a fiasco of an event and push it upfront, esp again, by a company that really should know better. Just the prize being dumb dont automatically lower the bar and make the whole event better

DarthSki44 wrote:
We are probably looking at a number in the multi-millions launch week, and upwards of 5 or 6 million by the end of June. Even if there were 1500 - 2000 serious hardcore racers, that would represent a number in the thousandths of 1%. For the other 99.9997 folks this is laughably insignificant.

Wich, again, brings back the point of if its insignificant, why even bother?

DarthSki44 wrote:
I honestly believe this was a reaction to the announcement there wouldn't be a ladder ready at launch. Which again, almost no one cares about. I believe they came up with this to placate the loudest voices in the creator space, but still they have issues. If I was Blizz I would cancel the whole thing and never think twice about it. These vocal few are totally out of touch imo.

"voices in creator space"? You think there is division on wether the game will be competitive or not? On a game that is pratically ready to launch? If so, thats a VERY SERIOUS problem... unless you think the whole stuff is pet project of a half dozen people. Must be some seriously important half dozen to fund such a pet project that have even personalized rewards...
Its quite easy to interpret they are forcing the event either as a "me too" sort of way, or to make the game appears it cathers to a crowd it just dont. Either way, very inept. Nobody will buy the notion D4 will be competitive. That even you say that they should drop the whole stuff speaks volumes, and the sheer fact they went foward and seemly failed to notice it would be retarded also speaks quite a bit by itself. Not doing or saying nothing is sometimes the better choice, should have learned to be quiet back on the "dont you have phones?"
The whole "pay for early access" thing should have been enough to tell people this is they way things would be moving forward. Personally I expect to play D4 and then go back to poe. my expectations are frankly lower than D3 which had some disasters but at least tried to innovate e.g. with new classes.

Also lol at the 3000 word version of "it doesn't affect me so who cares".
Last edited by ladish#6213 on May 29, 2023, 11:55:13 AM
Aaaand Diablo IV tweeted that anyone who has played it already is exempt.

"Controversy" over just like that.

As that one dude said a while ago, not with a bang but with a whimper. Better luck next time, drama junkies. :)

@feike: I appreciate your balanced response. I need to make clear I think the whole thing with the statue and its obvious aim at content creators is shitty and I wish they wouldn't do it but this is marketing 101 and going by how much attention it's drummed up I hate to admit it works.

You WILL see my tune change from acceptance and dismissal of these hype-farming events to something a little less amicable should this approach affect the game itself -- PoE already disappointed me by turning its potentially massive world into a tutorial for Map running and a necessary launching point for league gimmick engagement. If Blizzard, this current Blizzard, do the same to Sanctuary *after all this effort to make it seem like a living world full of people whose pathetic little lives actually matter*, and it becomes all about speed play and achievement hunting to the point where someone can't just take their time with the game as it is ...then yeah, that will be a big problem. I want Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild, not Destiny 2.

But until then, I am happy to wait and see what they do with DIV. I would be very surprised if the staggering sales figures of games like ER and BOTW/TOTK don't have some sway regarding the desirability of big open world single player experiences. And from what I have played so far w DIV, it's mostly just that given the very small number of players allowed in any one instance of the world -- smart move. Enough people around to not feel alone, not so many you feel like you're in a traditional MMO.

Anyway done with this thread. Back to Diabloski's.
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し#7371 on May 30, 2023, 10:59:42 AM
so much drama...for all you people who live on this drama with "p2w" , "stay on poe because d4 is junk and p2w" , get a life...good luck playing your copy pasted leagues in the future.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
鬼殺し wrote:
Aaaand Diablo IV tweeted that anyone who has played it already is exempt.

"Controversy" over just like that.

Wait a damn moment... am i interpreting something wrong?

Did they actually "fixed" the event... by booting a good number of the people who would be most interested on it out of it???

Wow... just... wow...
Eh coulda just delayed it but whatever.
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i mean its blizzard they are always scummy about everything look at promised OW2 PvE content they canceled it and just kept talking about new exciting stuff in their battlepass and now pay to win race in diablo 4 just shows in what direction d4 is already going probably gonna get pay to win shop this year already
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