[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

OurDexer wrote:
This build can even reliably freeze uber bosses. No matter how you approach it, with heatshiver nerf along with removal of boot enchant we lost approx %40 damage.

Very good gear? yes
League start gear / budget gear? no

My maps per hour wont't change because of this nerf. (That's the only benchmark I care about).

Like I said, it's maybe a big deal for Sanctum farmers and Uber farmers. But everything you mentioned hit every cold build equally. The new Simplex Amulet and the Transfigured Icicle gem seem to make up for a big part of the dps loss already.
Last edited by 99prosorc on Dec 4, 2023, 8:07:49 AM
Im sorry, im going insane or we got a +1 proj even w/o quality? new gems says "fires 5 proj" (7 with base gem + q) and old says "fires 4 additional proj". old fires 1 + 4? so its the same?
Last edited by Favrex on Dec 4, 2023, 10:09:47 AM
What are your thoughts about sanctum farm with this build in 3.23 (after investment) ?
99prosorc wrote:
Prof549 wrote:
Few questions:

1) We can reroll new "bonus" ascensions later, right?

2) Why the "chaining range" notable? Icicle mine chains? Couldn't figure that out.

3) Scion works for that build, right? Or it's something specific about ranger in it? I just don't want to level another character later. (Slapped together the same build for league start https://poeplanner.com/b/UYD)

1) yes
2) yes
3) yes

Oh, I think I get it. It chains cuz of the Deadeye ascension, right? So, kinda useless nodes for a Scion? Maybe a pierce on the same node cluster would help?
Last edited by Prof549 on Dec 4, 2023, 12:11:07 PM
Prof549 wrote:
99prosorc wrote:
Prof549 wrote:
Few questions:

1) We can reroll new "bonus" ascensions later, right?

2) Why the "chaining range" notable? Icicle mine chains? Couldn't figure that out.

3) Scion works for that build, right? Or it's something specific about ranger in it? I just don't want to level another character later. (Slapped together the same build for league start https://poeplanner.com/b/UYD)

1) yes
2) yes
3) yes

Oh, I think I get it. It chains cuz of the Deadeye ascension, right? So, kinda useless nodes for a Scion? Maybe a pierce on the same node cluster would help?

Pierce from tree / cluster / gloves craft is fine to improve your AoE / pack clear too.
Chain is also available from other sources (Snakepit or Gloomfang for example).
I'd probably just go +2 or +3 pierce in your case.
99prosorc wrote:

Pierce from tree / cluster / gloves craft is fine to improve your AoE / pack clear too.
Chain is also available from other sources (Snakepit or Gloomfang for example).
I'd probably just go +2 or +3 pierce in your case.

Gotcha. Thanks.
Xenithos wrote:
Do you intend on crafting that new simplex yourself? Do you have a method of crafting you're already aiming for?

One way (the more expensive way):
- use highest tier of crit essence (scorn) to add crit multi
- annul prefix + 2nd suffix
- cannot roll attack + augment cold
- try again if augment cold failed

Another way:
- spam 3rd or 2nd highest tier of crit essence (scorn) till you hit +1 (depending on your budget)
- annul 2nd suffix to make room for a mine throwing speed bench craft (you may skip this if you attempt this very early in the league)
Last edited by 99prosorc on Dec 4, 2023, 1:02:06 PM
Think it should be fine for sanc runs? even with heatshiver nerf? Gonna league start with this.
Prof549 wrote:
Few questions:

1) We can reroll new "bonus" ascensions later, right?

2) Why the "chaining range" notable? Icicle mine chains? Couldn't figure that out.

3) Scion works for that build, right? Or it's something specific about ranger in it? I just don't want to level another character later. (Slapped together the same build for league start https://poeplanner.com/b/UYD)

1)Yes, From FAQ:
When you change back to a Wildwood Ascendancy you’ve already completed quests for, will they still be completed?

2) As a DEADEYE, we get +1 chains on icicle mines. the chain range notable and projectile speed mastery help our clear go offscreen, which feels really really good. Icicle mines does not by default chain.

3)Scion would require unique items to get chain, though you could technically grab the pierce nodes instead. It would be a different build.

In maps per hour, would you grab the +1 pierce with the chain we're getting from deadeye, or would you grab like a snakepit or something for more chain?

I hadn't tested stuff like this last league, and only ever rocked the chain from deadeye and chaining range....
Last edited by Xenithos on Dec 4, 2023, 2:44:51 PM
Xenithos wrote:

In maps per hour, would you grab the +1 pierce with the chain we're getting from deadeye, or would you grab like a snakepit or something for more chain?

Next League, I may use this cluster jewel (not 100% sure yet, we will see...):

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