Metal /// casual guild for SETTLERS + STANDARD /// chill and kill

Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
hey hey Hank here. Wish to join the guild
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Brand new player to POE LF leveling guild or guild to chill with, I want to learn to play correctly. Mature play living in Seattle Area: IGN HeavenlyDots
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
I'm in! Playing standard mostly but might try league if they fix graphics engine. IGN: zMasterOfDestiny
Hello, new player LF guild. I want to learn how to play with more experienced player.
Nick in game TheCreatix - JF Jugg
Age - 26
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Hey! Can i join the guild? I am playing he game since 2016 and i still a noob =)
i will be glad to join the guild for some fun plays.


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