November Event Topics

We previously announced that players would receive one guaranteed mystery box for reaching level 50 in any one of the events. We have decided to double this to two possible mystery boxes, with the second awarded for reaching level 50 in a second event.

Nice I wanted to do mayhem and delve but was about to skip one of those, now I dont have to.
Thank you for listening to your community. Excited to play some events and maybe chase that Godslayer's Pride!
heil_mods_ wrote:
MTX reward > item reward that will rot in standard

It was a good decision to move towards that.

I think you and GGG don't understand what IS or FEELS rewarding.

You think I go hard in events to try and win demis to just sit in standard towns all day and look cool?

No it's a trophy. Some one talks ish and you can just say " at least I have a demi"

changing it to to be something you can wear wherever is fine but then they go and ruin in typical ggg fashion. nothing can just be good. they have something in their brain that thinks there's some balance in the universe they can't undo by giving without taking.
Guys really? What is this: "we will give only one event box" a bit later: "ok we will give 2 boxes, but not 3, because 2 are worth same as 3".
Why dig urself a hole knowing you will definitely drop into it twice. Will this trend gonna finish yet? You have 3.20 to prepare. Focus please. 3.20 should be awesome.. And it's a must and you know it!
they lost their way and continue to do so with last minute changes as well as absurd
A nice bonus thanks. If I play an event or two it'll be for fun rather than mystery boxes, but nice there's a reward out there for the top players. Voided makes sense to me for one off events. Whilst it'd be nice to see new kinds of event, I'm glad there's focus on 3.20 instead.
Waaaaayyyyyyyy better !!!! nice :)

To clarify:
Hardcore Solo Self-Found: 19 total Godslayer's Pride, one for the top of each Ascendancy.
Solo Self-Found: 6 total Godslayer's Pride based on top ranks, Ascendancy Class not relevant.
Standard: 6 total Godslayer's Pride based on top ranks, Ascendancy Class not relevant.
Hardcore: 6 total Godslayer's Pride based on top ranks, Ascendancy Class not relevant.

As someone who won 3 demigod in SSF on last chain of events year ago I believe that this structure of demigod contribution simply incentivizes to play most meta ascendancy/build to rush to level 100 or whatever to event "winning" goal is. While for someone it is okay, for me personally it isn't, since I was always trying to win it on somewhat "non-meta" ascendancy instead of playing the best one to speedrun event.

I am not mad. I am just dissapointed.
I really don't get the demi ONLY going to the top 1 of each ascendancy. This makes it incredibly unrealistic for many to obtain and therefore reduces incentive. At least give it to the top 2-3.
Why cant we have these on console?

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