Chris Wilson talks to Josh Strife Hayes about Path of Exile

nice video
Rekill wrote:
Am i suppose to know who Josh Strife Hayes is?... also don't need to watch. Chris wilson's Vision is a joke. Spammy clusterfuck is still a spammy clusterfuck. To much crap and no loot. Just farm currency and trade.

I think it speaks loudly that this interview wasn't in the normal PoE realm. More of a PoE player recruitment vid I'd take it. Had to have Chris explain what PoE was afterall

The biggest issue I have is with Chris/GGG talking about their vision and what they want to do, is that is actually doesn't really reflect what comes out.

I like a lot of stuff that Chris says about what they are gonna do, have planned, the theory behind it, etc. Then what we get is not really close to any of that, at least imo.

I have to admit I felt patronized when I read Chris' Reddit post about Archnemesis mods having been "extensively tested", yet "too hard for the average player". This interview helped me understand how challenging it can be to live up to the responsibility to the game and its player base when planning and implementing profound - but necessary - changes.
Nice vid. More interviews and more information about PoE2 please, Mr. Wilson. I would like something like a quarterly newsletter with screenshots and interesting information. PoE2 is the only game I'm waiting for. All the others (devs) lost my trust a long time ago...

Last edited by masta_czarny#5365 on Jul 18, 2022, 7:21:19 AM
I like hearing Chris talk about design philosophies. Definitely a learned individual, and the interviewer isn't some streamer coddling GGG about that dumbass hard mode or asking questions that no one really cares about because they don't base their income on streaming the game, or hosting gauntlets or running races.

At the same time, some of these answers, while fantastic to hear in general just for the sake of talking game design whether one agrees or not, are either misleading when they use PoE as the basis or just inadequate.

Also, fix fucking melee. Seismic Cry didn't need to be nerfed given how bad melee is in general, and there's like 100 other builds that delete bosses in seconds that aren't melee, yet melee never gets quality of life (you even ruined Fortify), gets nerfed consistently despite being clunky, and your only solution was "lol just give them more melee strike range so that they aren't actually melee anymore."

As much as I like this interviewer and thoroughly enjoy hearing the general game design talk for the sake of talking game design (not specifically PoE), I want to see an interview where someone just asks non-stop hard questions that they seem to never address.
As other comments have said before me. It does seem a bit misleading, I pretty much agree with everything Chris said in this video but if we objectively look at PoE specifically, many of the things said cannot be applied. This is what really worries me.
This guy went from being frustrated with "Diablo Immortal" and trying out "Path of Exile" on a consequential whim to God's Chosen and interviewing the man himself within a few days. All with a general background and renown in online RPGs and some effort put into his videos. Good for him!
I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
Best Interview ever ,
Asking the right questions , i got chills from every question , and they're multiplying .
Since you only want "nice" feedback or else you get your posts removed. Could you kindly remove all the annoying parts about your game? I don't realy care for bought "influencers" and their interviews to preach to the choir. Sirus still oneshots you before you can even get back into the fight. He'll still randomly teleport you into death orbs if your dps is too quick or he does his hallway orb rush too quick after releasing a new orb. Sometimes he'll teleport near a death orb and the way out is to wait in the hallway for 20 seconds for the deathorb to slowly move.

Your entire nerf list is nothing more than checking poe ninja put on the played tag, look for abilities/items that are used more than 30% of the time. And then have your bought "influencers" to spread the message that it was highly necessary to destroy these abilities. But in return we get nothing of value back. You say you're changing things for build diversity but you gridlock people into abilities because their alternatives are extremely weak. You say everything is viable, but I've never seen you take on uber maven on your first week cleave juggernaut. I still want a video of that Chris. Show me how viable that cleave juggernaut of yours is.

Leagues are a joke. Making it mandatory to go for 38 now instead of 36. 8 conditionals for uber versions of already uber versions. When I believe the steam achievements show that just over 1% of people on steam have accepted and defeated normal maven.

Then another thing I find highly saddening, is how you keep removing methods to just simply craft items. I heard something on twitter(Something I find another sad thing about your dealings as a company, that you only look at reddit and twitter). That you're going to wreck harvest(again)? Because of this misguided notion that "players should take solace in having an item with 2 usefull stats on it". But you design every boss/league around streamers that craft atleast 5 t1's.

I don't know how to express myself in even more kind words. To not have your bot/dev staff instantly delete/remove my post. All I'm saying is that I don't want you or your community to say that you're a better diablo II succesor. You're not worth that title.
Fisk1990 wrote:
Since you only want "nice" feedback or else you get your posts removed. Could you kindly remove all the annoying parts about your game? I don't realy care for bought "influencers" and their interviews to preach to the choir. Sirus still oneshots you before you can even get back into the fight. He'll still randomly teleport you into death orbs if your dps is too quick or he does his hallway orb rush too quick after releasing a new orb. Sometimes he'll teleport near a death orb and the way out is to wait in the hallway for 20 seconds for the deathorb to slowly move.

Your entire nerf list is nothing more than checking poe ninja put on the played tag, look for abilities/items that are used more than 30% of the time. And then have your bought "influencers" to spread the message that it was highly necessary to destroy these abilities. But in return we get nothing of value back. You say you're changing things for build diversity but you gridlock people into abilities because their alternatives are extremely weak. You say everything is viable, but I've never seen you take on uber maven on your first week cleave juggernaut. I still want a video of that Chris. Show me how viable that cleave juggernaut of yours is.

Leagues are a joke. Making it mandatory to go for 38 now instead of 36. 8 conditionals for uber versions of already uber versions. When I believe the steam achievements show that just over 1% of people on steam have accepted and defeated normal maven.

Then another thing I find highly saddening, is how you keep removing methods to just simply craft items. I heard something on twitter(Something I find another sad thing about your dealings as a company, that you only look at reddit and twitter). That you're going to wreck harvest(again)? Because of this misguided notion that "players should take solace in having an item with 2 usefull stats on it". But you design every boss/league around streamers that craft atleast 5 t1's.

I don't know how to express myself in even more kind words. To not have your bot/dev staff instantly delete/remove my post. All I'm saying is that I don't want you or your community to say that you're a better diablo II succesor. You're not worth that title.

so true bestie

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