Less than 10,000 people play single player ARPG's. 1.4 million people just tested Lost Ark

tsunamikun wrote:
so much pointless drivel from the op.
His greatest skill? sidestepping arguments.
His point? nowhere to be found.

GGG decides in which direction their game will go. No you won't change their mind, no you won't change the mind of their audience. Because they wouldn't be the audience if that wasn't the case. Your crusade is self-defeating.

Well Blizzard changed. Change isn't always a good thing or how you want it. Sometime it is a perspective of whether you think it is a positive change or a negative one.
awesome999 wrote:
If you are asking me I would prefer an offline single player game.
Offline PoE with some mods would be. <3
Lost Ark failed; p2w & feature limits. So it's not worth mentioning as some option to return to. How about POE 4 besides POE 2. All of these replies tell me the same statement. That POE isn't going to try to rival D4 at all. Roadmap verse roadmap.

1 million retired Lost Ark players haven't ran over to POE all eager. Till that happens ye I suppose we get to hype small single player arpg titles.

1 million players is more important for game expansions or POE 2 funds than single player pop fans have to offer.

Also if the devs really gave a hoot about lore & d2 style story, they wouldn't have zoomers. & they'd have a story driven endgame. They don't. The endgame is 100 portal variations of the cow level to return to a WoW garrison themed hideout. & the story zones or acts people see as a trial to get to these hideouts. So don't tell me the devs give a real genius about the pve story when they never finished the story. The story doesn't even lead to a endgame town people actually use. Is their a way to reward your nearest lore expert, via ui lore expert gift utility reward page? Endgame pve quest zones.

Off topic of not, ya'll had four diablo 4 threads ready, before I returned to POE this week. So I'm not the first to mention d4. Just the first to go to off topic over a similar thread.

As if player numbers for all genre related games isn't a important topic. Then what is? Item narration podcasts?

1 million players less for the poe funds then. If anything I wish they threw my d4 mmo thread to the off topic & kept this thread gen. favor this threads poll.

Lastly it's prime time to recruit Lost Arks retiree's, & New World Retiree's, & WoW Retriees, & Dragons Nest p2w mobile retirees, & Diablo Immortal retiree's & so on. It's prime time. If not now, then when? For POE? When? 2 years from now? This is the best time ever for this level of promotion. This month no later. Simple genre expansion.

Single player or mmo. They really have the funds for both. tbh. They have funds for open zones, as story acts are nearly open zones. Dungeons are single player zones mainly. Outside fields are open zones. Ez. They have plenty enough for both. Keep leagues for refreshment. Just add more active party skills & social element environments.

P.s. The irony of some guy saying he isn't for rp. For the mmo thread. " I won't have no cat girl final fantasy rp ". I wasn't suggesting that. Suggested Witcher Bard dark taverns. The irony is that this off topic has a 2,000 reply area for anime. heh.
100 people towns with hang out fields. Witcher taverns. Free hair style options. IRO War of Emperium gvg map.


Last edited by RuneLuthien#3437 on Jul 6, 2022, 7:09:34 PM
RuneLuthien wrote:

Single player or mmo. They really have the funds for both. tbh. They have funds for open zones, as story acts are nearly open zones. Dungeons are single player zones mainly. Outside fields are open zones. Ez. They have plenty enough for both. Keep leagues for refreshment. Just add more active party skills & social element environments.

No they dont also i told you already it would take about 10 years to make decent mmo. Its easier to send people to space then to make good mmo. PoE as its now will never work as mmo simply because the intertwined system already in place do not work in MMO environment. Its impossible to balance, performance is already a problem and the game itself is to much rng driven.

I dont know how dense can somebody get so let me say it as simply as i can : ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE POE INTO MMO, YOU ASK GGG TO MAKE NEW GAME AND THEY CANT DO IT.
Revenchule wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
If you are asking me I would prefer an offline single player game.
Offline PoE with some mods would be. <3

I used to think that. Not sure I still feel that way, not with the current state of it.

I think if you really want to play a Diablo clone offline/SP and you don't want to play Grim Dawn or Last Epoch (or have exhausted them), you have to look backwards. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just means stepping away from any sort of ongoing 'conversation' about the game you're playing and just...fucking...playing.

I find it really odd when people go 'this game is dead' and yet claim they play only for their own entertainment. That only holds IF one's entertainment level relies on the 'liveliness' of a game, i.e. active multiplayer with few single player options. MMOs are an easy example but far from the only. It's why I avoid them for the most part (XIV I do with my partner and a few friends, extremely casually, because we can). I find myself gravitating more towards smaller scale, personalised multiplayer like private server survival games (eg Valkenheim) or more traditional party-based multiplayer (Division, but also Dragon's Crown, Shredder's Revenge...anything that isn't 'Massive' I guess). And the 'conversation' I have over those games is with 'real' people playing with me in an immediate sense. I have no interest in taking it any further than that.

Which of course brings us back to PoE, which desperately wants to be both -- small party based multiplayer game with a ferocious online 'conversation'. We can say we want an offline PoE but which version? It would need to be incredibly flexible to make many people happy. Also I think the smarter of us here know it's never going to happen because while it might make for a good single player/offline game, that was never its intended function. GGG are spectacularly uninterested in Path of Exile as a game in and of itself. While I agree that there's no way it would have enjoyed the success it did had it been a paid product rather than a free service designed to get users to splash out on extravagant 'extras', it's hard to look at how good PoE is as a game and not see GGG as...well, I think I made this metaphor before and Support didn't like it so you'll just have to finish it for me.

So no, I don't think an offline PoE, even with mods, would be very good now. I think it would, at best, be a very hollow experience. It has an incredibly lacklustre 10 act campaign you need to get through just to hit the replay loop; it is unbalanced in almost every iteration; it is designed with trading as a given. You might argue that there would be mods to shore all that up, but that'd be one hell of a modding project that would likely take years. By then D4 will be out and god knows what else.

Path of Exile may be outdated in some crucial ways, but I don't think it'd make a good playground for someone looking to lose themselves in 'the better games of yesteryear'. It's too committed to wearing the costume and not committed enough to fitting into it.
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RuneLuthien wrote:

Obviously single player ARPG's aren't as popular as this forum believes they are.

There have been plenty of movie producers that were certain science fiction and fantasy movies would never be as popular as other genres. LOTR, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, plenty of proof that they were wrong. Your assertions and logic are as faulty as those producers' were.

There isn't a shortage of players who want a good single player ARPG. There is a shortage of good arpg games that are worth playing for more than a short time. Obviously, players can run through content faster than game companies can produce it. Allowing user mods, or franchising out new content is the only way a company can even begin to keep up with user demand.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
kuciol wrote:

No. PoE is simply impossible to balance.

Not impossible.

Diminishing Returns.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
i love how op keeps insisting lost ark failed. apparently a top 3 game on steam is a failure, and also btw poe is more p2w than lost ark is

i put a lot of money into poe, most of it was because of the pressure of being irrelevant at endgame. there is objectively no path to obtain new stash tabs in this game. i have put $0 into lost ark and you wouldnt beat my character in dps even if you tried p2w whaling


It didn't fail, and isnt in the process of failing. Any objective person can see that.

I dont know what you were expecting on the GGG forums however. Any non-PoE games dont fair well normally.

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- Abraham Lincoln
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I'm one. The OP is another. Our methods may differ wildly, but the end result is the same: threads that contain far better responses than initial posts.

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DalaiLama wrote:
kuciol wrote:

No. PoE is simply impossible to balance.

Not impossible.

Diminishing Returns.

Not impossible but certainly close enough to impossible that the GGG developer who best characterised balancing PoE ("Balance is a moving target") quit after what I figure were years of fighting the inevitable. So if we imagine a spectrum of impossible<-->possible, I'd say balancing PoE is much closer to the left end than the right. Closer than where 'diminishing returns' are even worth discussing.

Because if Carl was right and 'balance is a moving target', then you can never achieve it completely, only touch it after a lot of time and patience right before it skitters off again. Sooner or later, you stop trying to hit it when 'close enough' suffices. This is literally 'diminishing returns', as you know, but if it's a foregone conclusion that you'll never truly hit your goal but only occasionally nudge it before it fucks off for the next game of hunt, then 'impossible' is as good a term as any.

The smart thing to do then, and this is exactly what PoE did, was stop trying to hit the target altogether and make up their own target and their own hunt. It all became about as real as pro wrestling a while ago. And certainly as entertaining.
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Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Jul 8, 2022, 1:11:14 PM

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