[3.19] Poisonous Concoction AutoFlaskFinder, detailed guide.
j'ai tester la config sans ashes of stars rien a faire plus de 40exalted orb gacher.
J'ai même de meilleurs item . Nul. |
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I been playing this build since league start. It's pretty good, thanks for the guide.
However I feel the damage mitigation strategies could use an improvement. We are running armor and evasion which we are buffing through auras and flask effects. But at the same time we are getting energy shield on gear. Then with helmet we convert it to manapool. I think it is really inefficient to use key item stats for manapool only. While it is quite a brilliant way to solve reservation and mana sustain via the Diadem, that item also severly cripples our versatility as we have questionable helmet with no stats. While it allows us to run determination and grace, it also prevents us from maximazing their effect. And the result of this crippling is, we are left with not really tanky character. Even in your super-endgame pob, you have 107k effective hp with 45 max phys hit taken, and 34k max elemental hit. While this is still pretty tanky, considering the investment at this point its actually quite poor. I think a much better solution for endgame would be not running armor completely and converting phys damage taken to elemental damage. With melding of the flesh and 100% phys damage converted we can go up to ridiculous tanky numbers - while keeping the versatility of rare helmet. Not running armor will also allow us to solve mana easier as we will throw away determination, will free up some flask suffixes, etc etc. Well to be fair at this point we can even drop Grace. Another questionable item in your build is asenaths. All it does is curse and explode. Explode we don't need as we have poison proliferation, and there is nothing better we can get in ascendancy. It does speed up clear by a small amount, but at some point the poison spreads and kills so fast that explosions hardly matter. The curse we can get from a myriad of different sources which do not take up a whole item slot. For example we can run the classic Embalmers in there, even with double corruption despair+tempchains you can get it for 1 ex right now, and it has extremely useful stats on the item. All in all I think these two items/decisions in your build can be greatly improved. Personally I'm currently working to deprecate Diadem and add Melding to the build. Great work nonetheless, keep it up :) Cheers to all fellow poison pathfinders, have a great day. |
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" The only pure source of ES in this build is helmet, other parts hybrid ES+EV/ARM, how this can be unefficent way to use Defence stats which we rly can't us as defence layer witout any additional investments on tree and gear? Build already short of free skill points and i decided to use ES as mana pool. Diadem prevents from maximasing Det and Grace effects? In which way? Missing some defences on helmet? To counter this we have helmet with +1 all gems(works on enlighten aswell if you need it) and 25% reservation efficiency, this part can help to fit all auras we want, try to to this without Diadem. Level 15 Feast of Flesh, seems like you don't rly undertand from where u was healed sometimes during high juiced maps. =P (And 5head ppl also can use it on less recovery maps with desecrate.) " My super-endgame pob show overcapped 3 times DPS which is rly only can be utilizen in 100% delirium ancounters and ofc i didnt checked Molten Shell button, this one with proper usage raise eHP to 170k and so on. Another not rly considered point is removing armour. Rly dude? You character using molten shell in boots and suggesting to remove armour? Melding and 100% conversion in a build guide which is focused on not a rich ppl in most cases. After this point i think further conversation is pointless. " My suggestion to google how Pathfinder's prolif working and how temporal chains affect's poison damage. And again, trying to put double corrupted item in build guide? rly? And ofc build was greatly improved since start of archnemesis. twitch.tv/maydie13
discord.gg/CkSaqGx youtube.com/ontop13 |
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did u update PoB yet? any suggestion for this league because seem like PC is not popular this league ... thank you so much for your work
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" Added part with ashes from previous league. twitch.tv/maydie13
discord.gg/CkSaqGx youtube.com/ontop13 |
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" i just wanna know how was this build with Uber boss i saw you got 40/40 so i guess no problem? but would it will take a lot of investment? thank you again for your answer |
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" All ubers requires investments to be comfortable completed, othervise u have 6 portals in ur h/o. I have some friends playing this build and they don't have any problems with ubers, by using my setup from previous league. twitch.tv/maydie13
discord.gg/CkSaqGx youtube.com/ontop13 |
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First of all thank you for the build very detailed and easy to follow! I just have one question regarding increased flask effect. Is it necessary to have 50% for dying sun or is the impact not worth it? I just saw that many of you only have 45% so I was wondering if I should take the point out. |
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" 50% need for Dyung sun extra projectile and most of bulds relying on almoist full uptime of Alchemist genius from Spiked Concoction (10% flask effect) node on the Flask Duration cluster jewel. twitch.tv/maydie13
discord.gg/CkSaqGx youtube.com/ontop13 |
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" Ok makes sense. I see in POB that you have over 50% increased flask effect but I don't know how you get it.. Alchemists Genius 10% Careful Conservationist 5% Natural Remedies 10% Ascendency 20% =45% Where do you get the missing 5% |
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