[3.18] Chaos Animate Weapon 😈 - Budget to MageBlood💎 88M DPS Unkillable All-Arounder

Vaaled a few Matua and got a Discipline implicit. Any idea how to work with it?
Aaa!!! It's only for me hard to balance strength, dexterity and resistance?
Aaa!!! It's only for me hard to balance strength, dexterity and resistance?

swap out bated breath or pariah then.

Vaaled a few Matua and got a Discipline implicit. Any idea how to work with it?

find a 2 implicit from transformation cards very cheap

- Boots, belt, rings - should I craft them or will be cheaper to buy?
How to craft them?
- Which bodyarmours (with +2 duration gems corrupt) are the best for endgame?
- What are the best two implicits for our shield (Whakatutuki o Matua)?

both - depends.


Skin of Lords < 800 ES Regalia < 600es +2 duration < incandescent heart +2 (mageblood tier)

I like Block Chance, ES, Discipline, or Phys as Chaos/Fire/Light/Cold
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Hi, can i equip doppelgänger guise and Crown of the Tyrant on my AG, or going be better if i use your setup?

You really want Mask of Stitched Demon, 40% constant life regen vs 10% life regen on hit...

this makes AG capable of surviving Sirus storm. Doppelganger guise can't do that...
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Hello, sorry to bother you all but I don't know why my AW damage is shown as 162k on POB whereas a lot of others exceed 800k. What am I doing wrong? Can you guys check my profile, especially ScourgeWen? Also here's my POB (pastebin is blocked here so I have to use poe.ninja):


Thanks a lot!

Can you help me too? :(
Build going great for me. One major change I made: extra curse body armor. That way guardian can have despair on hit and I self cast assassin mark. Big damage increase - more than a +2 animate weapon and cheaper/easier to craft.

Last edited by pipettebymouth on Mar 5, 2022, 10:35:30 PM
Build going great for me. One major change I made: extra curse body armor. That way guardian can have despair on hit and I self cast assassin mark. Big damage increase - more than a +2 animate weapon and cheaper/easier to craft.


How do you get guardian to curse despair, also how do you craft the body armor?

The damage of the build I am getting now I feel very comfortable at least on T16 maps, only issue is still defense and random one shot, if I convert to Aegis Aurora like you guys did would that improve the survivability significantly?

Also I am thinking swap out my amulet and replace with Ashes of the Stars, could any 1 enlighten me the main benefit for this build, damage or defense?
Last edited by Cyanold on Mar 5, 2022, 11:19:24 PM
pipettebymouth wrote:
Build going great for me. One major change I made: extra curse body armor. That way guardian can have despair on hit and I self cast assassin mark. Big damage increase - more than a +2 animate weapon and cheaper/easier to craft.


How do you get guardian to curse despair, also how do you craft the body armor?

The damage of the build I am getting now I feel very comfortable at least on T16 maps, only issue is still defense and random one shot, if I convert to Aegis Aurora like you guys did would that improve the survivability significantly?

Also I am thinking swap out my amulet and replace with Ashes of the Stars, could any 1 enlighten me the main benefit for this build, damage or defense?

Ashes of the stars allows you to abuse gem quality insanely. Huge minion speed, attack speed, etc.

I crafted the armor like this:
1. buy level 85 6 link vaal regalia with no influence ( 1ex )
2. slam redeemer exalt (85c)
3. scour and alteration until only 1 influenced mod: tier 1 increased non-curse aura effect.
4. buy random body armor with only single hunter influence mod: extra curse (10-20 chaos)
5. Use awakener orb to move the curse mod to your redeemer piece. ( 1 ex)

For AG despair, equip them with any gloves that have corrupt implicit curse on hit with despair, 48% increased effect. (5-10chaos)

Without the extra curse, cannot simultaneously curse with mark and despair.

Aegis is crazy since each block can give 500-1000 ES replenish if you are using determination. And yeah I basically am not dying anymore at all since updating to OP's latest. However, I am too poor and lazy to buy a mageblood.
Last edited by pipettebymouth on Mar 6, 2022, 12:43:00 AM
Can anyone help me out?


I think i followed the instructions and POB, but the links are different in the gem/link section compared to the POB posted, so I did what I felt like made sense

I'm only able to get to wave 21 sim, honestly no idea where I am going wrong here.

I am in standard as well, put about 80ex into the build and used gear that I already had where possible

new Setup

50k armor
immune to chaos
immune to elements
75/75 block
es on block
6.5k ES

pretty good

little bit less damage

Hello, for your new Aegis Aurora build, is the Mageblood belt required? Can it be replaced with a normal crystal belt?

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