Melee Splash

Make radius splash more bigger
Better AoE
Higher Quality AoE: 3% per Q
Less penalty to main target
More increased physical damage per level and more AoE.
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It appears as if melee splash has absolutely no effect on cyclone. Not only does it not apply any of the damage modifiers, but the range does not seem to improve either. Am I missing something?
Cyclone is pretty clearly not a single-target ability, now is it :P
I haven't played melee in a long time in POE. One issue is desync being terrible for certain skills like Reave (already fixed with 2.0, thanks!). The other issue is how awful and difficult it is to click on tiny monsters running all over the screen to use a single target skill. Sometimes it looks like a Benny Hill scene when I'm chasing a snake in circles trying to click on it. Desync makes it so much worse, but 2.0 comes to rescue there as well.

This is the problem with Melee Splash. You still have to click on tiny, frenetic monsters in order to hit them. This feels terrible and doesn't work very well. The number of people I've seen say that single target melee skills are unplayable without Multistrike attests to that.

My suggestion is to have Melee Splash simply make the skill an AOE skill. Make it so players can click in the direction they want and always successfully attack without having to pin the tail on the donkey every single time.

I just leveled up a Dominating Blow Marauder to get the Behold My Army achievement. The build's mostly awesome even though my PC can't really handle a hundred minions teleporting everywhere, but I'm wasting almost every single first attack I make. If not for Multistrike, I would definitely not have that achievement. This is not fun.

Clicking single targets is so bad in POE that I'm retiring this character. Please let Melee Splash be the savior of melee for players without the patience to deal with constant wasted attacks, and please let Multistrike stop being a mandatory support for single target skills using Melee Splash.
Last edited by Jennik#1783 on Jun 12, 2015, 6:19:03 AM
A number of skills have a melee hit effect, and a non melee effect.
Lightning Strike, Molten Strike, and Wild Strike can all 'Strike' enemies and then produce a subsequent effect.

If I put melee splash on all of these skills, are the effects subject to the Less damage scaling imposed on the splash radius, or does their damage remain unaltered due to being non melee damage?
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
It seems all the skills that require melee splash are significantly weaker then their AOE counterparts. Balance is needed bc using a node is very valuable, and instead of using a melee splash gem, another dmg adding support gem can be used. Melee splash needs a buff.

Static Strike > Lightning Strike
Ice Crash > Glacial Hammer

everyone know how painful and slower are to level up melee character , already melee have so a short range and this gem have reduce melee damage ;( sad but melee really have anything in this game for level up compare range and caster :(

play my first rpg on the intellivision :)
Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be"
Luckily there's plenty good Attacks that cannot even use Melee Splash. Ice Crash, Cyclone, Static Strike, Cleave, Reave, Vaal Ground Slam, just to name a couple. If you don't like using Melee Splash, nothing is forcing you to?

Additionally, with a small investment you can get a weapon that carries you from ~28 to 50+; Geofri's Baptism or Rigvald's Charge for example. Tend to be pretty cheap, and have really solid stats. I've also ran Cyclone with a pair of Relentless Fury axes, that stuff wrecks. A bit more expensive but super flashy, a Goddess Scorned.
Getting a low/midlevel Unique will jack your DPS way beyond what a Spellcaster can accomplish, so if you really feel you need to get through more quickly, that'd be my advice. It's the biggest advantage that Melee builds have, really. Lots and lots of strong as heck mid-level Uniques.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Nov 24, 2015, 8:55:25 AM
I would agree that no one is forcing you to use melee splash. I personally love reave and sweep for evasion and armour builds.

But the problem is there is almost no reason you would ever want to use melee splash. Aside from a damage disparity, it's AoE is lousy at best. It just begs the question: What builds would ever use it and why? There are significantly better alternatives. In my mind, it means this support gem needs serious love to be something that people would want to pick up.
Vegalyp wrote:
minions and triggering on-hit stuff (which varies)

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