PedroloGeo wrote:
IceMagma wrote:
Kinda hurts that Explosive Arrow Ignite is never allowed to be good, its already so hard to get 20 Arrows on the enemy to even be able to scale that damage but now you get even less out of that
As Ignite base damage has been increased by 150% the ignite from explosive arrow is now stronger than before, it is stated in the patch notes.
Explosive Arrow now has “Explosion deals 5% more Damage with Hits per Explosive Arrow on Target” (previously Hits and Ailments). Because of base Ignite damage changes, Ignite with the skill is now 66.7% higher with 10 arrows on the target. Ignite with the skill is now 25.0% higher with 20 arrows on the target.
I know that the damage is technically higher but the increase is kinda laughable for what it needs, the ignite portion has never been viable after they introduced the arrowcap after metamorph, even with both the new Ignite base damage and the 5% stacking it was near to impossible to get anything near 2 million ignite dps in a realistic setting while basically ingoring all defenses.
Posted byIceMagma#3196on Oct 20, 2021, 6:48:26 PM
Very nice.
Posted bysumfight#2609on Oct 20, 2021, 6:50:46 PM
Posted byRotgarg#0212on Oct 20, 2021, 7:01:04 PM
OrcFace wrote:
buff holy flame totem please :(
why ? its super strong :O
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:05:04 PM
Rakschas666 wrote:
These changes to Burning Arrow seem like a very heavy handed nerf.
Could you tell us why you deemed that necessary?
You should read previous posts, they talked about ignite in general and why burning arrow is getting changed.
So the short answer is: it has already been explained.. :)
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:06:13 PM
Thesorrow10 wrote:
No Frost Blades buff ? :( why is in the trailer 100x frost blades vs Maven you need 1000 EX for this items for fight maven ....
Frostblade is a clear skill, really not meant for being a great boss skill.
If you want to fight maven with it, then build some defence, because the fight will be long.
1000ex ? then youre doing something wrong mate xD
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:07:24 PM
WarhawkOfficial wrote:
you see on Tornado gem the tags have "orb" and it says you can only have 1 so would GMP be able to make more than 1 Tornado as it would interact with moving ore "orbs" would it not or have i got that wrong?
also on AW Gem is ADDED lightning dam and added Cold Dam not been changed? just added fire has so just wondered whats happened to them or are they just the same? or is this just a taster of some changes
Read the TORNADO gem again, it litterally says MAXIMUM 1 tornado ;)
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:09:18 PM
austindb wrote:
Nerfed tf out of immortal call. 100% useless now
The vaal version is..the normal one is the same.. ;)
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:11:05 PM
FelScornDragon wrote:
Holy shit that nerf to immortal call is heavy. From 3 seconds to a full min? good by immortal call builds...
Vaal immortal call, not immortal call itself.. :)
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Oct 20, 2021, 7:11:43 PM
Anyone know if there's been any clarification on whether flask effect affects poisonous concoction or is it just the base recovery value?
Posted byNeferpitou12#2486on Oct 20, 2021, 7:12:42 PM