jauers mirror service. nr 1 mf gear, and others.. cross league transfere.
1.5ex on Dream Fragments
IGN: WeonCambo, Peyotaxe, VioladorDeMaipu
updated. with offer on belt. to all sorry for the miss conveanince but not selling my gear unless i get upgrades.(top section)
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
3 chaos for Corruption Locket onyx, IGN DeadTemplars
" Nobody looks through forums to sell you upgrades man. Just remove it... it's just a pain in the @$$ IGN: WeonCambo, Peyotaxe, VioladorDeMaipu
how much is 4L dragon claw glove?
not selling that.... look tread
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
shure, i will remove it
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
honor grindle sold
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
blood dance sold 1 ex, 3 gcp 1 chaos
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |