[NOT UP TO DATE][11.0e] Vinz's 7-Aura Mass Shock 20k dps LS Build (With Gamplay Video)
![]() ![]() BUILD OVERVIEW ------------------ Hi, I am a melee class lover. After trying Elemental Cleave (level 81) / Physical Cleave (level 83) / Sweep Build (level 76) and EK Tank (level 86), I have finally decided to build a new melee char that uses Lightning Strike while inherit some ideas from Ele Cleave / LS builds. This build have the balance of offence and defence that runs 7 auras. Mainly focus on Lightning Strike as both single target and AoE dps, while maintaining 3 shock stacks on every mobs. The build requires blood magic support gem for all active skills. Against monsters that can hit for a lot of damage (Brutus / Vaal), you can always play as a semi-range character, which is a hugh advantage over sweep and cleave. Latest change: 0.11.0B CHANGES:
+4k DPS
-4% max resist -1100 hp -800 armor Level 111 Build Changes: +Unwavering Stance +Riddle of Steel -Thick Skin Is the build viable after 0.11.0 patch? " BUILD STRENGTHS: " BUILD WEAKNESS: " GAMEPLAY VIDEO:
Shock Stack:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGYYmlXTJyE Level 68 Reef Map: (Haste, Boss Dmg, Magic Monster, Sea Witch) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w-BdEJ3BbE Level 69 Shore Map: (EE, Boss Dmg, Frenzy, Warlock's Mark) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toTflAEg1Es Level 68 Reef Map: (Phys Reflect, Vulnerability , LMP, EE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeAnpYKnDBo Level 68 Reef Map: (Ele Reflect, EE , Frenzy) * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OYzmjCld4Q& Level 70 Graveyard Map: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3S3cuFLXj8 Party Play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56QdOVUmKCk& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO2gcNOuNRE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EngqitfP7xc Level 66 Map: Trying Multistrike * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PerL4BI5xeU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdDB2F1NRTY BUILD PROGRESSION:
23 point @ Level 20
Item that you should get if currency allows:
* cost at least 4 gcp 40 point @ Level 35 (Cruel Act 1 stage)
Item that you should get if currency allows:
**My stats while im level 35** 1.9k Dps / 1200 life 63 point @ Level 52 (Merciless Act 1 stage)
Item that you should get if currency allows:
**My stats while im level 53** 2.7k Dps / 2100 life 87 point @ Level 70 (Map Stage)
Item that you should get if currency allows:
Map mod you may want to have on a level 66 map: High Quantity: Half Regen Hasted Mob Blood Magic No Regen All properties are safe to clear, try to avoid Temporal Chain as it slows down the xp rate. **My stats while i finish merciless piety** 7.3k dps / 3.4k life 102 point @ level 85 (Farming Maps)
http://bit.ly/14wKdb2 From here onwards, you may grab survivability node (8% life / leather and steel / endurance charge) or dps nodes (Splitting Strikes / attack speed nodes) if you are comfortable with your defenses. 117 Point @ level 100 (Almost Impossible)
Keystone Pre-0.11 Patch Iron Grip: The increase to Physical Damage from Strength applies to Projectile Attacks as well as Melee Attacks Iron Reflexes: Converts all Evasion Rating to Armour Resolute Technique: Your hits can't be Evaded, Never deal Critical Strikes Point Blank: Projectile Attacks deal up to 50% more Damage to very close targets, but deal less Damage to farther away targets Stats +300 to Strength +110 to Dexterity +90 to Intelligence Life 230% increased maximum Life 1.5% of Life Regenerated per Second +30 to maximum Life 10% reduced Mana Reserved Physical Damage 8% increased Melee Physical Damage 31% increased Physical Damage with Swords 38% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons Elemental Damage 50% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons 20% Chance to Shock the enemy on hit with Lightning Damage Resistance +15% to all Elemental Resistances +5% to maximum Fire Resistance +5% to maximum Cold Resistance +5% to maximum Lightning Resistance Attack Speed 37% increased Attack Speed 10% increased Attack Speed with Swords 12% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons Armour 52% increased Armour Misc 24% increased Projectile Damage +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range 30% increased Effect of Buffs on You 45% increased Shock Duration on enemies BANDIT REWARD:
Normal: 40 Life (Help Oak) - even with Kaoms 40hp is better than 8% life node
Cruel: 12% Physical Damage (Help Oak) - 6% aspd is almost as good as 12% phys dmg Merciless: Endurance Charge (Help Oak) - kill all bandits if you're not comfortable with enduring cry GEMS THAT YOU NEED WHILE LEVELING:
Lightning Strike
Blood Magic x3 Weapon Elemental Damage Faster Attack x2 Multistrike Elemental Proliferation Elemental Weakness Projectile Weakness Leap Slap Enduring Cry Faster Casting Reduced Mana x2 Determination Purity Haste Hatred Wrath Anger Grace Added Fire Damage * Conductivity * Enfeeble * Temporal Chain * LINKING GEMS AND GEARS:
Without Kaom's Heart ----------------------- [Weapon] Lightning Strike - Blood Magic - Weapon Elemental Damage - Multistrike - Elemental Proliferation - Faster Attack (RRRRBG) [Boots] Hatred - Haste - Determination - Reduced Mana (RRGG) [Helm] Conductivity / Elemental Weakness - Enduring Cry - Faster Casting - Blood Magic (BBRR) [Glove] Purity - Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Reduced Mana (Replace with Blood Magic after casting Purity) (RRBG [Chest]* Anger - Grace - Wrath - Reduced Mana (RRBG) * Cast Grace/Anger/Wrath with Blood Magic unique armor (Malachai's Simula or The Covenant) Cast Purity, Determination, Haste and Hatred with mana. With Kaom's Heart (Less Socket) -------------------- [Weapon] Lightning Strike - Blood Magic - Weapon Elemental Damage - Multistrike - Elemental Proliferation - Faster Attack (RRRRBG) [Boots] Hatred - Haste - Determination - Reduced Mana (RRGG [Helm] Purity - Conductivity - Enduring Cry / Leap Slam - Blood Magic/Reduced Mana (BBRR) [Glove] Anger - Grace - Wrath - Reduced Mana / Leap Slam* (RRBG) * Cast < level 5 Leap Slam with remaining mana (do not use Sapping flask, drains all your mana), can be countered with 1% mana leech on Rings Always cast Anger, Grace and Wrath with this equipped. 4L/5L/6L SUPPORT GEM:
Lightning Strike
Blood Magic Weapon Elemental Damage Faster Attack Multistrike or Added Fire Damage(5L) Elemental Proliferation(6L) THE 7TH AURA:
Your character have to be at least level 67 for Lv19 Reduced Mana + x2 "Reduced Mana Reservation" node to cast Purity, Determination, Haste and Hatred.
How to cast 7 Auras: 1. Equip Malachai's Simula / The Covenant 2. Cast Grace / Anger / Wrath with Reduced Mana 3. Un-equip Malachai's Simula / The Covenant 4. Cast Determination / Purity / Hatred / Haste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk1sLJS4bcw&feature=youtu.be INT/DEX REQUIREMENT:
153 Dex for Haste / Grace
151 Int for Conductivity / Elemental Weakness Carnage Heart will gives you the required Dex and Int. QUALITY GEMS:
Quality Lightning Strike is the most important one, it gives you 60% piercing to lightning strike, increasing the AoE killing speed. I would advice getting this ASAP.
Quality Elemental Proliferation / Conductivity grant longer shock duration. Quality Weapon Elemental Damage / Faster Attacks / Added Fire Damage gives you more dps. FLASK:
Weapon Elemental Damage + Multistrike + Faster Attack + Elemental Proliferation
![]() Grace + Determination ![]() STATS WEIGHT:
Stats weight with my current gears: ------------------------------------- Updated May-16th Weapon Elemental Damage + Faster Attacks + Multistrike + Elemental Proliferation 1% Physical Damage = 30.6 DPS 1% Attack Speed = 67.3 DPS 10% Weapon Elemental Damage = 419 DPS 10 Strength = 59 DPS, 15 life 10 Dexterity = +78 Armor 10% Armor = +796 Armor Skills Weight: Anger: 1275.2 DPS Wrath: 1411.2 DPS Grace: 5452 Armour Hatred: 3910.2 DPS Haste: 1091.5 DPS Determination: 5382 Armor ** with Inner Force ** As your gears improve, ASPD & Elemental Node becomes more valuable compare to Physical Node. SUMMARY: " Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193 Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) Last edited by vin_chow#6691 on Oct 23, 2013, 7:03:03 PM
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Solid build, I am pretty close to this already and doing maps (missing a few auras however). I might tweak it to match this a bit closer.
Thanks for posting! |
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" You're welcome, glad that you like the build. I'm currently working towards getting a new weapon (2H sword) and grab Blade Master + Cruel Blade. Should be quite a dps boost. Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193 Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) Last edited by vin_chow#6691 on Apr 4, 2013, 6:32:03 AM
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You should use covenant to cast blood magic auras rather than mask right? The mask multiplies cost by 100% while the covenant chest doesnt.
I also wonder if the several point investment into reduced mana reserved and haste is really required. I don't feel that aura is worth the investment. The attack speed is additive, not multiplicative and ms is irrelevant when usin movement skills. I could save several nodes and get more hp by letting me put some other aura in mana pool. I would just skill the duellist starting area attack speed nodes instead (10% with only two nodes). I know level 20 haste with inner force provides with 17% but I am not convinced. ign KlearSpeed 1.3 Torment - Scion Kinetic Build Guide (HC Viable) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1146976 Last edited by iMbaQ#2112 on Apr 4, 2013, 9:06:49 AM
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" The Mana Cost affect does't not affect reserved mana cost, so both Mask or covenant work the same. Life Reserved for Anger lv19 (101), Wrath lv18 (97), Grace lv20 (136) with Reduced Mana lv20 and reduced reservation nodes. A total amount of 334 life reserved (will be slightly higher once anger and wrath reach lv20). Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193
Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) |
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New video up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toTflAEg1Es, level 69, with some easy properties.
Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193 Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) Last edited by vin_chow#6691 on Apr 4, 2013, 4:53:36 PM
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" Just saw the second part of the post (after the initial post edit). There are a few reasons I grab the mana reservation nodes: 1. Blood Magic Keystone (aka no % aura) build is very common for melees (providing extra 17% haste and movement speed for melee is a very huge gain). 2. Unlock the 10 str requirement for Splitting Strikes (will get that @ lv84), this will grants you 8.5% atk spd per skill point spent. 3. If you look at my current level 80 build, I do have the 6% atk spd. Able to run Haste if one of the most efficient way to get attack speed (with only 2 points). 4. Usually run maps with at least 3 players. I know you can get Haste from somebody else, but do not count on range character since aura radius is quite small. If you wish to provide more dps for the party (or at least for melees), I think Inner Forced Haste is a very good choice. Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193
Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) |
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New video against Vulnerability + Physical Reflect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeAnpYKnDBo.
Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193 Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) Last edited by vin_chow#6691 on Apr 8, 2013, 7:48:41 PM
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Messing around with the new melee gems. Multistrike looks promising, but might have to do a little tweaking to the passive tree. Getting close to 20k dps without EP gem. Also added a simple video on shock stacking.
Ambush: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/edit-thread/815193
Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/634882 Domination: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/715724 7 Aura Shocker LS Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/310351 (outdated) |
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Can u say the priority gems for 5L please ?
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