Extremely Slow Queue Processing

Guess i will pat myself on the back for not purchasing another supporter pack as I wanted to give GGG few chances to prove they can handle smooth league deployment... Last few were a laggy mess and now you cant even connect. You guys should spend more time optimizing the game and less time on microtransactions or at least balance the time because clearly it is skewed in the wrong direction right now.
Diconius wrote:
Easy fix? Delete Standard..... No more conversions needed.

Might be worse this league too because of all the reward changes affecting standard league as opposed to just the challenge league. I'm frustrated coz it's already like 9.30pm here and looking like i won't get to play tonight before bed.
Queue number rises instead of decreasing... kinda reverse sense of queue if you ask me.
Lol and you people still don't think Streamer RNG is real.

Trust me, they take care of PoE streamers. This ridiculous display is just further proof.
Streamers have privilege nice.

Im sitting in a 20k Queue and its not moving on - thanks GGG, waiting the whole day and in germany its already 10pm.

Disappointed af.
I got in queue 2+ hours ago.
Finally got in the game. :D

I kill Hillock and enter town.

Game kicks me for not owning the instance in town.

Now I'm back at place 112K in queue...
well worth getting in queue early... :(
Yeah not too happy that you go into a streamers channel, tell them to log out, log back in and you'll get in, everyone else thinking, OH it'll work for me to, attempt it and get screwed over. Next time you go into a streamers Que and tell them to relog, BE MORE SPECIFIC BY WARNING OTHERS TO NOT TRY THIS AS IT'S A SPECIAL CASE. I don't even care that you do it for streamers but it's deserved you warn OTHERS NOT TO if you're trying to push people to view your league via streams.

Dont give a $*%& if its for marketing because you just screwed a bunch of people with this garbage forcing them now to wait longer. I supported you guys, defended you guys, but this is one thing thats unacceptable. Never do this garbage again.
streamers are logging in without queue rly GGG?
Disappointing more than any other launch I remember.
It's not that we got spikes, DC's, lags, whatever.

We can't even enjoy those this time.

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