Ethereal Knives
tell me best passive skills for this skill..
i saw skills increase physical damage with wands don't increase damage of this skill.. |
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" D.Tenure is an low level item that decreases cast speed but increases spell damage. I use iron will because i got a bit of strenght for surviving. Its not needed but it works. Spells CAN be Projectiles. Quite a lot of them are. ethereal knives,ice spear,freezing pulse, fireball.... They will be affected with projectile damage. also faster casting isnt the same as faster projectiles. faster casting means you can cast a skill in smaller intervalls. faster projectiles means your projectiles fly faster. normally that is quite useless but when used on projectiles that fade after set amount of time it actually increases their range (they fly further until they fade). further good gems are: fork (the more enemies the more damage is dealt (if every knive hits you get a total of 30 knives) chain: (expensive but totally OP as i heard) added fire damage: (ethereal knives deals physical damage so this works) mana leech also get the auras. they wont increase the manacost of the skill but will increase its damage like any support gem would. I really hope GGG wont flat out nerv this gem. im ok with reworking it in a creative way but simply lowering its damage or damage progression at high levels will simply be another example of punishing creative and smart builds. This game has a giant skill tree for a reason: if you are smart enough to use synergies and know what you want to archieve, you can get a special kind of power. take that away and you only encourage uncreative builds like every game has. As time progresses and the nerving behavior stays, at some point all marauders will only wield 2h maces, all witches will be elementalists (or a shitty version of minion templars), all rangers will be using bows and all templars will only use weapon elemental damage, and... well all shadows... well i dont know why anyone would play a shadow if you take out the power of the knives caster... if you want to do a claw or dagger melee class, the ranger is far better suited for that purpose |
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"where did you hear this? |
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" Someone told me in game (maybe troll) that they want reduce EK damage. Better buff other melee skills than nerfing EK. Melee in this game is weak. IGN: schovanNecro
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It's gonna freakin suck for me if they nerfed EK. I've gotten my EK Mara nearly to endgame last night and I don't want all the effort I've put into rolling him a waste.
IGN: SkullBlowjobs
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if what you say is true about ek.... then freeze pulse better get nerfed as well
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"if you want to do a claw or dagger melee class, the ranger is far better suited for that purpose"
Except the Ranger doesn't get *nearly* the Crit Chance/Damage that the Shadow obtains, and is farther from ES/Ghost Reaver, which is a fairly common setup. :/ I also chuckled a bit when you deemed EK casters creative. Also, bear in mind: just because it's not as-strong, doesn't mean it's weak. |
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" Chain is getting fixed, the result being that Ethereal Knives with Chain is getting nerfed. I don't know if that is coming with the Wednesday patch. If it is, good, because EK with Chain is nuts. The change: Chain used to refresh the range of a projectile. Eg. Ice Spear would revert to it's initial first form when it Chained. This will no longer happen. This also means that Chain no longer works as a broken combo with Point Blank. Projectile damage passives work with EK. It's a projectile. I have a level 66 EK Shadow that uses Blood Magic. I have over 500 Strength so Iron Will is a no brainer. It's not for all EK builds. Using Added Fire Damage and Hatred aura are the two easiest ways to increase damage with it. EK suffers from bad range which Faster Projectiles support or wands with increase projectile speed mods will lessen the drawback. These mods should be a priority over spell damage and cast speed mods. Cast speed is bad. You can get rings/amulets with cast speed, but take passives. After that you have to deal with the mana cost. Blood Magic or Eldritch Battery. I could have done a better Blood Magic EK user starting with the Marauder. Eldritch Battery, probably Witch as for better access to both increasing spell damage and mana regen. Ultimately you want to use the Duelist part of the tree to increase damage, not much of Shadow. Depends if you want to go critical chance with this skill IMO. How do I feel about this skill? Has pros and cons, harder to build than other spell builds but it being good single target and AoE without Chain makes it a big deal. |
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What's a good curse to use with EK? Projectile Weakness? Any others?
Last edited by Melkrow#0726 on Mar 6, 2013, 7:12:49 PM
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Last edited by Yogsothoz#7872 on Mar 7, 2013, 8:45:17 AM
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