Ethereal Knives

The funny thing is, of course, that flat damage from gear doesn't apply to Spells :P
I though i could use this skill instead of cleave on my dual wield dualist, since i dropped the unique Mightflay "flying knife" and i'm not very please with cleave mainly because of desyncro and very short and the strange arc & range.
SO i thought ethereal knife could be a great alternative, thinking it would benefit both from my melee attack and attack speed... what a disappointment, rapier/dagger was such a good thought.
Halagaz wrote:
I though i could use this skill instead of cleave on my dual wield dualist, since i dropped the unique Mightflay "flying knife" and i'm not very please with cleave mainly because of desyncro and very short and the strange arc & range.
SO i thought ethereal knife could be a great alternative, thinking it would benefit both from my melee attack and attack speed... what a disappointment, rapier/dagger was such a good thought.

This is not an attack, it's a spell.
So ethereal knives is based on weapon attack speed right? Does it also cast faster by getting AS nodes or is it just weapon speed that matters?
pezit wrote:
So ethereal knives is based on weapon attack speed right?

Nope. One post above yours explains why :P
Can anyone tell me why no EK builds get the Iron Grip passive from the skill tree, but rather the Iron Will support gem? Both affect EK, no?
Beyond league.
Can anyone tell me why no EK builds get the Iron Grip passive from the skill tree, but rather the Iron Will support gem? Both affect EK, no?
please read three posts above yours for why.
is the %dmg bonus from quality multiplicative or additive with spell /projectile dmg ?
IGN Crakk
TrueColor wrote:
Opus93 wrote:
Does this skill receive the bonus from %Increased Physical Damage found on weapons? I equipped Redbeak (+50% Physical damage) and EK showed no damage or dps increase.

%increased physical dmg will only work from non-wpn equip like belts (rustic sash) and some unique ring and helm

sharkh20 wrote:
I think what this skill needs is it's own shotgun formula

you cannot shotgun w/ physical spells, only 1 primary projectil per enemy will hit, the other fly past. but chain (is it still valuable after the nerv?) and fork working well.

That is only with projectile attacks though. This is a projectile spell. It is the only physical damage projectile spell in the game but it is still a spell. Other projectile spells shotgun. This one used to shotgun in it's early stages but the damage was too high (9 projectiles at the same time would be way too much all at the same damage). So they removed shotgun because of that.
Last edited by sharkh20#2500 on Feb 17, 2013, 4:10:31 PM
Started a new character with this skill, and I personally think it's just horribly designed in every way.

Why is a throwing knife skill so damn slow? Throwing knives should be weak, but fast. It's just how they work.

The knives apparently can break the laws of physics. I'm throwing a knives, why does it look like it's traveling through a time warp?

The sounds effects...I don't get what GGG was thinking. It sounds like impact with a blunt weapon. Where's the typical *zing* sound from throwing knives???

The only good thing is the skill effect, which looks pretty awesome.

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