Rejuvenation Totem


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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Jul 19, 2020, 8:11:48 PM
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Ridicolously OP as you can see below its only level 3, yet it gives 28.4 life regen per second. Nothing can match with this, just remember Vitality Aura it merely gives %0.6 life per second, and aura mana reservation is 40% of total, as a trade off, which is even more ridicolous, though this is a totem.


Edit: Tested this yesterday and monsters surround you hardly could drop your life even when standing still, imo this totem needs a nerf.

Vitality gem.
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
Last edited by BrecMadak#3812 on May 13, 2012, 5:28:47 PM
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That regen is equal to 1704 per minute, which is outrageously better than what the regen mods used to be before they were made into % regen. They were in maybe a few hundreds at best if you stacked it, no wonder this totem heals you like crazy.
Character Build: Nothing but life, resist and armor passives.
Level: 31
Complimenting Abilities: None really, only one type of totem can be out.

At a glance this totem looked like it healed too much, but it also means you're not taking advantage of the other equally powerful totems. Using decoy instead lets you place multiple distractions, eliminating the need for healing in the first place. Using shockwave mitigates enormous amounts of damage sheerly from the knockback and enemy flinching.

Rejuvenation gives great healing but is also vulnerable to being attacked by the many aoes enemies use now(and spark). You're also giving up the flat mitigation that the other totems give.

Overall I feel like this totem is right where it should be. If it's weakened you'll only use in between fights just to top yourself off, because the other totems will prevent more damage then rejuvenation could heal.

Last edited by grogor#5937 on May 14, 2012, 1:32:23 AM
hmm I should get the correct totem linked up for this..
I like all the fluffy animals[img][\img]
y im slept?
Regen is still capped at 20%maxhp/sec so i don't think its overpowered. I use it with my witch and summons, they still get killed. Also the range of the totem is short, so it also slows down or need a lot recast.

The totem needs one skill slot and it can't be easy precasted like 6 auras at once.

Enemies also seem to attack it random and destroy it easy.
For my marauder the manacosts are higher than all other abilities, so cast it a lot drains mana fast.

Ofc it needs to be powerfull to be viable compared to other totems and its still a skill.
English is my third language, there will be bugs.
Somehow I read the description as 20% life regen per second — lol.
~20-100 life per second seems pretty reasonable, but still very strong.
LadyDevimon wrote:
Regen is still capped at 20%maxhp/sec
Where'd you hear this?

I think you're getting mixed up with LEECH regen. I'm not sure if there's any cap on flask regeneration or life regen from passives/items/skills, or a cap on all of them combined.

It would be good to hear from a developer I guess, although I don't reall see why there'd be a cap on anything other than leech rate.
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This one, Shockwawe and Decoy totems are all extremely strong for their cost in time/mana. I think regen is the best of them and it really could need a recharge time and a nerf to the numeric values. Right now it is an "iron curtain" as it worked in Command and Conquer: Red Alert. Oh the days! <.<
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Yesterday, my brother and I found out that no mana is "reserved" when we use this skill, it is just "spent". Shouldn't the skill gem say "Mana Cost" instead of "Mana Reserved"?
What's the point of using a Vitality gem now?

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