Righteous Fire
Just wanted to say that this skill gem is kinda terrible for spell casters.
basically, you invest into its sustain to get 60% more damage, while you could invest into crit and crit multiplier to get similar damage multiplication. While both setups competes in power, but righteous fire has it's drawbacks- can't have vaal pact, can't run vulnerability, - max res, no/less regeneration maps (or you have to switch off RF which is also bad). Give righteous fire something for those drawbacks. |
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I want to input my feedback:
I like the skill but.. i dont like effect I BOUGHT alternative effect - I DO LIKE IT.. BUT This is what i want to see!
![]() But rf overwrites the effect:
![]() Would if be possible to ALWAYS see singularity effect? Its badass! I mean with outsider rounded aura corners but the core effect to stay only singularities pls? ![]() I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG. Last edited by webas#6820 on Mar 6, 2017, 6:33:15 PM
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Is it a known issue, that stacking %spelldamage does increase the displayed dps but it does not change the actual dps of the damage enemies get. At least it seems like this with spelltotem-support. it does not matter if I enable anger + hearld of thunder + herald of ice or just use the RF-totem alone. Enemies seem to die always at the same rate.
Would it be possible to calculate the actual dps depending of the life the entity has who casts it? (here: from life of the totem). Since I am pretty sure I don't have just 500dps on lvl60+ But if I am wrong here please correct me. |
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Righteous Fire does not have any meaningful listed DPS - what you're seeing is a bugged display.
Damage over Time does not benefit from Spell Damage unless explicitly stated otherwise (ex). Damage over Time does not benefit from flat Damage bonuses under any circumstance. Heralds are not improving your damage output. |
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thats what I figured out myself after some hours of play and thats not what my critique was aimed at: but fixing the dps display should be possible right? since the fomrula should not be that hard that it can't be displayed.
Its quite hard as a new player to find out what a skill benefits from, when the displayed dps is changing but not the actual dps. Last edited by The_L1ne#6624 on Mar 11, 2017, 5:22:06 AM
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First time ever playing RF LL Guardian and it is insane :) For damage i do with RF i have no idea. Monsters are dying so im happy it works. I hope they add correct damage information in 3.0 meby for xbox? Im here long time and game is much more fun to play every update. Balance changes are once good another time bad. This game needs lots of min maxing same as RF build :) For sure i love to understand more about the game, unfortunately many texts are misleading. This hit and miss when testing is also fun for sure.
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i started to hate this build and skill, its so idiot that you cant turn it off if the fight becomes to heavy. really. im angry.
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" Of course you can just use a potion with "Immunity to Ignite during Flask effect Removes Burning on use". |
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RF totem damage nerfed by about ~40% assuming you are replacing minion totem ele resist gem with burning damage gem now, and considering rapid decay damage slightly buffed. Then a small increase in damage from increased efficiency of burning damage nodes.
approximate math: 45% less life 20% less damage overall 19% less damage from swap minion totem ele resist 54% more damage from burning damage gem 3.5% more damage from rapid decay ~ 5.5% more damage (25% increased damage from holy fire, my more defensive oriented tree and gear has about 320% increased damage and on average will have 1-2 curses on me at a time for boss fights, bringing total on average about 350% increased damage. With more quality gem it will be even less marginal damage) 0.55*0.8*0.81*1.54*1.055*1.035= 0.599. 40% less damage is pretty insane considering unlike other totem builds you can't place two totems to double the damage output nevermind three to TRIPLE the damage. RF totem already one of the slowest builds out there, can we at least decrease cast time to like 0.2 seconds... totem placement speed is already a big delay. Additional totems can only larger aoe coverage or auxiliary totem such as decoy, elemental equilibrium, scorching ray debuff... things already possibly with traps/self cast. 40% less damage is taking 70% longer to kill anything with a damage over time that is already delayed to start. Pretty much the only redeeming factors is that the damage was OK (on the game where damage differences easily go from 10k-10m+, rf totems did realistically did 100-500k at most if you forgo defensive curses, double curse, etc. and only facing non-boss monsters, maybe more if used unreliable vaal lightning trap) and you get really fucking tanky totems. Example: Shipyard boss fights still always took me like over an entire minute (that's a map clear for some players!) because conc effect really isn't even an option on bosses that have AI to move around and have any resists. Hasted monsters that aren't taunted by decoy + rf totem combo can instantly run out of the range of the totem and your dps loss is worse than namelock melee vs things moving backwards. Life, energy shield or hybrid versions already relies on defensively pretty weak pieces of gear with little to no defences or life. Best case scenario you had a 7link and you only lose ~30% damage from the change of Increased burning damage -> more. I think it was uncalled for to reduce totem life by 45%. 25% sounds ok, even 30% is still good. but 45% is way too high. Every percent lower is more and more marginally after all. I liked the considering for tukohama, war's herald though and the reflect totem builds out there :). |
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The missing progressive curve still bugs me.
You can get the gem at lvl 16, but in order to comfortably run it, you need to be at least lvl 60+ and have a ton of specific uniques. Those requirements are huge and completely unnecessary. Here's the gem now: (20-40)% more Spell Damage (+1% more dmg per lvl) Enemies Burn for 40% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 90% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage Enemies Burn for 40% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 70% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage You could simply tune down the dmg buff and relative self harm cost like: Gem level 1: (10)%more Spell Damage Enemies Burn for 10% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 2% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage - not that hard to get 2% life reg Enemies Burn for 10% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 2% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage - Ignore the numbers, the point being: low enough to be sustainable at very low clvl, while still doing some dmg, and giving you a small spell dmg buff. From this point on every gem lvl up, you do more harm to enemies and yourself, the curve is progressive and you will feel it slowly, so that you can stop when you notice your regen won't keep up, and level up the gem later once you hit the more powerful regen requirements. - Gem level 20: back to full values as we have it currently. (50)% more Spell Damage (+10% to max dmg, used to be 40%, 2% per lvl) Enemies Burn for 40% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 90% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage Enemies Burn for 40% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage You Burn for 70% of your maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage "Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
-Bex |
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