Righteous Fire
you don't understand either. if somehow RF worked for CI players, it would only be the 70% es/sec fire damage portion of the self damage. for most other people, RF would only be the 90% hp/sec fire damage part of the self damage. low life people have additional setup further than a plain HP user, so thats fine they went head over heels to guarantee thier maintainability and even more damage via low life effects.
the problem lies with the numbers, 70% is far easier to deal with and withOUT all those low life or unique item effects than the 90% or both numbers. if RF was possible for a CI user... people would abuse the new defense of chaos immunity and facetank just as much as a pure HP melee build, if not more due to the bonuses RF provides. edit: what is the confusion here at this point? Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on May 13, 2014, 2:01:43 PM
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Oh man, you are like "CI would take less dmg because you have 1 life"... well CI users have 36% more ES just because of ES nodes behind CI... and I guess that RF does 70% from ES because ES is usually much higher than pure health pool.
CI users on average has highest ES therefore they would take much more dmg from that 70% than any other RF builds do atm. As you said, RF users have to take life regen nodes and they can't pick most ES nodes as Ci users do... In the end, it is possible that CI users would take more dmg from RF than classic RF build do at these days. |
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No, because of zealiots oath converts life regen to es regen AND self damage is a constant percent unless taking increased buff nodes. Same math as normal, only 70% is the important value instead of 90% or both.
Yes es can be higher and yes that is the original reason the es damage is 70% while the hp is 90% (was100%). But it stops (or not work at) 1 hp so CI doesnt work. IF it did, itll make things too easy as ive been trying to say, raw nunbers doesnt matter, only persents. |
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Oh god, you are like blah blah it would be OP for CI users becauae it would be way easier for them to deal with dmg only from 70% from ES instead both HP and ES.
Please tell me, how would life regen nodes based on % from max hp would help CI user since his max hp is 1? But yeeeah, such nodes are rly OP for CI users... Last edited by Diphal#5777 on May 14, 2014, 6:53:48 AM
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" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69777/page/4#p864682 Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii |
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Oook, I guess I lost then :)
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I think RF should get 2% Less burning damage per skill level. This makes a low level RF working as is, and high level RF as a caster buff.
This way a lv20 gem would reduce the burn damage you do by 40% and the amount of burn on you by 40% as well. A lv28 RF would reduce the burn on you by 54%. It would not affect the burn damage that your skills do. This way the skill would gain a lot towards being a caster skill. Also: It's considerable to split the more spell damage to two parts: RF gives 40% more spell damage, plus 0.7% more spell damage to spells cast by the character. Promoting self casting. |
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If I'm reading the new article about snapshotting on the news, it means that double bright beak low life would not work, correct?
I just want to make sure because even tho the phrase looks really clear, english isnt my native tongue. thanks edit: If that is the case, do you guys plan to rebalance RF to make it stronger? Last edited by Kaffoo#7120 on Jun 22, 2014, 1:29:14 AM
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" Guess ure meaning double Redbeak low life. Anyways, snapshotting with them wont work, but they will still buff your RF dmg if u manage to sustain RF without Rise of the Phoenix. " Probably they wont do a thing to RF because it is still strong skill and doesnt need any balancing, even if you cant "cheat". Last edited by Nahkalaukku#5776 on Jun 23, 2014, 12:21:01 PM
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Dear GGG i need your help to udnerstand this ability! and guys pls correct me if i'm wrong.
so i made an Energy Shield based RF build tooltip say: YOU BURN FOR 90% OF YOUR MAXIMUM LIFE PER SECOND AS FIRE DAMAGE YOU BURN FOR 70% OF YOUR MAXIMUM ENERGY SHIELD PER SECOND AS FIRE DAMAGE Wait, no...this is NOT correct...let's do the math! DMG TAKEN FORMULA according to http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331/page/1: Life regeneration = a Fire resistance = b Increased buff effect = c RF life damage in % = ((90 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) - a RF ES damage in % = ((70 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) - a this mean: ((70 * (1+0/100)) * (1-(80/100))) - 7 = RESULT -6.86 So my ES should regen instead of degen, and A LOT! so i go to my little character, cast RF and booom, i degen instead of regen. so i go to my other chat (lvl 92 full lvl 20 gems alphas howl,kaom's, 95Kdps) i remove 2 points from hp and spend them in Zealot's Oath. Cast RF again and BOOM i degen instead of regen (with this char i'm farming atziry) SO i get back to my other char for ES RF build i was planning, equip araku tiki (1% life regen while on low life) cast again RF, cast Ruby potion and i notice that if i hit 90% fire res i regen hp but when i go below and hit 80% my ES start degen again. what does this mean? this mean that i need 8% passive regen and 90% fire res to be able to sustain RF...but wait the tooltip says it burns my Es for 70% of my ES per second, so i shouldn't need 90% fire res and 8 % passive regen (life a normal RF HP based) Explaine this to me dear GGG, cause the math this time is wrong! so there is maybe something i don't get! |
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