Righteous Fire

Righteous Fire Burns based on a % of your max life.

So does the Fire Damage change if your Maximum Life changes?

example I cast righteous fire with infernal mantles +30% fire damage, and then after casting RF I put on a legacy Kaom's armour with +1000 life.

My max life just increased, does my RF damage increase as well or does my RF damage stay
the same, based off of my max life when RF was cast?

IGN: _Johnny_Blaze_
Mark_GGG wrote:
RF does not require any specific items to be used. It's very hard to maintain indefinitely without such items, but that's not the main point of the skill anyway.

RF explicitly cannot kill you, it ends when you have 1 life, before the point you'd die. Use as a short-duration, powerful spell damage buff only requires that your regen/resists conspire to let you deal enough damage to kill the immediately threatening monsters before it reaches that point, and then you can regain life with flasks before the next pack. That's a risk for the player to calculate on a case-by-case basis, using knowledge, experience and skill to determine when to use it.

If this is the case, I feel like it should be easier to turn off, rather than needing to rely on a specific flask mod :(

Is there a reason recasting it doesn't turn it off?

This is honestly my favourite skill, just to get your character to be able to run the skill alone takes so much time on spreadsheets! I just feel like it could be improved upon because to run it indefinitely there is often only one right answer in many cases.

I know it wasn't the intended usage of the skill, but I'd be surprised to see people actually using it as a short term burst of spell damage over running it indefinitely. At the very least people who run it indefinitely are definitely the large majority.
Last edited by Hrishi#0000 on Jan 29, 2014, 5:08:31 AM
SeriousBeatdown wrote:
Righteous Fire Burns based on a % of your max life.

So does the Fire Damage change if your Maximum Life changes?

example I cast righteous fire with infernal mantles +30% fire damage, and then after casting RF I put on a legacy Kaom's armour with +1000 life.

My max life just increased, does my RF damage increase as well or does my RF damage stay
the same, based off of my max life when RF was cast?

IGN: _Johnny_Blaze_
Hrishi wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
RF does not require any specific items to be used. It's very hard to maintain indefinitely without such items, but that's not the main point of the skill anyway.

RF explicitly cannot kill you, it ends when you have 1 life, before the point you'd die. Use as a short-duration, powerful spell damage buff only requires that your regen/resists conspire to let you deal enough damage to kill the immediately threatening monsters before it reaches that point, and then you can regain life with flasks before the next pack. That's a risk for the player to calculate on a case-by-case basis, using knowledge, experience and skill to determine when to use it.

If this is the case, I feel like it should be easier to turn off, rather than needing to rely on a specific flask mod :(

Is there a reason recasting it doesn't turn it off?

This is honestly my favourite skill, just to get your character to be able to run the skill alone takes so much time on spreadsheets! I just feel like it could be improved upon because to run it indefinitely there is often only one right answer in many cases.

I know it wasn't the intended usage of the skill, but I'd be surprised to see people actually using it as a short term burst of spell damage over running it indefinitely. At the very least people who run it indefinitely are definitely the large majority.

This was something that irked me as well. I don't recall ever coming across anyone who uses this skill as a quick burst of spell damage. I'm not saying there's no one at all, but it is definitely uncommon.

I feel the reason for that is because the drain is so intensive unless you're built partially to run it full time coupled with the fact you can't turn it off by using the skill again.
Last edited by WShinikaru#1079 on Jan 29, 2014, 2:18:58 PM
[Please Remove, accidental post]
Last edited by WShinikaru#1079 on Jan 29, 2014, 2:18:37 PM
SeriousBeatdown wrote:
Righteous Fire Burns based on a % of your max life.

So does the Fire Damage change if your Maximum Life changes?

example I cast righteous fire with infernal mantles +30% fire damage, and then after casting RF I put on a legacy Kaom's armour with +1000 life.

My max life just increased, does my RF damage increase as well or does my RF damage stay
the same, based off of my max life when RF was cast?

can someone please chime in on this?
IGN: _Johnny_Blaze_
seriously... can I get an answer.

can one of the dev's chime in on this.

does RF damagae change when/if your max life changes or is it based
off the %max life at the time it is cast?
IGN: _Johnny_Blaze_
Hello :)
Does Item Quantity/Item Rarity/Culling Strike work on Righteous Fire?
Assuming culling strike is at level 20 and it works on RF,
1) Does increase the damage by 22%?
2) Would the mobs be culled when they reach 10%?

Thank you
fuzzybearz wrote:
Hello :)
Does Item Quantity/Item Rarity/Culling Strike work on Righteous Fire?
Assuming culling strike is at level 20 and it works on RF,
1) Does increase the damage by 22%?
2) Would the mobs be culled when they reach 10%?

Thank you
yes they do.
no, it (righteous fire) isn't hitting anything.
soul4hdwn wrote:
fuzzybearz wrote:
Hello :)
Does Item Quantity/Item Rarity/Culling Strike work on Righteous Fire?
Assuming culling strike is at level 20 and it works on RF,
1) Does increase the damage by 22%?
2) Would the mobs be culled when they reach 10%?

Thank you
yes they do.
no, it (righteous fire) isn't hitting anything.

Thanks for the info!
There was an experiment at v1.04 which shows that culling strike additional damage did not seem to work with righteous fire. Can I confirm that culling strike increases the damage of righteous fire?
Last edited by fuzzybearz#1402 on Feb 1, 2014, 3:03:55 AM

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