Righteous Fire

Damon_Tor wrote:
I'm having a great time with my Righteous Fire+Spell Totem Build. I just discovered that RF is an excellent candidate for Elemental Equilibrium: RF doesn't trigger the debuff effect, so all you need is a minor source of some other damage type and you've got a free +50% more damage. I use Lightning Trap+Chain because I also have Ancestral Bond... and if you're grouping with guys who aren't dealing fire damage, just refrain from using that power: RF won't trigger EE, so you won't be messing with the rest of your teams' damage like most other EE builds do.

It's a very powerful build, probably the strongest I've played, and it doesn't even require great gear. A Searing Touch is enough to get you started, then whatever HP+ES gear you happen upon. My guy is level 64 and I can't find groups my level who can keep up with me.

I use EE + dual curse Ele weakness + Vulnerability.
everything melts. :D
75% base fire resistance
8% from Rise of the Phoenix
2% from Elemental Adaptation
4% from Purity of Fire lv20
1% from 28% increased Aura Effect cluster near the Templar
90% total

90%*(1-0.90)= 9% life degen/second.

2.112% Vitality (lv20 + Aura Effect)
2.2% Scion
3.3% Duelist
1% Templar
1.9% Marauder
10.512% total

In the end you will have 1.512% life regen to deal with the 70% ES part of RF (Rise of the Phoenix has 81~90 ES and in case someone with Discipline comes near you).

If you use the Inner Force cluster you will increase the degen too much for it to be sustainable this way, since it would increase the degen by 21%.
Inner Force increases the damage cause the degen is part of the RF buff, like the mana degen is part of Arctic Armour.
Inner Force won't rise the damage against monsters as it's increased Effect of Buffs on you.
Thyx wrote:
75% base fire resistance
8% from Rise of the Phoenix
2% from Elemental Adaptation
4% from Purity of Fire lv20
1% from 28% increased Aura Effect cluster near the Templar
90% total

90%*(1-0.90)= 9% life degen/second.

2.112% Vitality (lv20 + Aura Effect)
2.2% Scion
3.3% Duelist
1% Templar
1.9% Marauder
10.512% total

In the end you will have 1.512% life regen to deal with the 70% ES part of RF (Rise of the Phoenix has 81~90 ES and in case someone with Discipline comes near you).

If you use the Inner Force cluster you will increase the degen too much for it to be sustainable this way, since it would increase the degen by 21%.
Inner Force increases the damage cause the degen is part of the RF buff, like the mana degen is part of Arctic Armour.
Inner Force won't rise the damage against monsters as it's increased Effect of Buffs on you.

since you went on the trouble to go from templar to duelist you can pick up another 1.4% regeneration via 7 endurance charges.

add in rejuv totem and/or life leech on your main skill and you are golden.

in my (still in progress left at lvl 65 atm) block/rf scion i also picked up EB thus nullifing the problem with the ES, and although my regen is still lower than needed to maintain RF without mobs around me to leech from, i also use cassock robe for an additional near permanent 5% regen (due to 75% block and 47%spell block and i am almost guaranted to proc concecrated ground the moment mobs look at me).

if you really want to overkill regen you can also equip the boots that give 1%regen /frenzy charge for an additional 3%
shroudb wrote:
Thyx wrote:
75% base fire resistance
8% from Rise of the Phoenix
2% from Elemental Adaptation
4% from Purity of Fire lv20
1% from 28% increased Aura Effect cluster near the Templar
90% total

90%*(1-0.90)= 9% life degen/second.

2.112% Vitality (lv20 + Aura Effect)
2.2% Scion
3.3% Duelist
1% Templar
1.9% Marauder
10.512% total

In the end you will have 1.512% life regen to deal with the 70% ES part of RF (Rise of the Phoenix has 81~90 ES and in case someone with Discipline comes near you).

If you use the Inner Force cluster you will increase the degen too much for it to be sustainable this way, since it would increase the degen by 21%.
Inner Force increases the damage cause the degen is part of the RF buff, like the mana degen is part of Arctic Armour.
Inner Force won't rise the damage against monsters as it's increased Effect of Buffs on you.

since you went on the trouble to go from templar to duelist you can pick up another 1.4% regeneration via 7 endurance charges.

add in rejuv totem and/or life leech on your main skill and you are golden.

in my (still in progress left at lvl 65 atm) block/rf scion i also picked up EB thus nullifing the problem with the ES, and although my regen is still lower than needed to maintain RF without mobs around me to leech from, i also use cassock robe for an additional near permanent 5% regen (due to 75% block and 47%spell block and i am almost guaranted to proc concecrated ground the moment mobs look at me).

if you really want to overkill regen you can also equip the boots that give 1%regen /frenzy charge for an additional 3%

i prefered to keep my ES cause when I dom blow disc' mobs my dps doubles :D
Why is this skill so hated? It doesn't even up the spell damage that much I could see 120% spell damage or something insane like that. Sustaining it should be an end game goal both ES and Life based character. PS not using Inner Force. All I am suggesting is that something, anything reduce the damage of the burn on your character along with fire resists.
IncogHS102 wrote:
Why is this skill so hated? It doesn't even up the spell damage that much I could see 120% spell damage or something insane like that. Sustaining it should be an end game goal both ES and Life based character. PS not using Inner Force. All I am suggesting is that something, anything reduce the damage of the burn on your character along with fire resists.
its a "more" meaning its an extra math step of its own.
Important change in 1.0.2b:

The Righteous Fire aura is now correctly tagged as area damage.
Roma timezone (Italy)
HellGauss wrote:
Important change in 1.0.2b:

The Righteous Fire aura is now correctly tagged as area damage.

Finally Conc. Effect will work as intended :D
Last edited by ShinoRagnar#2746 on Dec 3, 2013, 7:08:50 AM
Thyx wrote:

2.2% Scion
3.3% Duelist
1% Templar
1.9% Marauder
10.512% tota

Is this a joke? Have you even ran this in the tree? How many points did you just use solely to gain regen...
Illsonmedia wrote:
Thyx wrote:
[all the regen]

Is this a joke? Have you even ran this in the tree? How many points did you just use solely to gain regen...

53 skillpoints, and it's a far cry from solely regen. Crit Damage reduction, some Armour, a decent heap of %Life (over 100%), and great access to Endurance Charges, Elemental Adaptation, bunch more Life, AoE nodes at the Templar, bunch of Resists (Mara, Duelist, Scion)... It's really not that hard to get all the useful Regen nodes.

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