Righteous Fire
Is it worth levelling this gem when only used for aura damage? Does it benefit from it's own 'x% more spell damage' bonus?
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auras don't deal damage on thier own. the only two spells that benefit from damage boost area (hatred, which is cold damage) are bear trap and ether knieves, and i'm not sure about bear trap anymore.
the other two auras that add damage (anger and wrath), would require the respective element or weapon elemental. |
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" I think he's referring to Righteous Fire's damage, which functions similar to an Aura. It too does not benefit from Spell Damage though. If it did, the self-Burn would be out of control, especially at high gem levels. :P |
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hey guys,
"more spell damage" does that multiplicativly add increased spell damage only? would i not benefit as much as increased spell damage as i would from increased lightning damage and increased elemental damage? |
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'More' is applied after 'Increased'. All 'Increased' modifiers are added together and are applied as one modifier. 'More' modifiers are all separately applied.
100 base Lightning Spell damage, 50% Increased Spell damage, 50% Lightning damage, 50% More Spell damage works out as follows: 100*(1+(0.5+0.5)) = 100 * (1+1) = 200 200 * 1.5 = 300 So you end up with 300 Lightning damage. If you had 100% Spell damage and 0% Lightning damage, you would also deal 300 Lightning damage. What I'm saying is: As long as both sources are 'Increased' damage, neither is strictly better than the other. They are applied at the same stage, so they effect the same base amount of damage. 'More' is applied after all of those, and is thus entirely unaffected in its effectiveness. An exception is made when you're dealing with Converted damage; the Converted damage counts as both the old and the new type, so increasing the original damage source is better than increasing only the Converted damage. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 20, 2013, 6:10:51 PM
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viper magi as always your posts are informative and insightful. you even answer questions i dont even have. now i understand why converted damage can be useful!
shall we group up soon as game goes open beta? |
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I'm not much of a team player, sorry :)
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i beg to differ!
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I attempted to use this on a lvl 58 Templar. With 80 fire resist and 1.7 K life the fire damage burns at 360 hp per second. The damage done to you is just way too much too fast.
With 2 rejuvination totems and using a health flask + vitality aura I was actually able to regenerate life but only very slowly. I even had 2.5% regen per second in passives and 30 hp regen per second on my gear. I did not try while using a RUby flask, but I will probably only gain 2 seconds which is only 2 attacks. So... You can... A: Use this skill with no regen and cast 2 spells and then run and hope an arrow doesn't hit u in the ass. Bad idea! B. Do it the way I attempted it. Run up to mob, Cast 2 rejuv totems roughly 1 screen from mob. Curse the monsters. Cast Righteous Fire. Get about 5 attacks off as mobs run to you. Use flask to stop burning. Cast your summons/ rebuff. Run to next mob. I wanted to attempt a way to keep this up at all times if I had enough life leech on my spells with enough regen but it seems to burn just wayyyyyy too fast. If I cast a spell only 1 time, 15% of my hp is already gone. Problem on the way I was using it is that it was just Way too much to get very little benefit, if any benefit at all. Too much risk as well. Usually totems would draw in the enemies or die in 1 hit then I am forced to spam all my flasks. It all happens WAY too fast even with 80 resists. I may try a ruby flask to gain 1-2 more seconds on it. I was trying this along with EE to attempt to get huge dmg boost for spells but it just wasn't working well at all. If I had it my way, I would nerf everything together to extend the duration. Ex. +15% addition spell dmg, 25% max hp burning to monsters and yourself Gives you more time and you aren't forced to use rejuvination totems with vitality aura but your still stuck with no ES. Would be ncie to find a way to keep this up. IGN: YeahCrit
My Guides Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252 Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967 |
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just 10% less burning damage from this will be perminantly maintainable with net gains with proper passives and a unique shield (or also other uniques). you had gear heavy and soso passives for half as strong/long RF.
yes this skill saddly turns players into a "put on and try your best" or a "just be a lol tank". but changing the burning part by anything less will make it far too easy to be a constant buff/damage. |
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