Righteous Fire
How to make this gem work? Got at lvl 19 and hp/es depleted in 3s while having 75% fire res. How to Decrease dmg to player?
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not angery or anything but, you didn't bother reading some of the thread? it is already answered and you did half of it already.
to lower self damage from righteous fire, increase your fire resistance. also increase your regeneration. there is a base max on res of 75%, then a passive increases max by 6%, a unique by 5%, and 4% from purity aura ( total when it is at max lv). there is 7.5% hp/sec from passives, then .2 per endurance charge via passives. then there are uniques to give regen while low life. Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Aug 12, 2012, 8:38:17 PM
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Springleaf gives +6% hp regen on low hp!!! + vitality aura + regeneration totem.
Question! Does this skill work with life leech support gem? Like you damage yourself and heal yourself at the same time. Last edited by kavinux#2534 on Aug 13, 2012, 2:18:08 AM
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no, a few people already asked that.
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So ruby flask cancels aura. This can be used to escape death and cancel aura when you dont need. Quite handy. Visibility radius is annoying when you are using this aura on low hp and trying to navigate around mobs.
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no a dousing flask mod removes the buff burning, not ruby. a ruby flask will increase your resistance and thus much less damage taken.
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As someone who is currently playing a build dedicated to righteous fire I would like to make a suggestion: Please expand the Area of Effect. I am thankful that the area of gem (from what is posted here) does work with it, but to be honest with all the other downsides trying to get this spell to hit is extremely difficult. I use enduring cry and sometimes things i can hit with my sceptre aren't effected by the fire...
I am not suggesting that it gets an area even close to the novas but something that ensures anything capable of hitting me in melee gets hit would be nice. Perhaps an area similar to molten shell? I am just starting to test RF with increased AOE support gem but the graphic definately doesn't get larger even with a quality gem (the AOE is +18%.) Is it intended that increased AOE effects Righteous fire? It takes a pretty dedicated build and lots of the low life uniques to even attempt to reasonably use this gem. After getting all the gear and planning the build it is disappointing to end up dying because i swing in melee (unintended) from clicking to try to get close enough for RF to effect a mob. If your worried about expanding it because of the templar/witch AOE passives i can understand put I have a few pre-emptive counterpoints: 1. Any dedicated build would neet to start in the marauder tree to even remotely get the life/regen to make this skill usable at anything close to level 40 or below. As such getting any of the AOE passives puts a player at close to lvl 55+ before they could get to the AOE passives and from my build (which i was trying to be as dedicated to regen/life/aoe in that order as possible) i won't see either passive till lvl 63 and I won't have both sets of passives until lvl 76. Having your primary spell have +40% radius by lvl 76 isn't overpowered or broken. 2.As there are 2 major effects to this skill the Fire AOE and the spell damage %, slightly increasing the AOE would not significantly unbalance the skill since it will only buff 1/2 of the skills intended effect. I am simply posting my thoughts. If you decide not to change RF i understand but i would appreciate a response either way. Better understanding your intended effects of this skill might help me make better use of it. Thank You |
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" wow big post, but if only you browsed a little through the older pages XD. the AoE is tiny for a reason, it's extremely lethal. if you want to see the size comparison, it takes a LOT of boost to get a noticeable effect. look at my post http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/30760/page/11#p510070 for a visual. molten shell has roughly same AoE size... as for the hard work into a build to get this skill to work, thats fine. high risk high payoff. i suggest NOT actually using rf till you can constantly maintain max fire res and already have 5%hp/sec regen not counting uniques. stick to normal melee attacks like ground slam and shield charge. i currently remade my rf character/build and i don't die in melee from cruel and onward (where i gotten above 1k hp and 5 %hp/sec. you need high hp for damage despite that your flasks and rejuv totem quickly falls behind. then when you don't rf, your regen is most of your defense (80hp/sec...yeah). i can get all the regen passives just fine and reasonably as a templar or duelist. but yes marader is the best if you want to save skill points (difference of 5 ish points between templar and marader). yes templar has closer access to AoE boosts. a 20% directly next to them, 12% in center, then 20% more right above witch. not sure what to say about that #2 comment... |
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I'm not so convinced the pay off if very high.
2.2k hp at level 49 + 300 ES 368 strength My unique staff increases its level by 2. It is leveled as high as it can go for my level. Supported with increased area of effect and iron will to give it close to +80% more spell damage, using 4 dousing flasks and a ruby flask - I can barely, and by barely, I mean ineffectually, farm Ledge monsters on Merciless. I have to burn out all of my HP in order to bring clumsy, stupid, easy skeletons down to 0 hp. It's horrible. Could people point out to me how my build should look at level 50? I'm a Marauder. Currently, this build is not working at all. I only recently tried transitioning to righteous fire after having used fireball/firestorm to level this whole time. This skill seems like it's terrible to try and use at level 50. Maybe it's viable 60+ when you can have endgame gear, but right now it's risky and worthless to level with. The area of effect is too small and the damage isn't enough. I have to fight groups of melee monsters to stand a chance and am easily destroyed if there are even a few ranged monsters in the group I'm trying to burn up. There is no benefit to using this spell over firestorm or fireball, even as a Marauder. My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
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" Since alot of people have expressed issues to how I leveled my marauder with RF from scratch... Heres the basics: Note: I primarily leveled under the old tree, but used RF exclusively. 1. Up to level sapping flasks (60% extra from mana). 1a. Manage life against flasks. 2. Life on kill passives/items. I probably had 40+, although i respecced out of them in the new tree as they are insignificant against 3500 life. 2a. Flask +life +duration passives/belt. 3. Easy areas, (caverns act 1, monkies, fellshrine), lots of small weak enemies, 4. cap resists as soon as possible. Why are you trying to farm ledge? It has archers (bad) Fire resist monsters (bad). |
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