[3.14] General's Cry Blade Flurry Build | Champion | Ultimatum | Path of Exile 3.14

Hi, what ring stats are your recommendation for the build? thank you
TruNotFals wrote:
Quick question for this build, where do you reliably get fortify from, if youre not taking the permanent fortify in champion ascendancy. The only other place i can see is when dropping the dread banner, and in play for me, the fotify last only one second. It seems fortify is important for both offense and defense in this build.

check boots, socketed gems are supported by fortify, and ofc u should have cyclone in it
How does this build do with Legion? Or is it mostly a boss killer?

Can you explain how exactly you get the calculation of 10APS. Many Thanks
My champion ll new update:
I plan to play in hc. When do you switch from slams for leveling to generals cry with cyclone, CwC, desecrate? A6? A certain ascendancy? A certain item?

For paradoxica, what are your ideal rolls?
Last edited by lod254#1203 on May 29, 2021, 4:38:34 PM
my mirrage warriors get the fully charged symbol above their heads with only like 8 aps. why is that the case?

whats the best boots enchant? does attack speed if uve killed recently work with it?

isnt crit enchant on boots bad cause uve crit recently all the time anyway?
Trying out this build was wondering how you're able to stack such high attack speed for blade fury? My paradoxia doesnt have attack speed, but have attack speed jewels and faster attacks on the chest piece. highest im getting with even 3 frenzy charges is around 6aps. (newer to league, but a little confused)
JesusIsBIack wrote:
Trying out this build was wondering how you're able to stack such high attack speed for blade fury? My paradoxia doesnt have attack speed, but have attack speed jewels and faster attacks on the chest piece. highest im getting with even 3 frenzy charges is around 6aps. (newer to league, but a little confused)

Blood rage gives att. speed, you could also buy a cheap watcher's eye with the increased attack speed while affected by precision mod.
Also, you can take the "berserking" node on the passive tree or "lust for carnage" if it is in your reach.

I see that you're lvl 87, so you need to get over 90 to use the nodes.
el Babo
What we should take instead of berserk gem?

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