What games do you guys play other than POE?

BLack Deseerty Online Tab with POE
I also played some EVE, and if I had played a little more, I could have gotten it for free. I would rather pay for a few months because the game is fantastic and CCP deserved it.

If you don't want to pay even for one month, there are tutorials available to help you reach the first PLEX within the three free weeks you get if someone gives you an invite-code.
Metal: Hellsinger just released and it's been a blast to play. Highly recommended.
Streaming Path of Exile on Twitch: Twitch.tv/ActionRPGs

“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” ―Oscar Wilde

In Memoriam – John C. Hemphill, Sr. (November 21, 1951 – October 10, 2024)
Really like my Absolution guardian in Poe, so i made a crusader in diablo 3 that plays like him. Crusader minion, who would of thought.

Tomorrow Prodeus will go 1.0 after 2 years or so in early access
i am a proud backer of the project

I'm trying the new Terraria update 1.4.4 with lots of reworked/buffed weapons,some QoL features and the new difficult Zenith (getfixedboi) seed which combines all past seeds into one.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Oct 20, 2022, 5:36:12 AM
Fortnite :/
I have never felt further from what I know and love
I play Dying Light 2, I prefer this one than the first one.

Mini Militia App Lock
Last edited by burbigo3#5775 on Dec 28, 2022, 7:42:38 AM
Wh40k Inquisitor Martyr 2.0 is a whole different beast to what was released. I double dipped for console because I liked the basic world and the way Neocore interpretted it as an ARPG and frankly there arent many good ARPGs on console. Totally happy I did: the vibration on this game is so intense with the gunfire it reminds me of how my hands used to feel after playing Operation Wolf at the arcade.

Anyway its a great arpg now with plenty to do, good crafting, absolutely awesome enemy models (I mean they have decades' worth of miniatures to use), and surprisingly good melee. Most importantly it feels made for single player -- inquisitors typically work alone so while coop is a possibility it is clearly something the devs put in because ARPGs have multiplayer options...eventually.

The only downside and I know this is a deal breaker for some of you is it is always online despite being largely solo and buy to play. Neocore have a history of ahutting down servers without giving players an offline version...so that is a shadow hanging over an otherwise very playable arpg. I suspect by the time it happens I will have more than gotten my money's worth but no one likes to BUY a game only to know someday they won't be able to play it at all.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin continues to be the most complex action game no one is playing. I am in awe of how deep the character customisation is in what is essentially a C-tier Squeenix/Team Ninja experiment. Wo Long will be a return to form for Team Ninja and of course Squeenix have their core hits but I am delighted that batshit crazy ideas like Nioh x FF can still happen on occasion. Those few who play SOPFFO really...really play it. Hilariously hardcore subreddit with like maybe a hundred regular posters breaking the game in really inventive ways. I love that shit. Intensely.

Oh and I picked up Mount and Blade 2 on ps5 as well. I loved the first and so far the second is even better buuut I honestly need to set aside all other things to really get into it and the fact that I am posting to a generic games thread on an off topic forum for a game I pretty much loathe is proof I kinda suck at that!

PS my ps5 just started downloading Tactics Ogre Reborn. This was hands down one of my favourite games for both SNES and PSP. Tactics Ogre > FFT and yes I will fite u irl over this!
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Nov 8, 2022, 4:54:42 PM
Foreverhappychan wrote:
Tactics Ogre > FFT and yes I will fite u irl over this!

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- Abraham Lincoln

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